Paddock Closed

If they truly made millions off parts that cost pennies then don't you think they would still be in business?

I love people that think everyone charges way to much for things all the while they have no idea what it takes to get that thing to market.

The reason they are gone is because most of us are struggling and can't afford to pump $$$ into our cars right now. They are failing because there is not that much margin and with sales down, there is no profit.

maybe it was mis-managed ? maybe they didn't put enough of the profits back in to the company who knows, no one will ever know the full story.
i won't miss paddock. one of their early catalogs had a dart on the cover with the bumble bee stripe on it backwards. figured if they put something so wrong on the cover how the hell good can they be? never picked up another catalog from them, never went to their site. they just didn't exist to me.

Maybe the negative got flipped or something when they edited the picture?
If they truly made millions off parts that cost pennies then don't you think they would still be in business?

I love people that think everyone charges way to much for things all the while they have no idea what it takes to get that thing to market.

The reason they are gone is because most of us are struggling and can't afford to pump $$$ into our cars right now. They are failing because there is not that much margin and with sales down, there is no profit.

That wasn't the case at the location here. They closed long before the latest economy woes. Also, cars are still selling for good money so that is not the total issue. We must remember not all of us are working class guys doing this. There are plenty who pay whatever to have it done for them. What happens in those shops is a whole nother story. I am currently unemployed but still find ways to fund my project and have found bargins here at FABO and the dreaded e-bay. These are items I would have spent 3X or more from the paddock or YO. I went through those catolog for years while getting ready for my GTX build, but won't use either now. FBBO here I come.

Not trying to be a jerk its just more then the economy going on for thier failure.
Mopar parts don't sell as fast, thats why its higher, it cost the same to R&D a part and market it.
That wasn't the case at the location here. They closed long before the latest economy woes. Also, cars are still selling for good money so that is not the total issue. We must remember not all of us are working class guys doing this. There are plenty who pay whatever to have it done for them. What happens in those shops is a whole nother story. I am currently unemployed but still find ways to fund my project and have found bargins here at FABO and the dreaded e-bay. These are items I would have spent 3X or more from the paddock or YO. I went through those catolog for years while getting ready for my GTX build, but won't use either now. FBBO here I come.

Not trying to be a jerk its just more then the economy going on for thier failure.

Your right....increased costs associated with importing, cost of rent and utilities, less people spending $$$, lower margins in hopes of selling, pulling to much $$ out of the's all tied together in a crappy know what happens when the knot is to hard to untie....toss the shoe out.

Maybe the negative got flipped or something when they edited the picture?

flipping the negative would have flipped the entire picture not just the stripe. now if they photo shopped just the strip on maybe. but then it got by quality control and still got out wrong to the customer. personally it wasn't just that first catalog (it didn't help) but i really just forgot about them. they offered nothing that couldn't be bought elsewhere.
If they truly made millions off parts that cost pennies then don't you think they would still be in business?

I love people that think everyone charges way to much for things all the while they have no idea what it takes to get that thing to market.

The reason they are gone is because most of us are struggling and can't afford to pump $$$ into our cars right now. They are failing because there is not that much margin and with sales down, there is no profit.

Your right....increased costs associated with importing, cost of rent and utilities, less people spending $$$, lower margins in hopes of selling, pulling to much $$ out of the's all tied together in a crappy know what happens when the knot is to hard to untie....toss the shoe out.

Please. What are the costs involved to bring reproduction trim pieces, tail lights, and door handles to market? The parts don;t have to be re-engineered. Basically, some factory in China is contracted to duplicate the part, and it's sent over here and sold at a premium. We're not talking about one-off custom engineered parts that have a lot of design dollars built into the cost. We're talking about cheap repro parts that barely fit like the originals, cheap materials, cheap chrome, and cheap labor - PENNIES on the dollar.

The reason these companies go under is mismangement and over-pricing IN A BAD ECONOMY. No doubt that the hobbiests are not investing as much $$ right now into the hobby - that also means that they are unable to purchase parts at premium prices. So when a retailer spends tens of thousands of dollars on inventory (even if the individual parts only cost them pennies on the dollar), and then can't unload them - that's why they go under. More reasonable prices and profits in this industry would do wonders to the economic recovery of the hobby.
Mopar parts don't sell as fast, thats why its higher, it cost the same to R&D a part and market it.
again with the R&D BS. These are repro parts that don't need any further R&D. It's a matter of a distributor finding someone to produce them with the cheapest materials possible. That's what they're doing right now, and there is no shortage of Chinese manufacturing companies out there to do it.

Different story for custom or specially designed performance parts.
They were okay but nothing to cry about in my opinion...they charged too much for shipping and if a part was on back order for 10 months it would just show up one day out of the blue with no warning, that's more of a reason that they are having troubles...I told myself never to buy from them again....I don't use UPS anymore either
sorry - I don't buy that for a second. The majority of these repo parts are being produced in China for pennies on the dollar. There is NO REASON that some of these parts should cost what they do.

I have to agree. Im NOT sad to see all of these overpriced business's going under.IMHO it's just waaay overdue. I have no idea how places like y/o and the paddock have survived this long charging what they do.

I am sure many would be shocked to know that that $500 1/4 panel is worth less than $80.
I have to agree. Im NOT sad to see all of these overpriced business's going under.IMHO it's just waaay overdue. I have no idea how places like y/o and the paddock have survived this long charging what they do.

I am sure many would be shocked to know that that $500 1/4 panel is worth less than $80.
I'd love to see what the $500 rallye dash bezel from PG Classics cost to make - I bet it's less than $20 shipped to thier warehouse door.

Actually - I bought exhaust tips from them before, and they were shipped directly from China to MY door - I'd be surprised if PG even has a domestic warehouse - more cost-savings for them.
Being a business owner it is very interesting reading these comments from those complaining about how the prices are too high from the these companies without having enough info to make such a statement. Instead of me trying to explain how prices are set which will just turn into a back and forth pissing contest anyway I have a solution to your problem...

Why don't you just start a business of your own and charge the "real" right price for these items instead of the "overinflated" price. Basically walk the walk instead of talking the talk. How does the saying go... "ingorance is bliss". Heck I will even be your first customer.

Being ingnorant doesn't mean people are dumb, stupid or unintelligent it just means that they are uninformed. Exactly what we have here, unless you have owned a business then you know what I am talking about.

I am not trying to hurt anyones feelings here, after all we have the same basic goal in mind, our Mopars. But really guys more busness than not are just trying to balance the best deal for their customers they can while also making some sort of profit so they and their employees can also put food on the table. It may not seem like it at times from the outside looking in but for the most part this is how it is.

Being a business owner it is very interesting reading these comments from those complaining about how the prices are too high from the these companies without having enough info to make such a statement. Instead of me trying to explain how prices are set which will just turn into a back and forth pissing contest anyway I have a solution to your problem...

Why don't you just start a business of your own and charge the "real" right price for these items instead of the "overinflated" price. Basically walk the walk instead of talking the talk. How does the saying go... "ingorance is bliss". Heck I will even be your first customer.

Being ingnorant doesn't mean people are dumb, stupid or unintelligent it just means that they are uninformed. Exactly what we have here, unless you have owned a business then you know what I am talking about.

I have owned a business. Thanks for assuming everyone else is uninformed but yourself. Furthermore, every business is unique - even similar business in similar industries - the fact that you are a business owner doesn't give you any more insight than the rest of us as to what PG classics, Paddock, or Year One spend to bring a product to market. But thanks anyway for the condiscending post.
Being a business owner it is very interesting reading these comments from those complaining about how the prices are too high from the these companies without having enough info to make such a statement. Instead of me trying to explain how prices are set which will just turn into a back and forth pissing contest anyway I have a solution to your problem...

Why don't you just start a business of your own and charge the "real" right price for these items instead of the "overinflated" price. Basically walk the walk instead of talking the talk. How does the saying go... "ingorance is bliss". Heck I will even be your first customer.

Being ingnorant doesn't mean people are dumb, stupid or unintelligent it just means that they are uninformed. Exactly what we have here, unless you have owned a business then you know what I am talking about.

I am not trying to hurt anyones feelings here, after all we have the same basic goal in mind, our Mopars. But really guys more busness than not are just trying to balance the best deal for their customers they can while also making some sort of profit so they and their employees can also put food on the table. It may not seem like it at times from the outside looking in but for the most part this is how it is.

I have had my own business before and I know how pricing, service and shipping costs affects your business, that's why companies like Summit, Mancini, Year One, and even 440 Source stay in business, they all stand by their products and will refund your money if you return their products...customer service is where it is at and Paddock was missing that...IMO

Not knowing the actual cost involved does not preclude us from forming an educated opinion based off quality of the end product. It's clear that the bulk of the market is re-produced items, not re-engineered - using inferior materials and cheap foreign labor. I think it's pretty obvious who's making out in that deal - here's a clue, it's not the consumer.

To clarify my point, and I stated this before - I'm not pointing the finger at industrious domestic companies that design, engineer and produce their own products - there is obviously a lot more $$ involved to bring those products to market.
I have had my own business before and I know how pricing, service and shipping costs affects your business, that's why companies like Summit, Mancini, Year One, and even 440 Source stay in business, they all stand by their products and will refund your money if you return their products...customer service is where it is at and Paddock was missing that...IMO
part of the quality that I referred to before - that includes customer support. You're 100% spot on.
I have had my own business before and I know how pricing, service and shipping costs affects your business, that's why companies like Summit, Mancini, Year One, and even 440 Source stay in business, they all stand by their products and will refund your money if you return their products...customer service is where it is at and Paddock was missing that...IMO

I agree with you 100%.

My statement wasn't about the companies in question because I too am ignorant to how they run their business because I have not seen their P & L's. I was speaking in general and you saw that... Thank you.

I have had my own business before and I know how pricing, service and shipping costs affects your business, that's why companies like Summit, Mancini, Year One, and even 440 Source stay in business, they all stand by their products and will refund your money if you return their products...customer service is where it is at and Paddock was missing that...IMO
Actually - 440 Source is a great example of fair pricing. They may not have premium quality parts, but they also price accordingly. Nothing wrong with economy parts as long as they are priced like economy parts.
Actually - They may not have premium quality parts, but they also price accordingly. Nothing wrong with economy parts as long as they are priced like economy parts.

I agree, at the end of the day we should get exactly what we expected for our money. Getting more than what we paid for would be cool but we should never get less than what we paid for.

I have had my own business before and I know how pricing, service and shipping costs affects your business, that's why companies like Summit, Mancini, Year One, and even 440 Source stay in business, they all stand by their products and will refund your money if you return their products...customer service is where it is at and Paddock was missing that...IMO

Same here. I was a buisness owner and a GM of what could be referd to as "Specialty Retail". Very cut throat and the only thing that will keep you alive is outstanding customer service. Like I mentioned earlier, the Paddock fell short there. My issue was over an $8 can of spray paint that the customer service representive was accusing me of pulling one over on him. 8 freakin dollars! Thats what they lost my business over. But it's not just them, most places you go "customer service is thier middle finger".
sorry - I don't buy that for a second. The majority of these repo parts are being produced in China for pennies on the dollar. There is NO REASON that some of these parts should cost what they do.

Yes they do guys. China wants big orders for sheet metal especially for low volume stuff like Muscle Car parts. Paddock has four warehouses and a lot of inventory. There is not that big of a margin if the inventory is sitting and your dollars are caught up in C and D moving product. The banks wants you to have a certain level of turns to keep the value of the product. Not every business runs cash rich. The hard parts automotive market is very sensitive to market and cost changes in commodity based products. Freight cost can kill margin as well.

I am surprised they are not bankrupting the joint to re-org, but I am sure the bank is saying no bueno muchacho.
Well, I hate to see anyone go out of business, and I think too often consumers take too simplistic a view of a cost structure when judging a "fair" price.

They often think "well this item costs him x and he's charging y so he's pocketing x-y of my hard earned money". They completely disregard the fact that the business owner has to order 200 of the item to get that price, plus keep the lights on, staff paid, advertise to get the customer in the door, and the risk premium paid for being in business in the first place.

That said, I only ever bought one thing (vinyl top) from the paddock because everything else I needed was available for MUCH less elsewhere, and their shipping rates were atrocious, *and* they sure didn't get in a hurry to ship anything, and their return policy was ridiculous.

I needed some brake parts for my 8.75 swap. I literally paid 25% of paddock's price on the parts when I bought them over the counter at O'reilly's.

What happens with business is that they often get to big for their own good. Cheap doesn't mean better. Look at the PC market. Ha, Ha there was Dell thinking they could cut out the middleman and sell direct a product for cheap and then often great customer service. Didn't work. You can chase to the bottom for the a cheap price, but nobody ever wins. Who gets to the bottom last does? Maybe? Apple is a good example of success, keeping it fresh and building new products where price is not as much of an immediate concern. They are dropping prices on slow movers, but again old inventory has limited value...