public apology

^^^^I dont know about anyone else, but that makes me want to beat someones ***. ^^^^^

They had a problem because you are a woman training for a career that is predominantly male???
Rani had mentioned that in another thread and i absolutely could not believe that there are POS's like that in this world.
i did feel very hurt by that thread ....but i have also developed thicker skin by being in this mostly male hobby.
honestly it has been a struggle since the begining. when was in auto school there were a few guys there that had a problem with after i painted my car and it was drying in the paint booth and everyone left for the day, these guys decided to go back and pour chemical stipper over my car with fresh paint and write sexist and racist things against me into the car.

^^^^I dont know about anyone else, but that makes me want to beat someones ***. ^^^^^

They had a problem because you are a woman training for a career that is predominantly male???

That sucks and is one of those types of things I'd willingly consider eating jail food for a bit... :)

Hopefully the wheel o'karma will come back around and crush some idiots.
Yea no kidding. I couldnt agree more with both of you. That is just evil and I hope they get what they so desperately deserve.

I just came in to read this cause the of the thread name and the OP seems cool from past threads so I was curious.
I'm glad to see that an apology was offered up, and Rani is gracious enough to accept it. Very classy gestures from all parties involved. Now everyone is working from a clean slate, and no harsh feelings are harbored. Way to represent FABO!!!:burnout::burnout::burnout::burnout::burnout:
Rani, sorry to hear of your encounter with some very sick individuals. Those guys who trashed your car and desecrated your name showed loud and clear that they are scared to death of you. Scared to death that a woman is competent enough to kick their butts in all things automotive. Why else would they feel the need to destroy your work? Obviously so it would not have a chance to prove superior. They said more about themselves in that single incident than they could ever say about you in a lifetime. You hold your head up high young lady. You are strong and a real class act. My hat is off to you. :angel8::angel8::angel8::angel8:
Rani, sorry to hear of your encounter with some very sick individuals. Those guys who trashed your car and desecrated your name showed loud and clear that they are scared to death of you. Scared to death that a woman is competent enough to kick their butts in all things automotive. Why else would they feel the need to destroy your work? Obviously so it would not have a chance to prove superior.
yep, those guys put the 'lousy' in jealousy
I never saw the thread, but I see Rani has some thick skin.. For what it's worth I graduated from Lincoln Tech (yeah the one on speed channel on Sunday mornings) back in 1979. We had one girl at the time in our class.. Her name was Lila. She had to endour the initiation of being a girl in a guys world, but it didn't take long for all of us to understand she was good! I mean really good in the mechanics world. So respect was earned and respect was given no one messed with her, and she graduated with honors. So I say to the guys that apologized, your definitely Stand Up guys for doing the right thing... Proper thing to do if that little voice says "ya know better", and Rani in my opinion your good, your really good in the FABO world and the mechanics world.. forgot the modeling world too! LOL!!!

I'm pretty sure I saw the thread that was deleted. I COULD have posted in it, but decided it would have been the wrong thing to do, and in bad taste, on this site. Sometimes, we all need to think about our actions (or in-actions), before acting on them.
Glad this issue is somewhat resolved, and everyone is staying put!
Ok from what i seen the Op of the the thread in ? it was ment for her to get a LOL out of. then some where it went the wrong way with some members calling her a dude and what not that was very wrong . I dose not matter even if she was a dude It was a harmless joke some truned into a hurtful one . If i said any thing to rani to upset her Im sorry for that . .
I saw the thread and didn't comment yesterday.
I won't jump in on that mess, but thought a lot about what was said.
The sincere apologies show a great deal of respect for all of us, and especially to the people involved, including themselves.
Cudos to all of you for moving on with it from here.
Maybe a lot of people still don't realize that comments on the internet are there for the whole world to see, whether it's FABO, Facebook, Twitter.......whatever.
I think a lot of people would post differently on the internet if they thought the person they were talking to or about was in the room in front of them, talking to them face to face.
And Rani, those guys that messed up your paint job were immature idiots.
As someone else posted, they put the ''lousy'' in jealousy. That really hits the nail on the head.
It's like 19 Again.. said,RESPECT....plain and simple.We all want it,so we all should show it.I live in a small town where very few from the female side of our race are involved in this hobby,my wife being one.So I believe,male or female,we're all in this hobby together and that's what really counts.
One other thing.Rani,if every time I went to a car show you showed up with your mopar,not a chevy or ford,that would be cool by me.And around here people would say"why is she driving a Dodge!".That's what all the narrow-minded Chev lovers say.
...Maybe a lot of people still don't realize that comments on the internet are there for the whole world to see, whether it's FABO, Facebook, Twitter.......whatever.
I think a lot of people would post differently on the internet if they thought the person they were talking to or about was in the room in front of them, talking to them face to face.

Well said Dartnut- everything you type is for all to see.
We need to remember theres alot of "internet bravado" in this day and age... and/or internet bullies who feel secure behind a keyboard.

And also alot of people who arent who they say they are...
Well said Dartnut- everything you type is for all to see.
We need to remember theres alot of "internet bravado" in this day and age... and/or internet bullies who feel secure behind a keyboard.

And also alot of people who arent who they say they are...

I detect a bit of sarcasm here.....
If anyone would like to talk to me in person, i would be glad to p.m. them my phone number or meet them face to face if they live close enough.
BTW, i personally know two people in my city that have been fired directly for nasty comments made about their employers on Facebook alone. I have heard of several others that have either been fired or disciplined for the same thing.
I'm not perfect, i'm far from it as all of us are.
But i also will admit when i'm wrong.
If you want to talk to ''self rightous'' people, hang around moparts for awhile, and read what's posted on there. And then try to post comments.
Give me a phone call, i'm sure you'll find out i'm not an ''internet bully'' or not who i say i am.
That's a nice '69 Dart convert in your avitar BTW!
Hey Dartnut,I'll take your number.I'm setting aside a little cash when I can,so I can visit a buddy of mine in Alberta this summer.Maybe if your close enough we can hook-up and I can come and see the stuff in your avatar.
Hey Dartnut,I'll take your number.I'm setting aside a little cash when I can,so I can visit a buddy of mine in Alberta this summer.Maybe if your close enough we can hook-up and I can come and see the stuff in your avatar.

P.M. sent with my number.
I live in Southern Alberta about a 2 hour drive south of Calgary.
I also did not see the thread in question but can say I've been on the receiving end of less-than-flattering comments from members of "The Good Ol' Boys' Network" most of my life, though it rarely happens in my face here on FABO. Most of the guys on this board are true gentlemen who know us ladies are here for the same reasons they are, and don't seem overly inclined to constantly direct us toward the kitchen ... or the bedroom.

But the simple fact remains that there are enough of the opposites on this board who are only 'showing their cards' through mouse clicks rather than actual written comments when Rani and I start our own threads. Even though there's nothing "terrible" about any of them, she and I are now habitually getting our threads rated with 1 star.

So somebody has something to say ... but he / they are just not man enough to do it for real and choose to hide behind a little-used ratings system instead. Such a classy thing to do ..........
Ok from what i seen the Op of the the thread in ? it was ment for her to get a LOL out of. then some where it went the wrong way with some members calling her a dude and what not that was very wrong . I dose not matter even if she was a dude It was a harmless joke some truned into a hurtful one . If i said any thing to rani to upset her Im sorry for that . .

my little comment had nothing to do with whether or not she is a guy or girl , although i saw a couple that were, i dont believe Johns was either. still no excuse for me to be dropping light sexual remarks that should stay in the shop or garage. it wasnt a terrible comment but one that shouldnt really be posted in an open forum. i respect all the ladies and i think the hobby needs more experienced and hands on ladies like we have here. people that believe this should be a male dominant hobby should try doing some dishes take up knitting.
I didn't see the original thread that was deleted so I can't comment on what was said. But I'm glad that Rani is still here with us. Having said that - shame, ShAmE, SHAME on any member that would say or do anything unkind to any of our female members. We need all the women we can get into this hobby. We need al the young guns we can get into this hobby. I don't want MOPAR to stand for - Male Opinionated Pigs Are Rude. Get your act together people. :thumbup: :headbang:

73, I was just thinking along those very same lines while having a puff in the basement. Let's put the high heel on the other foot.

If a man spent his life gaining a solid education in cosmetics, nursing, house cleaning or any other "traditionally female" line of work, I'd be willing to bet that his male friends would enjoy every opportunity to give him a bad time about it regardless of how good he was at his profession. On the other hand, ladies would more likely than not admire his tenacity and would probably tend to hire him rather than an equally-educated female in the same field solely because we've "been there" and have some idea of what that guy went through to get to that level. Imagine if you came home from work and found an Avon catalog hanging on your door knob. You look on the back cover and see a guy's name and phone number rather than a woman's ... "Whoa! An Avon MAN???" And I'd bet if you really needed some Avon, or were inclined to try that new cologne in the sample package tucked in the catalog, that you'd pick up the phone and call him.

Like Rani, I've developed a thick skin over my lifetime because I had to if I wanted to stick around. I've also learned that being in a typically male-oriented profession, I have to basically be twice as good as my male counterparts in order to receive half the recognition. It's just part of the game. Would I change anything about it, or how I am perceived by the masses? No, not really. I'd still be here doing what I love to do every day and wouldn't worry about what people might think.

The only thing that really bothers me is when people automatically assume that I'm a lesbian because I'm into hot rods and have predominantly male hobbies, and that assumption couldn't be further from the truth. Just like some of you might have thought my fictional Avon Guy up there was probably gay or he wouldn't be trying to sell Avon.

What it all comes down to is that we're all here for a common goal, our love of A Body Mopars. It doesn't matter if we put on a pair of jeans or a skirt in the morning, but what does matter is that we're all here. And getting along with each other.
Bigots of any variety are on my permanent sh1t list.
Actually, being bigoted against bitgots is the only case when it's ok. ;)

The car hobby unfortunately invites a lot of misogynists and see this more in the truck world though...fortunately, the Mopar folks I know tend to be a bit more evolved.
73, I was just thinking along those very same lines while having a puff in the basement. Let's put the high heel on the other foot.

If a man spent his life gaining a solid education in cosmetics, nursing, house cleaning or any other "traditionally female" line of work, I'd be willing to bet that his male friends would enjoy every opportunity to give him a bad time about it regardless of how good he was at his profession. On the other hand, ladies would more likely than not admire his tenacity and would probably tend to hire him rather than an equally-educated female in the same field solely because we've "been there" and have some idea of what that guy went through to get to that level. Imagine if you came home from work and found an Avon catalog hanging on your door knob. You look on the back cover and see a guy's name and phone number rather than a woman's ... "Whoa! An Avon MAN???" And I'd bet if you really needed some Avon, or were inclined to try that new cologne in the sample package tucked in the catalog, that you'd pick up the phone and call him.

Like Rani, I've developed a thick skin over my lifetime because I had to if I wanted to stick around. I've also learned that being in a typically male-oriented profession, I have to basically be twice as good as my male counterparts in order to receive half the recognition. It's just part of the game. Would I change anything about it, or how I am perceived by the masses? No, not really. I'd still be here doing what I love to do every day and wouldn't worry about what people might think.

The only thing that really bothers me is when people automatically assume that I'm a lesbian because I'm into hot rods and have predominantly male hobbies, and that assumption couldn't be further from the truth. Just like some of you might have thought my fictional Avon Guy up there was probably gay or he wouldn't be trying to sell Avon.

What it all comes down to is that we're all here for a common goal, our love of A Body Mopars. It doesn't matter if we put on a pair of jeans or a skirt in the morning, but what does matter is that we're all here. And getting along with each other.

I can relate, in my industry it is 90/10% female dominated.
73, I was just thinking along those very same lines while having a puff in the basement. Let's put the high heel on the other foot.

What it all comes down to is that we're all here for a common goal, our love of A Body Mopars. It doesn't matter if we put on a pair of jeans or a skirt in the morning, but what does matter is that we're all here. And getting along with each other.

very well put cudachick usual you have a way with words.

ever since "that" thread started it seems some of FABO is in an uproar and many are assuming that OP of "that" thread is know what ....this isnt high school ...i never cared for "they" "them" and such to make a case

Old tired Rebel was the starter of the thread in question and many are assuming that now me and him are at odds bcoz of that thread.

far from the truth ....i am not sure why he started a thread that was pretty much poorly worded and left the door open to a $hit storm. but i had started a "good Guy" thread about him 2 months ago and i still stand by my good guy thread.

the problem with Mr.Cliff's thread was not one single person but the many who were quick to jump in with smart A$$ hurtful comments. and the point is that, this is a family site with kids and every walk of life here.

there are no bad guys here........just a group of ppl who need to think before posting .....and i mean EVERYONE.

when i was angry i made mention of a clique.....well i never specified names so if you think you are in a bad clique then you prolly are but thats only for you to decide.......i pubically apologize for making the harsh statement about a "bad clique" that leaves the door open for assuming names and encourages agitation

there are no bad bad guys here .....lets strive to keep FABO the best car site ever created .....a very wise man here started a thread "to err is human and to forgive is devine" that is something good to practice and not just say.
Hi Rani, when those idiots did that to your car at school, was that at one of the colleges near by? Like PPCC or something? That's crazy! Were they ever found out or disciplined?