pray for me



Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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S/w Houston
i lost it and hollered at my wife and children and i feel real bad right now. they left me. i need ta feel the lord fore i visit him
Everyone makes mistakes my friend. Don't do anything rash. We're all here for you. PM me if you like, I'll be up for awhile.
Agreed! A willing ear and strong shoulder are only a phone call away. You have lots of numbers for your friends here Pete. USE EM.

We're here for you!!!!!! Don't ever forget it.
Pete, Just take a little while and think before you make any moves.

Most things like this can be rectified in the morning.......:clock:
I have, but it's not the end. You are here for a reason, don't forget it.

This is from guy who's been engaged 3 times, still no wife.
They will come back. My father yelled at me countless times and i can't tell you how many times i came back. I will always love my father. I will hate the decisions but I will always love him. I'm 17 if you need a younger kid to see how your kids will relate or something like that i'm here.
how can you get this old and still b a fool? thank you waggin and goldfish for your wisdom
Pete, I really don't know what happened here ! But I do remember feeling for you and your family last year around this time , when the hurricane hit, I was with you then ( I'M with you now). I've never personally met you, but I do feel I know you (siber space), and I have to say with the most sincere and honest way " Really man" ... There is no doubt a better ending.
These are hard times, you guys have been though worst.
thanks Butter i just need a prayer to get everyone else in line. i am so tired of it all. i feel like i.m the root of all evil and everyone would b better without me. im ready to run away and live under the bridge. why care anymore, theyre gone
Pete, Just take a little while and think before you make any moves.

Most things like this can be rectified in the morning.......:clock:
I know things seem dark now, but the grace of God will get things right again. You'll see.
Sorry to hear about your troubles.I hope everything works out all right.Your really going to have to make it up to them.I am sure they will forgive you.
You've got a fellow Texian more than a little concerned. Not knowing much about you or your situation, it would be difficult to cheer you up with any bits of wisdom. However, I can say with certainty (and experience) that it is always darker before the dawn. Sleep on it and tackle the problem with a clear head in the morning.
You've got a fellow Texian more than a little concerned. Not knowing much about you or your situation, it would be difficult to cheer you up with any bits of wisdom. However, I can say with certainty (and experience) that it is always darker before the dawn. Sleep on it and tackle the problem with a clear head in the morning.

I was struggling with what to say to you and 74sport said it for me.

Good advice and prayers sent.
thanks everyone. looks like i will have to get used to it.funny how a little disagreement can get so blown out of proportion with a few drinks. oh well life goes on.