Pet prayers needed

Prayers sent. We had to put down a 17 year old Beagle a while back. Still hurts. They are a real part of your family. Wishing you all the best!
Thanks Mike, Im off for 3 days now, so get to spend lotsa time with her.....wonder if she wants to watch me learn how to weld?? LOL
Prayers sent Steve... We just had to say goodbye to our chocolate lab Lucy 2 weeks ago today. She was losing weight, and not acting herself. Took her to the vet on a Wed. He said she had cancer on her spleen and was suffering. We all said our goodbyes and had her put to sleep Thurs. morning. Hardest thing I ever did! Still choked up over it... I wish I would have known a bit sooner... would've fed her a steak dinner! I hope the tests turn out to be negative for little Jemma! She is a little cutie! Hoping and praying for you all.......Andy
Spoiling her right now with a pb cookie from Tim Hortons,

Give her another one and send ME the bill.........prayers sent for your friend.

It's so difficult to know when they can't speak to U....:cry:
My condolensces on Lucy's passing Andy, its tough. I had to put a dog down a few years ago. We also have a black Lab Rufus. Being a guy I always wanted a good sized dog, but ever since Lori and I got together. Her little girl Jemma has stolen my heart! Lori too. We got the word Wednesday that its cancer, but Jemma has come back round the past few days. Lori and I think maybe she had the flu and that knocked the hell outta her. Vet says its quite possible that arthritis might be part of her mobility issues as well. Lori asked is Jem would be around until Christmas and the vet said quite possibly. So we are hoping for that. Thanks for the kind words Andy and god bless

Thanks 6pk, thats the toughest part, not being able to fully communicate what is happening to them, or them telling us what is wrong/hurts. Dare I try making home made PB cookies??LOL

Here are some pics of Jemma I have taken the past little while. She has bounced back pretty good so far. She is in heat right now, so she is teasing Rufus a heck of a lot. Its both funny and cute to watch, so I thought I would post some pics. She still loves to chase squirrels and chipmunks. Still quite a bit of spunk left in her!

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!

Steve n Lori


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Don't know how I missed this Steve, best wishes to you two and the dog. I too have a Jack Russel they are amazing little dogs. Unfortunately mine is to the point I need to take him in and have him put down, he is blind and incontinent sometimes but he hangs in there.
Only when she is in heat...LOL aint that always the way??
The same here 4spdragtop, Boogy jumps around Buddy and ,,and ..! well you know :D
Happy to see this :glasses7: Made my day 4spdragtop :cheers:
I love the pics and I'm glad to see little Jemma is doing better! Keep on spoiling her rotten because their time with us is too short!
So Lori and I have been to our local vet to get Jemma chkd out and a surgical quote...price was between $1200-$1800 and no guarantees(obviously). The tumor has been getting bigger, so much to the point that she couldnt take the stairs up or down as it would hit on the stairs. (I know sounds gross). It is the size of a hardball. All we want is for Jemma to be comfortable for however long it is, but we werent going to spend $1800 on a 16 year old dog. Believe me we love her to death, but the $$ just aint there. Well today we decided to get a 2nd opinion, so Lori called another vet that I had heard good things about. They snuck us in for 4 pm this afternoon. We took Jem and explained the situation to the vet. We dont expect a miracle, but the size/weight of the tumor is too much of a hindrance on her(and us!)
The vet listened to her heart and lungs...and took her butt temp(she no likey!!)
Everything was good. So came up with a quote of $850 and that includes having her spayed as well. The spaying even this late in life will decrease the agressiveness of the tumor by huge percentages.
We said we would like to go ahead with the surgery. He said ok, lemme see when we can get her in...came back 2 minutes later and said you can leave her here right now....we're like huh?? They are 24/7 vet and the surgeon is working on her tonight and if all goes well we get her back Wednesday afternoon!!
The quote is 1/2 the price and starts working on her asap!! We are sooo excited and feel somewhat guilty for not getting 2nd opinion sooner....anyway here are some more pics...the ones with me and her are at the vets can see the size of her tumor...Yuck!!
Sorry for the long story...can I aske for prayers again?? :blob:

Steve, Lori n Rufus


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