Pain killers! What works and doesnt...

I just took the worst analgesic last night ( at 19:30 ) , and I'm still feeling yucky from it :

Suboxen !

I've been out of Norco since Friday night ( I take 3-4 a day ; get 120 / month ) because I accidentally dropped 8 of 'em in the toilet ( early morning , tired , getting ready for work ) .

I was feeling extra shitty yesterday , with the symptoms of withdraw from these prescription opiates . My neighbour has Suboxen ; he saw crappy I looked and felt , so he offered my one of his 8mg tabs .
Being apprehensive , I cut the stupid thing into fourths , and took what amounted to 2mgs , per its sublingual ( under the tongue , for a transmucosal delivery ) .

I haven't felt that ****-*** stoned and sick ever !
Certainly , all my pains were eliminated ; but I felt like I was going to vomit the whole time !!
Just horrid stuff .
As I'm typing this , I still haven't slept for longer than 3 hours at a time .

Everything I've read about it says it's supposed to be for someone who's coming-off opiates ( I've been on Norco 'legally' for over 1 year ).
Personal accounts from users all recount the same nasty feelings ; however , 2 of my friends swear by the stuff ( but they're both hard core addicts , taking as many as 6-9 Norco in one dose !! ) .

So , yeah , no more of that shitty stuff for me . I'll stick with good ol' Norco !
Well, whenever I'm off duty, tequila works wonders.

Seriously, I have a lot of muscle/joint pain that seems to defy any sort of diagnosis, but anti inflammatories like diclofenac work well.

Look up the value that 100% Agava has 8) It is a must read, I think I have a thread on it here some where. X2 on the Tequila shot once a day and one at night. They use the Agava plant to make pharmaceutical drug called Barbitcuat's, How ever you spell it :-D

Found it!! here it is
I suffer from RA...rumatiod arthritis which is an imune system malfuntion that over attacks the joints and destroys them and also leaves me extremely fatigued.

My mom suffers from RA..... bad stuff! Her poor wrists looks like giant marbles under her skin. She has some bad moments with it. I spent the night over at her house and heard someone moving around in the kitchen at 3 in morning. It was mom crying her eyes out and holding her wrists. Poor thing she was in alot of pain. I had some Oxycontin left from when I was in a car wreck. I gave them to her so when she have one of those spells she could take one and back to sleep. They worked for her so well that she asked the doctor to give her a scrip JUST when she has one of those spells. He wouldn't do it right off the bat but after a few more doctor visits and begging each time he finally gave her the scrip. If he could have seen mom that night he wouldn't have hesiated so long. I understand that he didn't want another addict on his hands but mom wasn't looking for a high.

Look up the value that 100% Agava has 8) It is a must read, I think I have a thread on it here some where. X2 on the Tequila shot once a day and one at night. They use the Agava plant to make pharmaceutical drug called Barbitcuat's, How ever you spell it :-D

Found it!! here it is

Yeah Mike I would rate Agava right up there with marijuana far as medical capabilities.
pain killers is diff. for diff. people i had all kids after my shoulder surgery back in dec. they gave me evrything they could even the best shoot didnt do anything i had to take sleeping pills with my pain killers cause my pain tol. was so high....even then i could not get comf. while i was in the bed....

also i have to have 1 more surgery soon been putting it off to replace my shoulder so i know thats going to be fun....
I am 35 years old and been disabled since I was 17 because of severe Crohn's disease. I've had around 10-12 surgeries over the years and probably tried every painkiller out there at one time or another. And the last few years I've been on the Norco 10/325 and allowed 8 a day. My pain specialist gives me 240 a month. They have worked the best for me by far and like everyone has said they only have 325mg of acetimetiphen, which is way less than most painkillers out there, which makes them way better for long term useage.
I used to have severe nerve pain in my feet(diabetes) that kept me up at night. I couldn't even wear socks for 15 minutes, it sucked. Took alpha lipoic acid and a product called zyflamend(and insulin, lol), just two weeks ago all of my pain is gone. I don't take pain killers because they don't work, they will actually cause me pain.
Another substance called methyl sulfonyl methane (msm)really helps arthritis, which I also used to have. Also gone...
My son who was born with major problem, is going to get a morphine pain pack, Is that an option for you.


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Yes it's the next step up from oxy drugs. But they are even more addictive than the oxy's are.The thought of using morphine really frightens me. There were a lot of morphine addicts after each big war.
tramadol works ok for me.
ibuprofen (800mg)works on my joints, sometimes
percocet make me feel fuzzy and like i have a book ontop of my head
vicodin just pisses me
aspirin only real cure for my headaches.

the only thing that really worked for pain for me was getting stung like 25 times by ground bees (yellow jackets)
" Oxy" ( Oxycodone Hydrochloride ) is semi-synthetic Morphine ;

" Vicodin " ( Hydrocodone ) is semi-synthetic Codeine ;

Percodan is Oxycodone + Aspirin ;

Percocet is Oxycodone + Tylenol

There's a true anomaly ( by virtue ) out there called "Laudinum" , which is Opium (!!) with alcohol ( 5% , iirc ) .
It's the only legal Opium around ; it was grandfathered-in during the Harrison Act of 1917 ... long story , I'll spare the boredom ...
" Oxy" ( Oxycodone Hydrochloride ) is semi-synthetic Morphine ;

" Vicodin " ( Hydrocodone ) is semi-synthetic Codeine ;

Percodan is Oxycodone + Aspirin ;

Percocet is Oxycodone + Tylenol

There's a true anomaly ( by virtue ) out there called "Laudinum" , which is Opium (!!) with alcohol ( 5% , iirc ) .
It's the only legal Opium around ; it was grandfathered-in during the Harrison Act of 1917 ... long story , I'll spare the boredom ...
I used to have severe nerve pain in my feet(diabetes) that kept me up at night. I couldn't even wear socks for 15 minutes, it sucked. Took alpha lipoic acid and a product called zyflamend(and insulin, lol), just two weeks ago all of my pain is gone. I don't take pain killers because they don't work, they will actually cause me pain.
Another substance called methyl sulfonyl methane (msm)really helps arthritis, which I also used to have. Also gone...

I'll have to check it on this further when I get time. I'm a diabetic myself.
mullin, there's something called royal abuta I started taking a few months back. Supposedly, non-insulin dependents can get off their meds completely on this stuff. It knocked my insulin dose in half after two weeks! Give it a try... pm me if you want to know more, my mom works at an herb pharmacy and lots of this stuff is cutting edge, hardly anyone knows about it yet here in the west
It's nice to have the opinion of people taking the meds.
Not the opion of the people telling you what to take.