pray for me

Hope everything works out for ya! I too know that a few drinks can take a small problem and blow it way out of proportion. It's easy to see after it has all happened, but not during. Sometimes, things like this are a wake up call or more like a slap to the face.

Keep your faith, and God won't abandon you!
You are in m thoughts and prayers my friend! Pete, I know you are a good guy. I will NEVER forget the "hot dog drive", and evil person wouldnt have come up something like that. We all make mistakes so please hang in there because eventhough we can only see the bad in situations at times Im a believer that all things happen for a reason. If you need anything just let me know, even if its someoe to vent to.
Keep faith in yourself, we all make decisions that we regret, but it is what we learn from them that makes us better people. Let things cool off and then make ammends with your family. Remember nobodies perfect and never judge a man by his lowest moment. You sound like you have total remorse and that's a good thing. You will learn from this and become a better husband and father. I don't know the situation but keep believing in yourself because in the end thats all that matters. You can't please everyone. I used to be a yeller, I now know the silent treatment gets better results and is less stress on me and my relationship. God Bless and prayers sent.
I used to have a anger problim never hit anyone and I am not saying you did but I took a anger class and it change my life big time.I have been with my Cindy over 27 years now and she and the kids took alot of **** from me they left a few times but alwasy came back.So hang in there .
We ALL suffer from "human nature" together.......You're not alone.

Our emotions build up and sometimes blow, and the drinks make it a lot worse.

BUT, time DOES bring healing........If you're calling on the Lord for help, He'll hear ya' and send it. What seems impossible today can very well BE possible tomorrow.

Hang in the "soul search" a little "Good Book" time too........It'll honestly help, and calm down your heart.

We're with ya' buddy.............Lots of prayers sent. Doc
Good morning Pete, I myself lashed out at my wife yesterday :angry7:when I am in pain and my wife knows it.
I usually go outside and pray and get upset with my self for letting things that don't matter in life bother me. Just yesterday I was trying to get my lower back and shoulder to loosen up by trying to put somthing on my mind and went out to my car cover to get vitoria cleaned up for a car show close by.:-D
I opened the door to the shelter to see that Victoria had a flat on the rear right, No big deal ,but still aggravating, So I jake her up and spin the tire and find a big *** staple in the tire :angry7:, the kind they use to make pallets with where my son works #-o two holes about 1'' apart Then I open my tool box and my rack of deep well socketd are gone :protest:" remember I am home alone" I call my son to see if he had them and he said no dad I have not used them.
I call my wife at work and she said they are in her lamp shop in a box. NOT.:argue:
I was already on meds and trying to have a good day and this just fueled the fire. I took me a blue pill to setal me down and slept it off.
Yes I was upset and I did give my wife some harsh words about what I have to go through just to fix a tire.
I hope and pray that you and you wife will be united and share a day together. I started out wanting to do some thing to get my mind off my damned shoulder and just got more aggravated over having a flat and my tools was not put back
I sat on the deck lastnight and enjoyed the quite night away from my wife.
She came outside and said that she knew that I should not have to go through so much B.S just to change out a set of tires and service my lawn mower, I could not even change out a spark plug
So needles to say I had a bad day yesterday and she found my row of deep well sockets in here some where :angry7:

SNAKE!!! 016.jpg
Daredevil: We will never get too old to learn. We will all make mistakes till we get planted but all possess the ability to bounce back and make the best of a lesson learned as i'm sure you will do. If a person aint learnin he aint breathin. I have to remind my wife on a regular basis that she is the most loved thing in my life second only to my heavenly father, as it should be. Sometimes we just need a wakeup call and they aren't all bad. With a little common sence and some soul seaching you'll come through this just fine and with a closer relationship with those you love. I'm sure it's a comforting thought to know that prayers are being sent on your behalf from all parts of this world to the only one that is capable of handling the action. Prayers from West Plains.
Small Block
I feel for the situation you are in right now. I don't know the history with you and your wife and kids as far as arguements and fights, is this a common occurance ? You said that you were drinking, did that lead to the issues ? My father drank and blew up at my mom and me all the time and finally walked out, so I know what you are going through with feeling alone without your family there...only I know it from the other side. I hope everything works out for the best.
so blown out of proportion with a few drinks.

If this is the cause, then try a meeting. I know there are a tone of people on here who are "Friends of Bill". They are the least judgemental people on the planet!!

I have not seen my father in 25 years because of alcohol. He does not know me, met his 4 grand kids, because the liquor was more important.

I truely hope for your sake, that the remorse you are felling is strong enough to help you go down the right path. No amount of that stuff will replace a loving family.

Prayers Sent.
My wife left because of a disagreement and has been gone ever since. We got a divorce and now she's married again.

That day I got home from work I gave her a big kiss and she said "You know .... it's been awhile since you kissed me like that!" But later on in the evening we started up at each other and she started packing somethings... just enough to get through a couple days. We had not been drinking but all in all that was it. We didn't even try to work things out.

I found out recently about a week ago that she has remarried. It has bothered me ever since. I don't know why it does but does! I still love her so very much and there's nothing I can do about it. I have had those feelings and thoughts you are having numerous times. So Pete I know exactly how it feels.... I know exactly how you feel this very moment.

When people say "I am praying for you." or "Hang in there it will get better." you feel like punching them in the mouth. It don't change the way you feel... only you can change the way you feel. It hurts when someone you love is gone wither it's your fault or theirs.... it doesn't matter both people hurt!

Go find whoever you consider your best friend someone you can trust and tell him or her everything you feel. Don't do it over the phone... do it face to face and I bet you will feel better. Talking to someone like does not mean you're less a man .... it's just you have to get all that crap out of your head bud or you will go crazy.

Stay in contact.... PM me anytime you want. I'm going to PM you my cell phone and home phone.
I'm sorry to hear about your problem Pete and I can honestly say I've done that and been there. I don't know how "loud" it got last night or how often it happens, and don't need to know, but I can offer some advice. You got to ask yourself if you really want your wife back in your life and if the answer is yes your options, at least what worked for me, are limited to one. You're going to have to get some help from people who deal with this on a daily basis. This also means a commitment from your wife to be with you during the process cuss this is a 50/50 relationship. I went through it years ago and it saved my 26 yr old marriage. If this was a 1 time event you can probably work through it yourselves, but if last night was the last straw, so to speak, you're going to have to get some help, sorry to say. I guarantee you'll look back and say to yourselves "why didn't we get help earlier" and no asking for help does not make you any less of a man. Come to think of it I wish my father had got some help when I was growing up.

Good luck Terry
My life has, and always will be a rocky road to travel being a husband and a father.8)
The dust will settle or get worse. Stay strong and know you are needed if they know it or not.:read2:

I am what I am and pete stand tall for your children sir.
There is some pretty good advice in the book of Proverbs. One time a very wise man gave me some pretty good advice and i've found it to more than true and i will pass it along and if you can use it and benefit then have at it.
"Words are as feathers, once you throw em out you can never take em all back"
Small Block
Sorry to hear of your troubles, I hope things work out for you. I can see by the replys you have a lot of support here. Good luck, I wish you the best.
Prayers on there way

The drinking and then the lashing out in anger is troubling:angry7:

If your drinking quit for awhile if you can't get help before it too late.

I wish I told this to myself years ago........