Prayer Request on Tax Day



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
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I am having a real tax headache, this year I owed a lot so for the first time I used a tax preparer. She got the figure down to something reasonable but I had problems getting all the documents scanned and attached, she is very busy and slow to respond to her emails and it's getting down to the wire. She says she needs a scan of my social security card but I don't have it. Hopefully she will accept another form of ID.

If anyone feels my prayer request is worthy, that I can get this done by the deadline, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
I am having a real tax headache, this year I owed a lot so for the first time I used a tax preparer. She got the figure down to something reasonable but I had problems getting all the documents scanned and attached, she is very busy and slow to respond to her emails and it's getting down to the wire. She says she needs a scan of my social security card but I don't have it. Hopefully she will accept another form of ID.

If anyone feels my prayer request is worthy, that I can get this done by the deadline, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Not sure where you went for to have you taxes done, but did they offer an extension to you? They should have and that would give you a little more time to finish up the details...people get extensions all the time. You should email her "snialmail" or call her and get the extension.

Is this worthy of prayer...Yes, everyone & all things are worth prayer!
Not sure where you went for to have you taxes done, but did they offer an extension to you? They should have and that would give you a little more time to finish up the details...people get extensions all the time. You should email her "snialmail" or call her and get the extension.

Is this worthy of prayer...Yes, everyone & all things are worth prayer!

Thank you Bea, I do agree all things are worth prayer though I feel there are others who need prayers far more than I do. Still, I felt the urge to ask for help. I would really like to be done with this tomorrow, and not have to get an extension, if I can...anyway, thanks again for your prayers.
Thank you Bea, I do agree all things are worth prayer though I feel there are others who need prayers far more than I do. Still, I felt the urge to ask for help. I would really like to be done with this tomorrow, and not have to get an extension, if I can...anyway, thanks again for your prayers.

Isn't the deadline @ midnight tonight?
yes, you're right, is now after midnite so the date is April 15....can you tell I'm stressing? My hope is to get it in before the deadline.
Good luck Goldfish! Hey, look at this way. You could be in my shoes and not have made enough this year to even have to file taxes. ;-)

I hope the tax pro and the IRS are both good to you and your prayers are answered!
TAXES. Probably the most stressing issue in the life of any American that does pay em. My painter friend was over yestreday evening and told me of his dilema. Made $29000 on a 1099 and the jerk he got to do his taxes told him he'd have to file an extension as there were 50 ahead of him. Got a call yesterday and told him they were done and ready. Cost him $150 for the prep and he owes $6000. I sent him to my CPA for a much needed review. Food for thought. On a guy like this who owns vertually nothing, what could the IRS possibly get out of the guy if he were audited? The poor guy is freaking out. Chill out Goldfish and file an extension if it needs to happen. I will say this, anyone that supports the government does need prayer.
Small Block
Prayers sent goldfish, Bea is correct if you need an extension you should be able to get one.
Did you get them dun in time last night ?
I got mine done yesterday. Its the first time in a decade that I got a refund. The refund is great, it will pay off my taxes from 2007 that i have been paying on. See, miricles do happen. LOL
Prayers sent Goldfish and here's hoping you get some cash back or at least don't owe anything. :read2:

Good luck Goldfish! Hey, look at this way. You could be in my shoes and not have made enough this year to even have to file taxes. ;-)

I hope the tax pro and the IRS are both good to you and your prayers are answered!

Yikes! Hopefully that will change this year for you CC.

TAXES. Probably the most stressing issue in the life of any American that does pay em. My painter friend was over yestreday evening and told me of his dilema. Made $29000 on a 1099 and the jerk he got to do his taxes told him he'd have to file an extension as there were 50 ahead of him. Got a call yesterday and told him they were done and ready. Cost him $150 for the prep and he owes $6000. I sent him to my CPA for a much needed review. Food for thought. On a guy like this who owns vertually nothing, what could the IRS possibly get out of the guy if he were audited? The poor guy is freaking out. Chill out Goldfish and file an extension if it needs to happen. I will say this, anyone that supports the government does need prayer.
Small Block

I was in the same predicament years ago when I sub-contracted to a motorcycle shop. I should have paid quarterly and I didn't and ended up screwing myself. I found a good accountant and knocked the bill down to about 3K which actually ended being 6k after interest anyway. They really don't care how little you make and they can squeeze blood out of a stone. I feel for him I truly do.

His best bet is to do what you steered him towards and that's a good accountant, gather every single reciept he has for everything and when a final number is reached, make a payment plan.

The IRS can be fought in court and some win, but it'll cost more than what's ultimately owed.
Thanks Ramcharger, I have made my best effort today, now it's up to the tax lady. Now I see that Maxi is hurting though and to me that is more troubling, prayers sent for her situation to improve. I'm really sorry to hear that you and her are going thru this.
The tax lady does not need a scan of your card, all she needs is the number. Is she planning an identity theft?

Good luck with the taxes, maybe you will get the luck I didn't $1,800 bill here.
If I can thank God every day for taxpayers, I don't see why we can't pray for Him to help them. Hope your worries are for nothing.
i used to love this day when i worked for the post office in Phoenix. the line for people dropping off there taxes was over 1/2 mile long at times. several times the police would need to be called. the irony of it is every year on the 16th we were still processing all of the tax returns. from what i understand they will not care if it is postmarked on the 16th, do you really think they check the dates on all of the returns? scan of a social security card, I would be asking why. I have efiled for the past 10 years, never needed to supply a copy of my social security card, hell, I don't even know where it is. we owe a big chunk this year. ours was efiled on 3/9. we called yesterday to ask a question about the payment, they had not processed it yet. i would not worry to much about it. if you need to make payments form 9465 is what you need. says right on the form that if you can pay the full amount you owe within 120 days not to submit the form.....
Try not to lose sleep over it, didn't half of Obama's crew not file their taxes at all for a couple years, I'm sure they didn't lose any sleep over it.

Not sure how it works in the US but in Canada the deadline only matters if you owe them, if they owe you they don't mind waiting to pay you. If you owe them and are late you pay a penalty which shouldn't amount to a hill of beans if you get it in shortly after the due date.

I'm sure it will all work out for you.
dude, I am going to pray for you....... but also for your preparer who should be telling you to relax and file for an extension! Crazy i tell you!
Thank you Bea, I do agree all things are worth prayer though I feel there are others who need prayers far more than I do. Still, I felt the urge to ask for help. I would really like to be done with this tomorrow, and not have to get an extension, if I can...anyway, thanks again for your prayers. did it go? did it go?

This tax lady must be a real piece of work. Ignoring my emails. My co-worker who recommended her is rightfully embarassed and feels bad. However now I have found a legit accountant who is licensed to go before the IRS...things happen for a reason; I'll be in good hands with him. Thanks for the prayers.
This tax lady must be a real piece of work. Ignoring my emails. My co-worker who recommended her is rightfully embarassed and feels bad. However now I have found a legit accountant who is licensed to go before the IRS...things happen for a reason; I'll be in good hands with him. Thanks for the prayers.

Hopefully you can rest easier now Goldie.Sorry I don't have any connections in the IRS,good luck.8)
If any FABO members need sound advice dealing with tax issues, go to (national association of enrolled agents.) There you can find an accountant in your area who is an 'enrolled agent' which means he is certified by the IRS on all the current laws and he can even deal with the IRS on your behalf.

Someone referred me to the naea website where I found a great tax accountant. Since the IRS requires him to attend continuous re-certifications, I feel a lot more confident than using a 'regular' accountant. Plus I get the impression the 'enrolled agents' genuinely want to help people, otherwise they wouldn't bother becoming certified. Surprisingly his rates were very reasonable.

Just thought I would pass this info along in case it can help someone.