Old fiberglass work?,beware..



Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2012
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Back a while son and I were ripping a make shift spoiler off my car the previous owner thought was a good idea...what a nasty surprise we found..Guess they are/were termites eating the cardboard he used to form the spoiler. I really have no clue.


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wow...never seen anything like that before...

oh and :vom:

btw, what's left of the spoiler didn't look that bad really.
Damn that is nasty!! Think your better off removing the whole lid and throwing it in the trash. Find yourself a new one.
They might have been ants, I really am not sure what they were. Some of them had wings and kinda a pointed nose to them. Was nasty regardless.

The spoiler didn't look too bad just not straight and was cracking up some, once removed you could see rust was starting to take hold. That with all the critters I am glad I took it off. Funny thing was I would always see them crawling all over the car with no real idea why... now I know they loved MOPARS also :)
i bet thats alot of ant sh*t and carcasus its prolly wont look so bad after a cleaning and a sand down more pics when u do * thats crazy
Is the metal destroyed like it looks? I think I would start with a clean slate on this one also.

They drilled a crap load of holes then used pop rivets and possibly a bfh for something because it is dented up pretty bad but I welded all the pop rivet holes in and will try and straighten it out, if I can't then yeah, new one.

The car must have been an older resto or I am going to find a ton of rust once I get into the body work because it's like the whole car is bondoed every where, some areas appear to be skinned while others seem pretty thickly coated.
if they did that to the spoiler I would be worried about whats under the paint of the rest of the car
what you had is winged males and females getting ready for the mating flight. did you have any cream colored workers?
what you had is winged males and females getting ready for the mating flight. did you have any cream colored workers?

Can't say I saw any cream colored ones, but whenever I would go to the garage I never saw the winged ones crawling around, only the wingless. To be honest I near **** myself when I ripped off the first section, they crawled all up my arm and I freaked for a minute lol, not many things bother me but bugs/snakes are my breaking points. If you can imagine a 6 foot 4, 300 pound guy running around the yard yelling wth, well that was me. Not my proudest moment but we all have them.

The pictures are literally about half of how many were under the spoiler, by the time I got them off me, went and got the camera, raid and the wife a lot had fled.
That is absolutely disgusting........OMG....I'm gonna have nightmares LOL :protest:

I'd be looking real carefully at the fiberboard in the trunk for the back seat & the package tray.
I don;t mind ants- it's the damn wasps and bees that get me. Literally and figuratively...lol
That is absolutely disgusting........OMG....I'm gonna have nightmares LOL :protest:

I'd be looking real carefully at the fiberboard in the trunk for the back seat & the package tray.

Thats all gone...now I wonder if I know why lol..

if they did that to the spoiler I would be worried about whats under the paint of the rest of the car

Yeah, Its going to be a l-o-n-g project for me before the cars ready, I will strip it to bare metal so I know what I am starting with..nothing like finding rust hidden away AFTER you put all the time into it.