
Hey , I have 3 nipples if that tickles any ones fancy HAHAHAHAHAHA

ok,ok,ok.....its technically not a nipple, its where I had to have a tube put in my chest when I was born because I had the cord wrapped around me......but it looks like one LOL

What I don't get are the people that are like "yeah I have a third nipple, wanna see?"

Hell yeah I want to see! They pull up their shirt and the 3rd nip is just a big creep mole. It's a big let down when you say you have a 3rd nipple and I am expecting something like the dude from Total Recall and all I get is a freak mole.:angry7:
What I don't get are the people that are like "yeah I have a third nipple, wanna see?"

Hell yeah I want to see! They pull up their shirt and the 3rd nip is just a big creep mole. It's a big let down when you say you have a 3rd nipple and I am expecting something like the dude from Total Recall and all I get is a freak mole.:angry7:

all I can think of is austin powers " MOLEY MOLEY MOLEY MOLEY" HAHAHAHA
Im With BlueSwinger , Wylde1 , and Waggin on this one ........ If someone ASK an Opinion about something then a person can be as honest as they want to be ...... otherwise I think one should keep there typing finger in neutral.
If I post a pick of my car, and someone say's thats the ugliest color ever put on a car!!!!! I think that would be considered Rude, because I posted the pic, because I like my car, I wouldn't be looking for criticism. If I saw a car with a color I liked I might tell them " Hey I like you car" but i would NEVER tell anyone "Hey that color sucks" I would just think it...lol
... As far as the reporting/complaining, that was not done by me. .......

... If someone did post something and you think it's inappropriate, hit the report post button and be done with it. Let the mods do their job. ...

... Not much you can do about it except see the problem ahead of time so you can try to avoid it and when the $h!t hits the fan....let someone higher up on the totem pole know so they can handle it how it needs to be. ...

I did it. As I said in my post, I found the reply offensive, rude, un-FABOlike, and totally unwarranted for the circumstances. I expected it to be the initial response but after I posted it I saw Inkjunkie had gotten there first; we were apparently both typing at the same time.

That thread was doomed from the start.


The pictures should be left for **** sites....

I agree. There's enough free **** on the internet if that's your thing. It has no place here, especially in the General Discussion.

Since everybody's throwin around opinions...here's mine. This site has a forum for "those" type pictures. It comes as a perk for Gold Members. As such, I feel that it is unfair to Gold Members to allow those type pictures in open forum. Bikinis and what not are fine, but those pictures crossed a definite line in my book. Not that I have anything against them, just where they were allowed to be posted. Gold Members pay a premium to help support the site and Joey and the gang have been nice enough to allow certain perks for becoming a Gold Member. Allowing pics that pushed the envelope as much as those did, to me, was unfair to the Gold Members that have paid that premium. If you want to view or post those type pictures, the site has a place for it. Step up and become a Gold Member, support this great site and post and view all you want, or else shut up and don't push the envelope. That's my two cents, like it or not.

I'm far from a prude as you all (hopefully) realize by now, but also believe that everything has its place. The Blue Forum is there for the Gold Members who help support the site. I'm a Gold Member too but have no interest in seeing naked women so I've never visited it ... but I won't hold it against anyone who does.

The way I see things, boys will always be boys. Boys like titties, it's a fact of life. Hell, let's be honest: If men didn't like legs too then half of ya probably never would've visited my website in the first place. :-D

The only reason I even looked at the thread in question to start with was because the title was rather misleading; I'm somebody's girlfriend and I like Mopars too so why not see what it is? I was surprised to say the least, and even more surprised that it continued on for as long as it did.

Although I privately objected to the subject matter of the entire thread, I reported that post because it was an outright public crucifixion of another member ... I don't tolerate that kind of conduct well. I know every 'family reunion' will have its moments from time to time, but when we allow ourselves to drop to the lowest forms of raw human nature it's never a good thing to witness. We're civilized ... let's act like it.

As a Vendor here, I see a totally different perspective. I have no interest in associating my business with anything less than a professional automotive atmosphere, and if I can have a little fun at the same time on a personal level then that's the best of both worlds. I love mixing business with pleasure but not everyone does.

The corporate world is a different story. Someone had roughly mentioned in a post that 'it probably wouldn't be a good idea for her naked body to show up every time someone Googled 'FABO' or 'Mopar' ...' Well duhhhhh, ya think??? I'm just a little one-horse operation over here, but are the Boards of Directors at PST, Keisler and Phoenix Graphix going to be impressed by any of that sufficiently enough to want to continue their advertising relationship? Joey's worked very hard to get these companies on board here ... let's not take that for granted and see their banner ads and discounts over on another forum.

And posting naked pics of your loved ones is tact??? Hmmmm!!!


What I don't get are the people that are like "yeah I have a third nipple, wanna see?"

Hell yeah I want to see! They pull up their shirt and the 3rd nip is just a big creep mole. It's a big let down when you say you have a 3rd nipple and I am expecting something like the dude from Total Recall and all I get is a freak mole.:angry7:

JR, I adore you. I miss your posts!!! :-D Hope all is well with you and Nikki ya ornery cuss. Muahhhhhhhhhhhh

* * *

I hope ya'll understand that I'm saying all this because I love you, I love FABO, and I want the best for all of us. We've got a good thing going here ... we just need to remember that more often.
Inkjunkie, the same thing has happened to most of us but one thing members tell me: "Don't take it too personal" and now it may be hard but try. There are some great guys and gals here that have all been through the same stuff. Try to work past it. :munky2:
I have to admit, I read the thread and found it entertaining for the first 8 1/2 pages, but when he started mouthing off to Inkjunkie, I'd had enough. I visited his (poster's, poser's whatever) profile, let him know what I thought. Then I visited my profile and added Raleigh Rocket to my ignore list. Surprised he did'nt get banned for the crap he was spewing.
I've been sitting behind the scene watching this thread and I've gotto make a few observations. Firstly, I'd like to elect Leanna as president (if only I could) and I was thinking the same thing about that other thread. Anyone that willingly puts his or her girlfriends nude photos on FABO (even in the blue forum) is a classless jackass and considering most of you will never meet a person crudder than myself that's saying something.
Secondly, I don't know if anyone other than myself noticed but Good Ole Wylde actually came up with 2 very well thought out replys on this thread and deserves a Kudo, it seems that his time away from FABO definetely improved not only his grammar but also his sentence structure and dare I say it his demeanor. Congrats to you Wylde:toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:
HEY! Why is my name purple now?!?!

Hmmm, in looking through a few posters' handles, it seems us Gold Members have now gone plum crazy! SWEEEEEET.

President Terry??? Cool, at least the pay's a little better. I'd still get just as dirty at work every day though. :-D
Last time I saw something that purple I had to let go... :-D
i'm looking at him suspiciously as we speak :angry7:
I have to admit, I read the thread and found it entertaining for the first 8 1/2 pages, but when he started mouthing off to Inkjunkie, I'd had enough. I visited his (poster's, poser's whatever) profile, let him know what I thought. Then I visited my profile and added Raleigh Rocket to my ignore list. Surprised he did'nt get banned for the crap he was spewing.