Painless wiring harness

Might as well go with ez2 wire if that "painless" isn't made for the car. The made for harness's are expensive. And if you can't read a schematic or have an old harness then that's the way to go. If you have some electrical skills and want to save a ton get a ez2wire harness and use your old one for the connections.
Anyone used them before? They seem way overpriced for something that probably costs pennies to build. For anyone that might have used it, did it mount easily in the factory location?

not much comes with that kit. for the money an american autowire highway series ia a lot better deal.. comes a lot more complete. no aftermarket kit will be plug and play. gonna cost a lot more then the price of the harness to do it the right way and its very time consuming.
........... for the money an american autowire highway series ia a lot better deal.. ..........

Even EZ wire or whatever it's called is significantly cheaper than (un)Painless
I just installed an EZ wire 12 circuit harness... I'm still working some kinks out.. but for the most part, it really is easy. Might have to add some wire here and there for certain things like brake lights or interior lights. But it's pretty simple.