
That's not at all the point, you are totally missing it. If you don't know what tact is, then I can't help you on this one. Someone calling you "Big Guy" and what you said are not the same thing at all. You can't see that, so be it, end of story then.

And posting naked pics of your loved ones is tact??? Hmmmm!!!
And posting naked pics of your loved ones is tact??? Hmmmm!!!

She was not coerced into it, she knew about it, that has nothing to do with tact. Right or wrong? That's a different question, but it has nothing to do with tact.

Anyone is free to disagree with me and say that it's totally acceptable to make fun of people's appearances. Make all the excuses you want, it's fine.

What you have to remember, is even if you feel that the original poster of the pics did something wrong, two wrongs does not make a right.

Again, keep in mind, I still pretty much agree with your (inkjunkie's) other points.
I thought the knuckle children comment was quite the backlash being what you said wasnt even that harsh....I agree he could have went about it a little different.

I missed whatever happened, I posted a comment after he replied to yours.

I said that it should have been moved to the blueroom or at the least to mopar babes being that although there is few children on here....it is still a family site and the title alone could be a little miss leading.

he seemed to be up there on his high horse in thinking his woman was all that and a bag of chips lol....and all the drooling people only fueled his "ego" if thats what you want to call it.

I myself was not that interested....I have a wife and a real child (not a knuckle child) LOL.

its the internet.....there are bound to be clash's in opinions and with the more members we get,the more this happens because there are people from all walks of life,different religions,different sexuality ,different race,different political views and then some people just come to start trouble I guess.

Not much you can do about it except see the problem ahead of time so you can try to avoid it and when the $h!t hits the fan....let someone higher up on the totem pole know so they can handle it how it needs to be.

but to answer the question.....no, I don't think you did anything wrong
Truth of the matter is I do not care if any one agrees with me or not, there are times in life that we are all going to "agree to disagree". Hurt someone's feelings? I refuse to go thru life kissing everyones *** just to avoid hurting peoples feelings. If you are "man" enough to post those type of pictures you should be "man" enough to hear the comments......
Yes, we are all going to have to agree to disagree.

"I refuse to go thru life kissing everyones *** just to avoid hurting peoples feelings." -- this comment right there shows that you have absolutely no idea what tact is or why it can be a good thing, and therefore there is no point in continuing that discussion.

I'm out of this conversation. To answer your original question, for the most part, no, you didn't do anything wrong, you just went about it in probably not the best way.

And if you didn't care whether anyone agrees or disagrees with you, then why did you post this thread?
Yes, we are all going to have to agree to disagree.

"I refuse to go thru life kissing everyones *** just to avoid hurting peoples feelings." -- this comment right there shows that you have absolutely no idea what tact is or why it can be a good thing, and therefore there is no point in continuing that discussion.

I'm out of this conversation. To answer your original question, for the most part, no, you didn't do anything wrong, you just went about it in probably not the best way.

And if you didn't care whether anyone agrees or disagrees with you, then why did you post this thread?
Again, this is all you opinion. I do have to ask you one question, seeing as you are more or less playing on words. Your comment "I'm out of this conversation" Yet there was a sentence after that followed by another post? If you are out you are out.
Yes, we are all going to have to agree to disagree.

"I refuse to go thru life kissing everyones *** just to avoid hurting peoples feelings." -- this comment right there shows that you have absolutely no idea what tact is or why it can be a good thing, and therefore there is no point in continuing that discussion.

I'm out of this conversation. To answer your original question, for the most part, no, you didn't do anything wrong, you just went about it in probably not the best way.

And if you didn't care whether anyone agrees or disagrees with you, then why did you post this thread?


Obviously his lashing out at you got under your skin, otherwise why this thread?

You told him that he should buy her some implants because she was a member of the IBTC (itty bitty titty club). Not very tactful at all. Now some folks just like natural women small breasts and all. I'm not one of them. My motto: "God made 'em. Man perfected 'em." =P~

I am overweight, and when I was employed very few people called me by name. It was always Big Guy, the Husky Guy etc. Not once did I take offense to it, because it is the TRUTH.......

But if someone said "hey, FAT F**K", I bet you would smash the guy upside the head cause it's rude, ignorant, hurtfull and shows no tact or class. Kinda like telling someone to buy his girlfriend some implants. Not everyone has thick skin and it's got nothing to do with "kissing everyones *** just to avoid hurting peoples feelings." Get it?

But if someone said "hey, FAT F**K", I bet you would smash the guy upside the head cause it's rude, ignorant, hurtfull and shows no tact or class.

Fraid not, because it has happened. Brief history. I am bi-polar, whose Mania is rage. I am also one of the many bi-polar folks who can not take the meds. Anyway, my Mania will bring along a black out, and well, that is when life gets interesting. So I have learned to walk away from that kind of non-sense. So, when people make those kind of comments, well, fire away. I did not start this thread because of someone getting under my skin, I started it because I find it, well, kind of fu..ed up that someone can not voice there opinion with out getting flamed. Again, you are man enough to post naked pictures of your woman on the net, be man enough to read ALL comments, not just the ones that stoke your ego. Everybody can read what they want into why I started this, but reread that last sentence and maybe YOU will get it....
I don't understand the difference here...I mean really. If she had been blessed with 44DDs, and somebody said sumthin like, "them are some great big ol titties there, honey", there wouldda been no problem. He told the truth. She's got some little titties and dude posted um up on the net for the whole world to see, so you're gonna get the whole world's opinion. Get over it already and move on. Personally, I thought the **** was funny as hell the way he put it. Good God yall. Titties are great no matter their size. I think some people would argue over anything. Yall are actin like a bunch of homos lookin for sumthin to argue about. Personally, I think this thread is just as useless as the one that got dumped. If I was a mod, I'd dump this one too.
Fraid not, the truth is what the truth is.....

Then we need to start hangin' out and get you a big ole plate of self esteem. Nobody should be judged like that or talked to that way. TCR = Tact, class, respect. It goes a long, long way.

I don't understand the difference here...I mean really. If she had been blessed with 44DDs, and somebody said sumthin like, "them are some great big ol titties there, honey", there wouldda been no problem. He told the truth. She's got some little titties and dude posted um up on the net for the whole world to see, so you're gonna get the whole world's opinion. Get over it already and move on. Personally, I thought the **** was funny as hell the way he put it. Good God yall. Titties are great no matter their size. I think some people would argue over anything. Yall are actin like a bunch of homos lookin for sumthin to argue about. Personally, I think think this thread is just as useless as the one that got dumped. If I was a mod, I'd dump this one too.
I sure as hell hope they do.........
I read the content of that thread,other moderators read it and yanked it because of the Kiddie bullshit contained in it, so maybe if you have nothing nice to say then keep quiet???? this thread is just asking for support of your right to make not nice things to say about something,you can say what you want but if the moderators don't like it ...to the trash it goes and people could go with the trashed thread if they continue to press for total freedom of their right to be "blithering idiot's" we gotta keep every one happy and if we have to toss a bad apple to save the barrel it will happen......Wagg's :angry7:
That thread was doomed from the start.
Well said Wylde 1 :cheers:
Then we need to start hangin' out and get you a big ole plate of self esteem. Nobody should be judged like that or talked to that way. TCR = Tact, class, respect. It goes a long, long way.

I read the content of that thread,other moderators read it and yanked it because of the Kiddie bullshit contained in it, so maybe if you have nothing nice to say then keep quiet???? this thread is just asking for support of your right to make not nice things to say about something,you can say what you want but if the moderators don't like it ...to the trash it goes and people could go with the trashed thread if they continue to press for total freedom of their right to be "blithering idiot's" we gotta keep every one happy and if we have to toss a bad apple to save the barrel it will happen......Wagg's :angry7:
If this is a threat towards me, don't pussy foot around and just ****** toss me...
two wrongs don't make a right is the point,I have to read every post in this thread,I'm not sending it to the trash,let it be educational and an embarrassment till you get the point! Nobody is out to get you,you have quite a grip on your own neck and look like your choking yourself are ya gonna let go or choke yourself out?????
Tact? I know what it is, but I also feel that if someone is going to post nude photos of themsleves they should be Mature enough to deal with any and all comments that are made because of it.
Hey , I have 3 nipples if that tickles any ones fancy HAHAHAHAHAHA

ok,ok,ok.....its technically not a nipple, its where I had to have a tube put in my chest when I was born because I had the cord wrapped around me......but it looks like one LOL
If you've seen one tittie, you want to see them all!!!:toothy10:


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Hey Inkjunkie what if someone saw you in the gym shower and started calling you "Tiny". How would that make you feel?
Recently I was verbally attacked for my honest opinion of someones pictures. It was exactly that, my OPINION. It does not make it right or wrong, simply my OPINION. On an issue that is an OPINION, and the appearance of someone or something is strictly that, an OPINION, if someone does not agree with you be an adult, read there comment and move on. Anybody can hide behind a keyboard and spout off. The attempted insults by this member were exactly that, an attempt. If you are posting pictures here, keep in mind it is a public forum, and there is bound to be someone who does not agree with you. Just like you have the right to post these pictures, I have the right to voice my opinion.

So what you are saying is that it is OK if you give your opinion but it is not OK if others give their opinion of your opinion? Im confused.