Palin - McCain

I seemed to be out numbered here but I cannot vote republican this time around. A lot of what I hear is palin is hot, really thats enough for you. SUre shes a milf gonna be a gilf but that in itself does not do it for me. How many of us have met some chick, hooked up and after a few weeks (if lucky) realized "man this chick is crazy" I know I have fallen for hot ones before and the reality is they were all CRAZY.

I think what the president should be is a community organizer. Someone that surrounds himself with good people and helps them help us. Someone to oversee everything. I am voting for obama this time around. I am not buying into the bs about him being anti-American. He is not the anti-Christ either.

One more thing I am not always proud of my country, we have had a bad past and looking like a bad future. If you hear something about a person before you make a decision research it. I know it's more work and read'n but make an informed choice.

by the way he is not taking our guns away, no one is taking them away.

thanks for reading

You need to open your eyes if you do not think obama is not anti-american!!!! Mopar658)8)
I'm not voting for her/them because she is hot. That wouldn't do me any more good than slipping a titty dancer a 20 for a table dance.

But she has more experience than BO. SHE is the candidate for VP, NOT PotUS.
But she is better qualified for the big chair than OB. After all, there have been a fair number of presidents that were a Governor, but I can't think of one who's claim to fame was being a "community organizer"....whateverTF that is
I'm not voting for her/them because she is hot. That wouldn't do me any more good than slipping a titty dancer a 20 for a table dance.

But she has more experience than BO. SHE is the candidate for VP, NOT PotUS.
But she is better qualified for the big chair than OB. After all, there have been a fair number of presidents that were a Governor, but I can't think of one who's claim to fame was being a "community organizer"....whateverTF that is

Be careful using the "community organizer" slang. Remember the dems say that is code word for his being black.

Of course no one knew he was black before we started making fun of his community organizer title, right?

It always has to do with race. It couldnt possible be that his made up title is just stupid. LOL

The race card needs to be officially retired. Even black people make fun of others using it.
Be careful using the "community organizer" slang. Remember the dems say that is code word for his being black.

Really? Looking at what he has actually done in his life I thought it was a code word for being a typical crooked Chicago politician/criminal. BTW, you have to play the race card if it is the only card you are holding!
If you flood the media with tons of false information, you can get away AGAIN without discussing the issues. Close minded America will vote for the BS and there will be 4 more years of 2 morons that won't get anything done or do anything they say they would. Worse be like Bush and do everything you say and it's all wrong, false and failing. Convince me McCain is anything different and I will vote for him. Hell, he's running againest his own party hows that for false information!
All I got to say is the last 4 yrs we've had a democratic congress.
When clinton was in office we had a republican congress.
Obomber scares me to death and that ankle biting biden would be like having keith olbermann in there including the red face & vein that buldges from his neck spurred by his hatred for america.
BTW How can someone say 'america is the greatest place in the world' then in the same breath say 'the america I know and grew up in is a mean place'
obomber's wife [is] a dumb c**t and he [would] be another puppet kinda like bush/obummer[puppet] and cheney/biden [puppet master].
Ok, orangecrush I know your right on this one! ... it's the first time in a lond time someone has the balls to tell it like it is ! and a woman to boot ! .. '

from the KINGFISH !
Obama showed his true colors on the O'riley interview when asked about the energy crisis. His reply "you just throw abunch of money at a bunch of things and see what works". Doesn't sound like a prudent energy policy to me. But that is the democrats solution to everything.
Obama showed his true colors on the O'riley interview when asked about the energy crisis. His reply "you just throw abunch of money at a bunch of things and see what works". Doesn't sound like a prudent energy policy to me. But that is the democrats solution to everything.
It is worse than that. Even after it becomes obvious that throwing money at something does not work and never will, their solution is to keep doing more of what doesn't work because it will eventually work because of their supposedly good intentions.
See what people of her home state really think of her, this was the largest rally in Alaskan history.
Either that is the entire small percentage that is not included in her unheard of high approval rating, or it is all the left-wing wackos they could bus in from Seattle on short notice. BTW, the AP reported that there were "hundreds" of people there, not 1,500. The claim the organizers made about it being the "biggest rally in Alaskan history" is a joke.
BTW, you have to play the race card if it is the only card you are holding!

Exactly right!

When all else fails, say it is because you are black and America is racist.

Anyone who supports democrats needs to look at Clayton County, Georgia.
Democrats took over Clayton and now it is only the third county in the history of the country to lose school accreditation!

A democrat sheriff has been sued and sued again and has LOST every suit!
He was NARROWLY defeated for the democratic primary because democrats will vote for a democrat no matter how much money he cost the county taxpayers.

You cant give a house away in Clayton anymore. NOBODY wants to move there. The governor had to step in a remove some of these school board members.

That is your democrats at work!
It is worse than that. Even after it becomes obvious that throwing money at something does not work and never will, their solution is to keep doing more of what doesn't work because it will eventually work because of their supposedly good intentions.

Like the war we are in in Iraq, I mean no disrespect to our veterans, I just don't believe in their having to be in Iraq. I think that this administration which McCain has been very proud to have been a part of untill now has had thier shot for 8 years and not done very well by me. Lets let the other guys have a shot, checks and balances. I can't say I didn't do well under Clinton because I did and I have been beat up by Bush. If you haven't then I think maybe that is why we seem to look at things differently. I am speaking to no one inparticular nor mean to offend.
Like the war we are in in Iraq, I mean no disrespect to our veterans, I just don't believe in their having to be in Iraq. I think that this administration which McCain has been very proud to have been a part of untill now has had thier shot for 8 years and not done very well by me. Lets let the other guys have a shot, checks and balances. I can't say I didn't do well under Clinton because I did and I have been beat up by Bush. If you haven't then I think maybe that is why we seem to look at things differently. I am speaking to no one inparticular nor mean to offend.
Are you saying you actually believe the manure that the democrats and their cohorts in the media have been spreading about how we are losing in Iraq? 90% of the country has been stable since the fall of Saddam's regeime. Two of the most notoriously violent areas, the Anbar province and the "triangle of death" in Baghdad, have been completely secured and turned over to the Iraqis. Commanders on the ground have stated that one of the reasons that the mission became so much more difficult was that the help that our troops had been getting from the Iraqi people had ceased because the Iraqis were afraid we were going to abandon them and leave them to the revenge of the terrorists. Where do you think they got that idea? From the very guys who you want to "give a chance" who have been actively working to secure the defeat of our troops in the war because they though it would benefit them politically. They undeniably cost the lives of American soldiers to further their agenda and I do not believe in rewarding treachery and treason with my vote.

McCain has been a proud member of the Bush administration? Try convincing the Bush administration (or most republicans) that is the case. McCain has been probably the biggest thorn in their side since 2000.

You give Presidents way to much credit for having the power to affect you. Congress has far more ability to affect you and you did better under the republican Congress of the 90s, which was far more conservative than anything we have seen since 2000 under either party.

Back in 2000, the Bush administration was warned that Fanniemae and Freddiemac were out of control because of insufficient oversight. They, and some of the republican Congress, made repeated attempts to push through more firm regulation of those entities but were blocked in every attempt by the democrats and a handful of liberal republicans. There were 40 democrat Senators who were prepared to filibuster any attempt at regulating those entities. Since 1989 there have been almost 400 members of Congress who have received large sums of cash from Fanniemae and Freddiemac. Although he has only been in Congress for the last 2 of those 19 years (and spent almost all of that time campaiging for President) Obama has received the second largest amount of money from them, second only to fellow Democrat Chris Dodd. The head of his Vice Presidential Choice committee, Jim Johnson, and his top financial advisor, Franklin Raines, were recent heads of Fanniemae and Freddiemac who made tens of millions of dollars running those corrupt entities for a few short years. And now you want to "give them a chance" to run our whole economy? Please start doing your homework. Sorry to be so brash about this but it is that important. Obama is arguably the least qualified, most corrupt candidate ever to run for the office. It simply stuns me that anyone could consider him even as a choice, much less as the best choice.
goatboy: Be careful. A vote is a terrible thing to waste. You only have one.

Shelby: Thanks for your input. I hope others are reading this info. Look at the other countries that want Obama then the smarter choice becomes a no brainer. I see people on here from one of our neighboring countries stating that they can't believe an AMERICAN could even consider voting for obama. Wonder what they see?