Ok guys, seriously does my mattress suck??

Excuse me, I got distracted . . had a delivery from Summit . . . my Mopar Performance aluminum valve covers came in for my 383!! What pain??? lol

Looks like the memory foam mattresses are choice of the wounded. We had a 4" memory "pad" on ours for 4-5 months, wife liked it more than the regular mattress by itself. It was warmer in the winter but in the summer too. Hard to roll over on. Can I compare this to the real thing, the all memory foam mattress? Rog
I didn't like the foam and got a Stearns and Foster firm California King....
Shop around, lay on a bunch of them and find something you like.
The investment is WELL worth it... I am tall, fat and old, but my back feels great...
I didn't like the foam and got a Stearns and Foster firm California King....
Shop around, lay on a bunch of them and find something you like.
The investment is WELL worth it... I am tall, fat and old, but my back feels great...
lol . . . I will!
One word "OXYCONTIN"

I'm just kidding but I will tell you this.

I have a friend that has back surgery. He worked for BellSouth for years and finally retired. He is around 70 now.
His doctor has him on Lortab right now. He was at the point of just constant pain and sat around all day. His doc moved the dosage up and he is getting around pretty good now. He goes fishing now and already talking about deer season. We have discussed the issue of him becoming addicted to pain killers and he plainly said "That he would rather be a addict and have a life than not being a addict with no life." I have never seen him pill drunk and if he was you couldn't tell. I have been to the hospital a couple of times to visit him after surgery and can tell you the pills made a difference in his life. It is amazing how "pain" can control someones life. His wife and the doctor keep a close eye on his pills and so far he hasn't went over board with it.

My wife has back problems from years back. We got a tempurpedic and its a night and day difference for her. She doesn't toss and turn and "flareups" have been greatly reduced or eliminated. She has more energy during the day also.

I love it too. The only bad thing was I used to be able to sleep anywhere, now whenever I'm at a hotel or whatever, I can't sleep as well as on my mattresss at home!

There are many different kinds. I haven't noticed a temperature difference.

It was ridiculously expensive, but worth every penny.

Excuse me, I got distracted . . had a delivery from Summit . . . my Mopar Performance aluminum valve covers came in for my 383!! What pain??? lol

Looks like the memory foam mattresses are choice of the wounded. We had a 4" memory "pad" on ours for 4-5 months, wife liked it more than the regular mattress by itself. It was warmer in the winter but in the summer too. Hard to roll over on. Can I compare this to the real thing, the all memory foam mattress? Rog

Congrats on your new delivery!

I bought the Tempur pedic mattress that Leanna and the others have mentioned back in 2004. It takes me 1 to 5 minutes to fall asleep on it. I used to have sore muscles and stiff back from too much basketball. Not any more! It is true that it is a warmer bed. Less topcoat in the winter and sometimes only a sheet in the summer (Southern California). It will spoil you.
As far as the 3-4 inch foam pad is concerned as comparison. It doesn't. After I bought my bed, I bought the foam topping for my daughters. They reported that it is an improvement over their spring mattresses but it didn't match the comfort and "aaahhh" factor of the real thing.

You are on the right track with losing weight. Please continue.
The chiropractor will help more with alignment and decompression of nerves and disks.

As far as working on cars and your back, you may want to try some of the following.

I have been taking glucosamine and chontroitin "joint medicine" for over 6 years now. It has helped my joints tremendously. It takes about 3 weeks of regular use to feel a difference. After the initial period of 2 tablets a day, I have been only taking one in the morning and it does the trick the whole day. I can tell a difference when I stop taking them for a week or so. I experimented in doing that because I wanted to make sure that it was helping me.

Per a doctor's recommendation, I take 2 ibuprofen tablets (Advil over the counter) 30 minutes before I start wrenching on the car. It helps to prevent swelling in the joints. I usually feel it wear off after about 3-4 hours and if I want to do more work then I take two to three more.

I also take stretching breaks while working on the project cars.

I am 55 years old and continue to play competitive basketball in a league with younger and taller players by using the ibuprofen and joint medicine. Six years ago I really considered stopping the basketball because of the joint swelling, pain, and stiffness. The tempur pedic mattress helps me to get up in the morning without stiff joints after the previous night's game.

I hope my info helps you.

Me and the wife bought a "SLEEP NUMBER" bed back in 98 or so, and it was the best investment we have ever made! My back hurt so bad, that I couldn't stand up in the morning. It was not good.

Two weeks after sleeping on the "SLEEP NUMBER" bed, no more back pain!

Did I say.................. Best investment we ever bought!!!
Over the counter med' Ostio Biflex works.
I've got a history of bleeding ulcers so I can't have loritab, motrin, celerex, or any other good med for back pain.
Be fore warned though, If you get on a med like Ostio you wont be able to stop taking it.
I tried to drop the Ostio and GNC Megaman vitamins. 2 weeks later I was miserable.
what I sleep on doesn't make a difference. Memory foam, sofa, floor, same back pain.
The memory foam hasn't helped my memory either. LOL
Good luck
Me and the wife bought a "SLEEP NUMBER" bed back in 98 or so, and it was the best investment we have ever made! My back hurt so bad, that I couldn't stand up in the morning. It was not good.

Two weeks after sleeping on the "SLEEP NUMBER" bed, no more back pain!

Did I say.................. Best investment we ever bought!!!
Thanks, I will be checking those out too.
Me and the wife bought a "SLEEP NUMBER" bed back in 98 or so, and it was the best investment we have ever made! My back hurt so bad, that I couldn't stand up in the morning. It was not good.

Two weeks after sleeping on the "SLEEP NUMBER" bed, no more back pain!

Did I say.................. Best investment we ever bought!!!

We briefly considered the Sleep Number before getting the TempurPedic. Maybe you can shed some light on a somewhat delicate question we had that the manufacturer wouldn't answer. Is that really a divider down the middle???
We briefly considered the Sleep Number before getting the TempurPedic. Maybe you can shed some light on a somewhat delicate question we had that the manufacturer wouldn't answer. Is that really a divider down the middle???

After a friend got one, I asked him what his number was, he said he didn't know...unless you pay extra you only get one controller and his wife keeps it on her side lol.

I need a new bed too but I'm a hot sleeper so I'm leery of the Tempur Pedic...
From someone who has had (has) multiple spinal injiries (C3, 4,5, and 6, T1-2, L4,5 and 6) ..I used to do the chiro thing..moved to an Osteopath and it made a world of difference...these guys are way beyond "Adjustments".

And yup..it sounds like you existing matterss is getting old..just bought new ones for all family members. We went out and trrid a bunch and ended up buying different ones ..lots out there and prices are good.

Good luck.

I think its only an New England franchise but Bobs Discount Furniture has some great deals. I just bought a new mattress yesterday. The are pretty much temperpedic for half the price.

next week. I may take a week off just to sleep in it.
This little invention has worked wonders for friends of mine with back issues.. Its called the Chi Machine... Always look for the original Chi Machine when you do..

Here is a video of late showing it...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJSmDDnLmC0"]The Doctors. KCAL-TV9 Chi Machine TV Show - YouTube[/ame]
gotta be careful with exercise and back problems. your better off talking with a professional about it.. some things can actually make it worse.
Best advice you will ever get. Suffer from lumbar spinal stenosis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumbar_spinal_stenosis caused by herniated disc/degenerative disc disease. Seen a doc that specialized in rehab, he is not a therapist but a psyatrist (?) and he told me to be extremely careful in regards to exercise. No jarring movements, so running is out. No incline walking, causes pain like you would not believe. He did not rule out weight trianing, but strongly cautioned against it due to the high possibility of poor form causing even more back troubles. I do 2 sessions a day on my elipitical and also a treadmill, 25 minutes on each in the morning and again at night. I have lost over 50 pounds so far this year.
One word "OXYCONTIN"

I'm just kidding but I will tell you this.

I have a friend that has back surgery. He worked for BellSouth for years and finally retired. He is around 70 now.
His doctor has him on Lortab right now. He was at the point of just constant pain and sat around all day. His doc moved the dosage up and he is getting around pretty good now. He goes fishing now and already talking about deer season. We have discussed the issue of him becoming addicted to pain killers and he plainly said "That he would rather be a addict and have a life than not being a addict with no life." I have never seen him pill drunk and if he was you couldn't tell. I have been to the hospital a couple of times to visit him after surgery and can tell you the pills made a difference in his life. It is amazing how "pain" can control someones life. His wife and the doctor keep a close eye on his pills and so far he hasn't went over board with it.
OXY, aka Hillbilly ******. My pain killer of choice. I take about 60mg a day of it, a mix between immediate reease and extended. Works great at pain relief and also at putting a concrete plug up your arse. If you chose to use it, I would STRONGLY suggest talking to your doc about something for the concrete plug you will be growing in your arse. Upside to it is it contians no tylenol, so chances of it making your liver fall out are lower. I was taking vicodin, but at the dose I was on the amount of tylenol I was getting was over 2x what you are supposed to take. For me the amount I can take is a very fine line. 60 mg a day is about it, while I still have a great amount of pain, I can at least function. Up around 80 mg a day the sleepiness settles in around 2 in the afternoon, so be careful as you up the dose in an attempt at finding what works for you. I take the extended release ones as a maintenance dose and the immediate release to deal with the breakthru pain. Seems to be working well for me. I wish you luck....
I definetely agree with this. A good bed and losing weight make a big difference. I dropped 20 pounds and it has helped alot.

Also strengthing you back by doing crunches or situps is highly recommended. You don't have to do alot of the, just do some every day. Walking is also recomended. I will be doing these exercises soon as my neurosurgoen says I have recovered enough from my surgery to do so.

Yep that spare tire around the middle will kill your back. I have put on a few pounds over summer and my back is hurtin all the time.
We briefly considered the Sleep Number before getting the TempurPedic. Maybe you can shed some light on a somewhat delicate question we had that the manufacturer wouldn't answer. Is that really a divider down the middle???

It's a divider, a cushion, but you don't even know it's there.
After a friend got one, I asked him what his number was, he said he didn't know...unless you pay extra you only get one controller and his wife keeps it on her side lol.

I need a new bed too but I'm a hot sleeper so I'm leery of the Tempur Pedic...

We got two controllers, and it wasn't an extra cost.
Me and the wife bought a "SLEEP NUMBER" bed back in 98 or so, and it was the best investment we have ever made! My back hurt so bad, that I couldn't stand up in the morning. It was not good.

Two weeks after sleeping on the "SLEEP NUMBER" bed, no more back pain!

Did I say.................. Best investment we ever bought!!!

Ditto! We bought a Select Comfort (Sleep Number) king-size mattress in 1996 and it is still going strong. That is 15 years on the same mattress with no deterioration! You can adjust both sides with different support levels. They also offer mattress pads of varying thickness. Steel coil mattresses begin to soften with the first use and worsen over time.

By the way, in my opinion, ditch the chiropractor. Everyone I have known that went to one came away with the same diagnosis - "spine is out of alignment." Imagine that. Getting regular chiropractic "adjustments" guarantees a patient for life.
Best advice you will ever get. Suffer from lumbar spinal stenosis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumbar_spinal_stenosis caused by herniated disc/degenerative disc disease. Seen a doc that specialized in rehab, he is not a therapist but a psyatrist (?) and he told me to be extremely careful in regards to exercise. No jarring movements, so running is out. No incline walking, causes pain like you would not believe. He did not rule out weight trianing, but strongly cautioned against it due to the high possibility of poor form causing even more back troubles. I do 2 sessions a day on my elipitical and also a treadmill, 25 minutes on each in the morning and again at night. I have lost over 50 pounds so far this year.
OXY, aka Hillbilly ******. My pain killer of choice. I take about 60mg a day of it, a mix between immediate reease and extended. Works great at pain relief and also at putting a concrete plug up your arse. If you chose to use it, I would STRONGLY suggest talking to your doc about something for the concrete plug you will be growing in your arse. Upside to it is it contians no tylenol, so chances of it making your liver fall out are lower. I was taking vicodin, but at the dose I was on the amount of tylenol I was getting was over 2x what you are supposed to take. For me the amount I can take is a very fine line. 60 mg a day is about it, while I still have a great amount of pain, I can at least function. Up around 80 mg a day the sleepiness settles in around 2 in the afternoon, so be careful as you up the dose in an attempt at finding what works for you. I take the extended release ones as a maintenance dose and the immediate release to deal with the breakthru pain. Seems to be working well for me. I wish you luck....

I definitely agree that you should see a physiatrist, a specialist in the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation discipline. They are specially schooled in neuromuscular disorders and the mechanical workings of bones, joints, tendons, and muscles.
Thanks for all your replies . . . . I thought it would help me narrow it down but you all gave me lots of info and direction. :D It'll take a little time to decide or a good sale to get me goin!! lol Thanks again! :cheers: