Power Steering Pumps and Pulleys



Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2014
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I need some direction on what to do:

So I got this pump off of rockauto for a 70 charger. it has external threads on the pump shaft as well as a key way. However the old pump does not have a key way and no external threads


This is the old pump


This is the New pump

Now what to do? My original pulley wont go on the new pump, so do I just go to a place like summit or rockauto and get a new pulley?

Do I return the new pump and try and find one with a shaft that is similar to what I have now so i can use my original pulley? I believe this is the only set up they had new.

If I try and get a pump with a similar shaft that I have now, how do I press on a pulley? it doesnt have internal threads in the shaft to pull the pulley on.

Thanks for your help
Your old pump is press on pulley. They sent you the wrong pump. You can change pulleys if u want but y buy 1 when u have a good 1 already imo
So the new one is not a press on? I was under the impression all of them are press on.

Now if the old one does not have any internal threads on the shaft, how does one press on a new pulley?
That new one is defo a nut style not press. Ive seen ppl take the pump out of the reservoir and press them that way
Yea basically what I have found is around 75 they changed to the press on pulley pump, where as before they used the screw on with a key. Now I just need to find the pulley.