Powder Coating / PSC's October Specials



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
To celebrate the scary month of October (and Billy's favorite holiday), PSC is offering TWO discounts to FABO members through October 31, 2007. If you're thinking about getting some parts coated in any color/texture of black or orange, then now's the time!!!

All coating jobs done in shades of black (Satin Black, Ink Black, High Gloss Black, wrinkle black, etc.) are 10% off!!!

All shades of orange (Chrysler Orange, Chevy Orange, etc.) are 20% off!!!

Be sure to let me know you're a FABO member when you call or email to qualify for these special discounts. Check out my website for color swatches and work samples.

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Halloween from Phoenix Specialty Coatings!!! :)
GTXExperience, sorry for the lengthy delay in responding. (I assumed I'd get instant notification of replies but that's what I get for assuming! :) I'll get in the habit of checking back more often.) High-temp powders ARE available, but they only go up to 1000 degrees. As we all know, exhaust temps can be a lot higher than that.

Though I hate to send potential customers elsewhere, I've always been of the opinion that honesty is more appreciated and will pay off better in the long run than a few dollars in my pocket now.

I'd recommend to everyone considering getting their manifolds or headers powder coated to call a place called Jet Hot. They do a ceramic coating -- on the outside, inside or both -- that lasts for years and looks absolutely fantastic. It doesn't change colors or fade over time like chrome does. It's a lot more expensive than I'd charge to do your manifolds but, in my opinion, it's worth the money.

Here's Jet Hot's tech line #610/277-5646.

Thanks for your post and for the opportunity to earn your business on other parts that won't be subjected to so much heat. :-D
GTX, yes ... I have accounts with UPS, FedEx and DHL so the choice is yours. If your parts weigh over 150 lbs, check with a place called FairPriceShipping.com -- they guarantee to save you at least FIFTY PERCENT off the other guys' charges.
I just wanted to thank all the members of the A Body Forum for all the word of mouth promotion, phone calls and emails I've gotten the last few weeks. I've talked to some GREAT people with fantastic cars! Keep those calls coming ... I like to take care of my friends too, so any referrals will be reflected on your own powder coating bill when the time comes.


Please also feel free to check out and join my Phoenix Specialty Coatings Business Group on another cool car site called motortopia.com. Business Group members receive special offers and discounts that aren't even available on my website, and it's listed as one of the "most popular" Business Groups on motortopia! Here's a link http://PhoenixSpecialtyCoatings.motortopia.com/

I'll figure out what the specials are going to be for November and get them posted in the next couple of days. Again, thank you everyone!!!
hey see the mirror in my avatar ? That is a hollywood trick done to General Lees mirror to prevent sun glares to camera. I know it aint correct but think it is just toooo sexy. The powder coat covers those places where these mirrors get pits in the chrome. Can you do that ? I want my 2 mirrors to match the dark argent texture coating on the rallye wheel centers and need the 4 of those redone anyway. 6 pieces so far.
Then there 's the 2 hood orniments of 67 Barracuda. Wish to cover their pits with same color powdercoat also. Masking those would be much more difficult but... I'm willing to try preping and masking all these parts if you can reproduce the OEM dark argent texture. Thanks
RedFish, please feel free to look at my website under the Color Charts tab, and then click on the "Metals" subfolder to see if any of those samples strike your fancy. Please give it a few moments to load -- there's a lot of colors in there! I can also check with my powder supplier to see what they recommend to match the argent finish. They can also custom-match colors for an additional fee; just be sure to include a sample of the finish you want matched so I can forward it to the powder supplier.
Please keep in mind that powdercoating won't really disguise the pits (and, on some colors, makes them even more noticeable). There are metal fillers that can be used with some degree of success underneath powdercoating to fill in divots and rust-induced pitting, but the overall result has a lot to do with the metal substrate the coating is going on (i.e., aluminum, pot metal, stamped steel, etc.).
You can save money on your powdercoating bill by doing a lot of the prep work yourself as you said. But there's additional prep steps that I have to do once your parts arrive here that are done on every coating job, so save the masking efforts since they would have to be redone anyway. Anything that will not withstand 450 degrees also needs to be removed (plastic/rubber bushings, mirror glass, remote cables, o-rings, etc.).
If you want to discuss a quote for your parts, feel free to give me a call between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. central time. I don't bite ... too hard. LOL
where are you located?

DustU, I'd guess it's not very far from you at all. The shop is in Greenfield, Tennessee located in Weakley County. It's in the northwest corner of the state about 20 miles south of the Kentucky border. We ship nationwide! (It's not so bad considering the price of gas these days. Average shipping cost is $8 - $20 depending on the size and weight.)
That's good to know . I have a eastwood kit that does great ,but my oven size limits larger parts. Can you do large parts ?My son's project is a truck and we may consider coating the bumper , we slicked it up a bit . The plater wanted a crazy amount because it welded on. I'll see want he wants to do .Thanks
Leanna, im curious. can you do 2 colors? i have the grills for my 66 cuda that id like to have done in almost chrome and the cross bars in black. is this possible or would the black have to be painted. im assuming the smoother the metal is the better the job. i do have a bit of pitting that needs to be removed. what would you recommend? could you pm me with a guesstimate for coating these. i think the are about 30-32" long. one more thing, the headlite bezels are aluminum. can they take the heat without damage?
thanks sb


sb, I'll try to answer your questions in order.
Yes, I can do two colors, or even more. There's lots of masking involved which normally costs a little extra depending on how intricate it is, but it CAN be done. I've attached "before," "during" and "after" pictures of a two-color job I just finished so you can get an idea of what can be done to old car parts with a little imagination.
You're right: the smoother the substrate (metal), the better your powder coating job will look in the end. But honestly, in the pictures you posted, yours look a lot more than "a bit" pitted. It looks to me like the pits might be so deep as to eat into the nickel/copper underneath the chrome and, if that's the case, there's a lot of work to do to fix that.
And since I'm laying out the bad news anyway, if they really are 30-32 inches long, they're also sadly too big for the curing oven I have right now.
On the bright side, aluminum can definitely take the heat necessary to cure powders. It just takes different -- and more -- steps to prep it than other metals. If you decide to get them coated, make sure your choice of coaters has worked with aluminum trim pieces before and can show you samples.
Last night I forwarded your post to a good friend who professionally restores trim parts for a living and he suggested you try to find some in better shape on ebay or through a vendor. He said it would probably be cheaper for you in the long run just to replace them rather than try to restore what you have now. The 66s are still "on the cheap" as far as today's inflated Barrett Jackson prices go, so you might be able to score a pair fairly cheap.
I'm sorry to dish out so much bad news, but I prefer to take the honest approach rather than a customer's money for a job they probably won't be happy with. If you would still like a quote to compare with someone in your area who has a larger oven, please feel free to give me a call.