Prayers Needed

I just got back from the Vet. I had to go see my baby girl.
Prayers guys and gals they really, really work!! :cheers:

And to answer the last question by Galatic_eyes, Yes, I took Stitch with me and had him tested, and it was NEGATIVE!! I had him vacinated as well. He will need a second shot in 3 weeks

I went there with my mind set on having her out down. :angry7:

But when I got there and she literally jumped into my arms, I could not do it. The Doc came in with the needle and I started crying and talking to her and saying I didn't want her to die and the Doc said she had started eating and responding to the medications that they were giving her within the last 30 minutes from me calling them and me showing up. Can you believe that!!

She was purring and head butting my chin and chirping and meowing scolding me for leaving her there, but it is the best place she can be right now.

The Doc told me that if she can keep eating and hold down her food and water for at least 24 more hours, we can bring her home.

BUT, I knew there was a but, here's the catch, We have to keep them seperated for two weeks AFTER Stitch's second shot. We have a small house and only the kids rooms and the bath room have doors on them. Luke, our youngest said she could "vacation" in his room until Snicklefritz and Stitch could play together again.

The Doc said she would hold a check for me until the 3rd of next month to cover the cost. Like MeMike told my husband, the headers will be on the shelf ...
Keep those prayers coming O:)


Once again ya'll have come through. She gets to come home today. The vet is amazed and says she has never seen such a dramatic turn around. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. FABO rocks again!!
AWESOME NEWS!!!! (Or maybe I should say awesome mews heh hehhhh)

Give her and Stitch a scratch under the chin from me.
Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow, From you friend,- Coconut Cat
(Translation: Hope you're feeling better)



Snicklefritz is home :home: now and starting to act more like her self. She is still having to take more that her fare share of naps, but Snick is holding down her food and the meds I have to give her twice a day. The doc had to shave both of the front legs to insert IV's and her neck to draw blood. Gregory thinks someone might mistaken her for a French Poodle, but I reassure him and say she is still our kitty. She has lost 3 of her 7 pounds and her coat has lost some of its shine. But the doc tells us she is doing much better.
She wants to thank all of you who tossed up a kind thought or prayer on her behalf...

Sitting pretty on Grumps lap while they surf FABO:
The French Poodle look from her hospital stay
Look at those Golden eyes!!
Trying to talk Grumps out of my home made beef stew.




I just found this. I am so glad she was able to come home. When I took my Khanna in, she never came home. :( We lost her on July 18 She was almost 2. I still catch myself calling her sister Khanna sometimes...

My prayers and best of luck to you all.


Thank you for some great news this morning grumpuscreature and Xcptshnl1:cheers:
My prayers go out to Snicklefritz, I can hear her purr'in from here :happy10:
Give her a scratch under the chin for me David 8) I always had a cat till I moved here on the hill, Treva is allergic and the hill has to many dangers for a cat to stay outside.

God Bless you all :happy10:
I just found this. I am so glad she was able to come home. When I took my Khanna in, she never came home. :( We lost her on July 18 She was almost 2. I still catch myself calling her sister Khanna sometimes...

My prayers and best of luck to you all.

Sorry to hear about your little Khanna. Snicklefritz and I will say a prayer for you, chlngr1970.

I just saw this too. I'm so glad to hear she is doing better!
Thank you Joe.

Thank you for some great news this morning grumpuscreature and Xcptshnl1:cheers:
My prayers go out to Snicklefritz, I can hear her purr'in from here :happy10:
Give her a scratch under the chin for me David 8) I always had a cat till I moved here on the hill, Treva is allergic and the hill has to many dangers for a cat to stay outside.

God Bless you all :happy10:
Thank you Mike. We are blessed to have such wonderful Friends, Brothers and Sisters that we have here on FABO. I gave Snicklefritz that scratch and of course I had to give Stitch one too. Can't love on one without loving on the other, they get jealous!

Glad to hear she's doing well. Shaved or not, she's still gorgeous:love7:

If she could blush, I'm sure she would! Thank you catsncudas.:love7:

