passion or hobby?



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
this subject might bring on quite a discussion ( or maybe not?):

hobby is something we do outside the normal realm of our life. we do it strickly for pleasure. one day a guys hobby might be cars, next month its making homemade beer. circumstances might get us out of that "hobby", they come and go. no s weat.

a passion is an activity or interest that overwhelms us. it becomes who we are. we "suffer" with it but go to all extremes to support this passion. might have to eat Ramon noodles all month, but by gosh we will get that part we need!? circumstances might get us away from our passion but not forever, we will find a way to get it back? this passion defines " who we are".

what ya think????
For me it's a hobby. It's fun. It's something I do because I want to, not because I "need to". .
It's enjoyable, it's relaxing, My car is not my identity. That's why I call my car a "Hobby Car".

A passion shares none of those attributes. A passion stops being fun when it becomes a compulsion. When you "NEED" to do something, you become overly zealous about it. When a car, or the activity surrounding the car become all consuming, to the point where it relates to, or impacts everything else, and everyone else is your life, it's time to step back. There is little difference between a passion and an obsession, what they do share, however, is a degree of pure selfishness, than most family men cannot afford.
It's a sickness for me. Been that way for 40 years, but I'm getting over it. I'd sell everything I own at this point.
Total passon for me. I work in the industy and spend my free time learning more. I am 35 now and it has been in my blood since I was 12 or 13.
I think that working in the industry adds another dimension to the question. When it is your trade, it automatically goes beyond being a hobby.
A passion would be when you start letting it interfere with your relationships with family, and forsaking most other activities. That's not a good, or amiable place to be.
It started out as a passion, but now is a hobby. I too started out in the industry, and that was what turned my passion into a hobby. WhenI was young, cars, especially performance cars was and still is my passion. When you work on cars for a living, you are working on everyday junk that people drive and it isn't about performance. That and he fact that people will lie and bullshit you to get you to fix their **** for free. it takes all the passion out of it. I retired from the auto business 5 years ago and still get people calling with their auto problems. I just don't give a ****. I tell them to call a mechanic I am retired. All I want to do is work on my Mopar or my Fox body.
For me, it's strictly a hobby. That's where it begins and ends. I refuse to allow my life to be defined or lifestyle be affected by my hobby. If the extra money is there, then so be it, but priority's are what they are. That's the main reason my Duster hasn't been painted yet, priority's. My grand daughter comes first, I'll get to the Duster when there is extra money to do so. I don't mind telling you, I do envy the guys with their finished cars and thousands of dollars they were able to soak into them, but I'm happy with what I got. It's mine and I have it honestly.
A passion that turned into a obsession and now is just a hobby. The older I get the fire that is needed to be lit under my A$$ has to be hotter each year to get out in the shop and do something.I still love reading about it and learning something new on this and the other "ONLY" sites.I'm in the process of doing a "B" body and at one time I would be all fired up to have it done for the Vegas show.Now I have less than 2 months and it is doubtful that it will make it and be track ready.
Hobby for me as well. Other things in life take priority over cars very often. I can't Imagine selling my dart but there are times where I'll walk away from the hobby for a while just because I don't feel like going out and spending money.
It's a passion for me...automobilia is in my life everyday....always thinking about it and wanting to learn has had a hold of me since a little kid and will till the day I die :glasses7:
It's a passion for me...automobilia is in my life everyday....always thinking about it and wanting to learn has had a hold of me since a little kid and will till the day I die :glasses7:
X2 it runs my life and I wouldnt change a thing. I would eat ramen noodles to buy a set of wheels
I think that working in the industry adds another dimension to the question. When it is your trade, it automatically goes beyond being a hobby.
A passion would be when you start letting it interfere with your relationships with family, and forsaking most other activities. That's not a good, or amiable place to be.

This to me sounds more like addiction, which I agree would not be healthy. I think you can be passionate about it without letting it interfere with relationships. I have eaten Romen noodles to save for that next part. Although I would never skip paying bills for that next part. To me that is the difference between passion and addiction.
This to me sounds more like addiction, which I agree would not be healthy. I think you can be passionate about it without letting it interfere with relationships. I have eaten Romen noodles to save for that next part. Although I would never skip paying bills for that next part. To me that is the difference between passion and addiction.

X2, Very well said. I am passionate about my car...making sure it is mechanically sound, making sure it's clean, making sure the carpet is cut just right, making sure when I do a project on it I do it to the best of my ability and not just half *** it.

I don't however, let my passion for my car and the industry interfere with my life. I feel good when I'm working on it and it's like therapy to me by taking my mind off of everyday "life."

I was VERY active with vehicles when I was younger, then went in the Air Force and my focus changed. I've dappled in it since 1998 and hit it hard a past three years. I love it!
i have been involved with the "quarter Horse" industry all my life. it is sometimes defined as the western lifestyle, the cowboy thing, the horseman..... it is a lifestyle, in the true sense a passion.... it defines who and what that person is and represents......for many people its their business, passion, hobby,an all consuming thing. all rolled into who they are. as t hey reach old age.... not having at least one horse is unthinkable although they are too old to climb on one, hardly can get around to feed one, is who they are and what they are. it is answering their passion in life....

it doesn't mean they don't put their family first, or not pay thier bills, or do right by people....

this same "passion" is seen many times out here in the sticks.... ranchers choose a way of life that involves feeding and caring for cattle 7 days a week... it is their livelyhood, way of life, who and what they are... sometimes they retire and hand it down to children or grandchildren... seldom do they retire to the " good" life.... most times if no heirs... they pass and there is an estate auction....

it has always been interesting to me to see what interests in life people develop. seems sad to me for people to go thru life with NO interests?? or sad to see some people doing anything they can to add another million to their bank account! and that being their only passion in life???
Some people like to watch TV. Some people like to listen to music. Some people like to go out drinking and have a good time.
Some people like to gamble. Some people like to cheat on their spouses. Some people
like to learn and accomplish things on their own and like the self satisfaction of it all.

I do all of the above,(except the cheating part, lol) in my three car detached garage
working on something every night. Whether it is a side job, or for my own cars.

This is where I live, and probably where Ill die.
when i was younger it was a passion.. its all i did was work on my mopars. buy,sell and trade parts...

these days its just a hobby. i can sell everything tomorrow and be just fine with it. much rather do things and go places with the family.

looking back i wish it was more just a hobby when i was young and i wish i would have traveled more to be honest. there is so much to see in this country.
X2 it runs my life and I wouldnt change a thing. I would eat ramen noodles to buy a set of wheels


its borderline passion as defined in the OP and profession because I do a lot of auto repair on the side. My parents insisted I go to college for a social science degree which I did, but I would have just as soon been happy stopping after an automotive certificate.

The cars have been in the way of a normal social life, most people in my demographic at school couldn't relate so I was on my own. And instead of partaking in school social activities on weekend, I was usually at home in the garage or on fabo.

My own family has tried to get me into a new car and to "clean" up and get rid of the Joe dirt cars but I refuse because I don't think driving around with a little rust behind the wheels and tattered seats is going to hurt anyone.

Its a time and money consuming part of life and I wouldn't change it. I do not fit the description of a typical "old car" enthusiast, so for that reason I consider myself lucky to be here and doing this. I am not giving up the old cars without a fight, is basically what it has come to.
I just do what makes me happy. I take a break when I need to. Sell stuff when I need to. Change stuff when I need to. It's all part of it.
For me it's a passion .. All I do is think about and work on my cars.. Nothing against this but I don't save up for the new ps4 .. I save up for the new aluminum heads . Lol .. It's a total passion . Makes my life and I love it !
Just a hobby. Did it when I was alot younger, walked away for 25yrs, and decided I'd get another Mopar to have something different to play with. So far, its been fun.

And don't let it get between your spouse and kids. Mine are in college now, so it was my late 50th birthday present. My kids love driving it, and going fast too. Guess I rubbed off on them some.
It's more of an addiction for me, I spent most of my life trying to find a way to make more money to buy more cars, tools or garages.
For me it's a passionate hobby! Lol! In one way or another, I've always been a mechanic, machinist, body man. Any thing related to making a car run and look better. I believe you never have enough knowledge in anything in life. Especially my passionate hobby! I've made a living doing it for 35 plus years. Still enjoy building, driving and racing them!
For me its a passion.........................A hobby costs to much money................wait a minute.