Radar detectors and jammers?

I can only comment on detectors, I know nothing about jammers. I can't count the number of times they've saved my ***. That being said you have to know how to use it. It's not a free ticket to haul *** everywhere. Best used in traffic when they are checking the cars up ahead of you, lets you know to chill. When driving by yourself as soon as it goes off nail the brakes. Like something ran out in front of you. Evidently takes a millisecond for a radar to clock you. It's worked for me. On the other hand, if you do get stopped and you have one, expect to get a ticket. That's my experience from commuting 120 miles a day for 30 years.
Just drive within legal limits & you will never need one.
I CAN tell you that ANY repeat ANY RF jammer for ANY purpose is is a Federal Felony under FCC. "period."

"Around here" so far as I know most use laser speed equipment which is only on "when needed," so a detector does you no good at all
running a jammer was a right hefty fine 25 years ago!!! radar detector just let ya know you been caught most time!
I've used Escort radar detectors for years and they are great once you learn their characteristics...

Busted a cop following me one time on spring break... I had it on dark mode when he started following us north, then we turned into a neighborhood to go around the block and go back south, the cop went one block past us, turned and caught up behind us when we were going south... I said, "F*ck this, I'm gonna let him know that we know he's back there"... Put it on light mode and it lit up like a Christmas tree, and the cop made the next turn away from us.... He then knew that we were tracking him the whole time... :icon_fU:
OP asked for opinions on radar detectors. I gave it. Not here to lecture people and how to drive.
I CAN tell you that ANY repeat ANY RF jammer for ANY purpose is is a Federal Felony under FCC. "period."

"Around here" so far as I know most use laser speed equipment which is only on "when needed," so a detector does you no good at all
Sure it does. Instant on is harder to beat. You have to have really good reaction time.
I have always used chaff myself!:lol:
Didn't work for myth busters, haha.
Maybe this:

just remember, its a whole lot more fun to drive a slow car fast, then to drive a fast car slow
OMG. Thanks PeePaw. Just stay out of the left lane.:D

Wait, no. Read that wrong, I agree LOL

I'm getting old :realcrazy::realcrazy::realcrazy:

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