Proof that Men Have Better Friends...



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
Put down your beverage of choice first.

Friendship Among Women:

A woman didn't come home one night. The next morning
she told her husband that she had slept over at a
friend's house. The man called his wife's ten best
friends. None of them knew anything about it.

Friendship Among Men:
A man didn't come home one night. The next morning he
told his wife that he had slept over at a friend's
house. The woman called her husband's ten best friends.
Eight of them confirmed that he had slept over, and
two said that he was still there.
Saw that a while back and yep he,s at my house but hes in the can and cant come to the phone
STOP talking about me!!!!!


Oh, now that I think about further, me and my freinds started rawing a bit of a chip on our girlfreinds shoulders after awhile due to just that above.

They would point at us and just scream LIAR!!! He lies and you swear by it!!! Your all full of ****!!

And I'm just getting out of my car for with coffee in hand. One hell of amorning it was!!!!!
Yeah, my Dad always said a friend would bail him out of jail, but a true pal would be right there in the holding cell with him swearing to the judge she said she was 19. :snakeman:
I haven't listened to a CB radio for years, so I don't know if this is the way it is now. Maybe some of the truckers on the site know. I'm going to give a little explanation for the younger members who weren't involved in the CB craze of the 70's. Used to be, back during the CB days, somebody would get on channel 19 for example & say something like "Breaker one-nine. How 'boucha Rubber Duck (or whatever the friend was called), ya got yer ears on?"
Then the Rubber Duck would answer with something like "Comin' back atcha, good buddy."

Now...I'm almost afraid to ask this, but does anybody here know the definition of a Good Buddy? :lol:

(Hope I'm not too far outa' line with this one.)
C'mon..... none of you knows the answer to this one? disgust I must be older than I thought. There's got be somebody here who knows besides me. Maybe if you ask real nice I'll tell you. :-D
I think I do ... but in the interests of maintaining my status as a lady, I'm not going to be the one to 'fess up.


C'mon '64 -- just let 'er rip. Like the title of the forum says, "anything goes." I've got your back later.
I haven't listened to a CB radio for years, so I don't know if this is the way it is now. Maybe some of the truckers on the site know. I'm going to give a little explanation for the younger members who weren't involved in the CB craze of the 70's. Used to be, back during the CB days, somebody would get on channel 19 for example & say something like "Breaker one-nine. How 'boucha Rubber Duck (or whatever the friend was called), ya got yer ears on?"
Then the Rubber Duck would answer with something like "Comin' back atcha, good buddy."

Now...I'm almost afraid to ask this, but does anybody here know the definition of a Good Buddy? :lol:

(Hope I'm not too far outa' line with this one.)
Well now, back a million years ago in my military days...a buddy was a guy who went to town for a BJ and brought you back one.
ocdart you pretty much got it. The way I heard it, a Good buddy was a guy who went to town, got two, then came back & gave you one. And I didn't type this. I couldn't have. Just ask speedy, I've been in Texas all week.
ocdart you pretty much got it. The way I heard it, a Good buddy was a guy who went to town, got two, then came back & gave you one. And I didn't type this. I couldn't have. Just ask speedy, I've been in Texas all week.

Yea...........I remember seeing you guys coming out of Cabelas. I waved but you didn't see me.:-D