please accept my apology



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Corinth, Ky.
I lost my son. I almost have my car done and I was frustrated and I tried to finish what we had started together and it isnt going too well. I am disabled (stroke) and I am trying to get my mind off of the situation. I know you all are just a bunch of people on here trying to help each other and I had no right to say what I said. Again, I hope all of you will accept my apology. thanks,Bill
no worries man, maybe someone in your neck of the woods could help you get things finished up.

Aint no thing. Hope all goes well for you and things start looking up. Help is here all you got to do is ask. Give as much info as you can and the good people here will do all they can I am sure.
My condolences on the loss of your son. I can't imagine how hard it is. For all who commented your threads, this is a moment to remember that we don't always know what a member is going through. Maybe because of your son we will treat one another more kindly.
I'm very sorry to hear of your troubles, that's more than anyone should have to face
Well I did not comment on the thread , did read it though . I understand where you are at , I bought my Dart for my son and we are trying to get it 100% before he takes it over next year . And I'm stuck in a wheelchair so frustration when trying to fix the car is something I know well .
Sorry to hear about your loss , can not imagine how you feel . Good luck with the car , the people on this site are really great , but as in all cases things get said over the keyboard that would not be said face to face , and the complete story is not known .
but as in all cases things get said over the keyboard that would not be said face to face

That is why I try real hard not to type something on here or anywhere else, that I wouldn't say to someone in person.

I lost my son. I almost have my car done and I was frustrated and I tried to finish what we had started together and it isnt going too well. I am disabled (stroke) and I am trying to get my mind off of the situation. I know you all are just a bunch of people on here trying to help each other and I had no right to say what I said. Again, I hope all of you will accept my apology. thanks,Bill

It's all good Bill, my condolences to you. That would certainly explain your frustration. Just keep in mind as was said in the other thread that answers don't always come as quickly as any of us would like sometimes.

There is a good bunch of folks here that are willing to help if they can, so jump in anytime.
Sorry to hear about your loss, prayers sent for you and the family
No need to ask for an acceptance of an apology, just offering one shows good form. We can only on what info is given to us and now we have a bigger picture of what was going on. Sorry to hear about your son and situation. If you need anymore help or support the FABO community is here.
Our condolensces sent from up here. As someone abv said, no one should have to face what you are....ask away and we would all like to contribute in anyway to help you get that Mopar done!
My condolences on the loss of your son,and my hats off to you to finishing that car.
I bought a project 1974 Dart that came with a new harness and I installed it,but I have the old harness in my garage somewhere,just PM me if you need it and I will mail it to you.
Anyone know if a 1974 Dart Special Edition under hood harness would be the same or close to 1976 Duster ?
Chime in if you know or PM me.
Sorry to learn of the loss of your son.Won't even try to imagine how you feel.Gl with your build and my prayers to you and your family.
Sorry to learn of the loss of your son.Won't even try to imagine how you feel.Gl with your build and my prayers to you and your family.

[ame=""]Stevie Ray Vaughan - Life Without You - YouTube[/ame]
No worries Bill!! My prayers are also going out to you and your family to find peace in your heart, and know that your son is still very involved in your project, and that he will always be by your side when you enjoy what you got to share together. Drive it in his memory, with the same smile he has on his face watching over you!! God Bless, Geof
No apology needed. Had we known we would have been here for you. Having suffered two strokes myself I understand. Quite the load you have slung across your shoulders. Hopefully we can lighten it some.