Random pictures thread

We got to see that combo numerous times when I lived out in the Mojave Desert. We were only 70-80 miles from Edwards AFB where most of the Shuttle development was being done. Their "Let's take it for a test drive." usually brought it out our direction.
Another nice shot of the space shuttle. These things were impressive from almost any angle.
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Sadly, I never got to see a Shuttle launch out of SLC6 at Vandenberg SFB where I spent 3 years working on the remodel of that launch complex. One of the late launches had difficulties on it's return and had to land at one of it's west coast landing strips, Vandenberg or Edwards. I watched the sky diligently that day after it's return to the atmosphere and did get to see it pass on it's way to Edwards. It was flyin' low and fast :eek: and the sonic boom was a real attention getter :lol: It was probably on the dirt at Edwards 10 minutes after that. Passed over a perfectly good concrete landing strip at VAFB to stir up all that dust at Edwards :lol: