Raw parts deal on For A-Bodies Only

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2007
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Wilmington, OH
I'm just curious what others would do when a parts deal falls through. Short story, I recently messaged someone parting out a car and inquired about a couple of parts. They had said parts (fan and shroud), stated a price ($60), I said "I'll take it, just let me know how much shipping is, and I'll even pay the 3% paypal." A little while later, they come back and state...

Ok so I just realized these shrouds are pretty rare. That's my mistake, but I feel like I can't sell it for that cheap...so sorry! Looks like they normally go for $175+. Because I goofed on it, I'll offer it to you for $160 and I'll throw the fans in there for free. Shipping will take a special box that's $10, and shipping price from Texas will be $35 for UPS ground, so grand total of $205.

I hope there's no hard feelings, I just need to make my money back on this car or my wife will kill me! If you don't want to pay that much just let me know, considering how rare they are it shouldn't be too hard to sell otherwise.

...and I'm left thinking what the heck? I feel like posting this in their "for sale" post so that others will be warned about this guy. Personally, I have priced things a bit too cheap sometimes...but, I always honor the price I stated, as I feel that I am a man of my word. Is it just me or do others have an issue with someone who, at the last minute, more than doubles the price? Should I warn others on this forum about this guys pricing techniques...by posting the guy's own message to me on his for sale listing? Just curious what others think....and mainly just needing to vent. Oh well, at least I didn't SEND payment and then he double it on me before shipping it!
I'm just curious what others would do when a parts deal falls through. Short story, I recently messaged someone parting out a car and inquired about a couple of parts. They had said parts (fan and shroud), stated a price ($60), I said "I'll take it, just let me know how much shipping is, and I'll even pay the 3% paypal." A little while later, they come back and state...

Ok so I just realized these shrouds are pretty rare. That's my mistake, but I feel like I can't sell it for that cheap...so sorry! Looks like they normally go for $175+. Because I goofed on it, I'll offer it to you for $160 and I'll throw the fans in there for free. Shipping will take a special box that's $10, and shipping price from Texas will be $35 for UPS ground, so grand total of $205.

I hope there's no hard feelings, I just need to make my money back on this car or my wife will kill me! If you don't want to pay that much just let me know, considering how rare they are it shouldn't be too hard to sell otherwise.

...and I'm left thinking what the heck? I feel like posting this in their "for sale" post so that others will be warned about this guy. Personally, I have priced things a bit too cheap sometimes...but, I always honor the price I stated, as I feel that I am a man of my word. Is it just me or do others have an issue with someone who, at the last minute, more than doubles the price? Should I warn others on this forum about this guys pricing techniques...by posting the guy's own message to me on his for sale listing? Just curious what others think....and mainly just needing to vent. Oh well, at least I didn't SEND payment and then he double it on me before shipping it!

Yeah....that's a low, dirty move.
I don't see any fault personally. Yeah it sucks, but it happens that way sometimes. Put yourself in his shoes, would you still sell a part for less than half it's value if you found out you had way underpriced it?
some people huh~? Sucks, but what can you really do - someone else will surely buy his parts if you don't (no matter what you say or post about him) - make him a counter offer - you were first up - see if he is reasonable..
Probably should honor his original price, but if it's still the part you need and a fair deal jump on it, unless you were going to flip it...
Well, if I told someone a price I stick by it,heck I have sent things to people for free. Lord knows I've sold some cars way too cheap, but thats another story. I think he just might have put have opened his mouth up a little to soon. But, since you didn't send any dollars yet there is really know harm. He changed his mind people have that right. I know it's not the answer you want.
I don't see any fault personally. Yeah it sucks, but it happens that way sometimes. Put yourself in his shoes, would you still sell a part for less than half it's value if you found out you had way underpriced it?

I do. Bait and switch, whatever you want to call it. Evidently the seller had ADVERTISED A STATED PRICE, and now that "we" had an interested party on the hook, the price went up?

A deal is a deal. "I" meaning "I the seller" advertised whatever it was for a price. THAT IS the price in the world I come from
If you go back on your word, you deserve what you get whether it was about a part for sale, or promising your daughter you'd take her skating on Saturday ... plain and simple.

Lack of integrity and honesty are sadly missing in today's world.
Personally, I won't price something without researching it first and if I DO screw up, I still let it go at the price I quoted. At the price he's now asking, I don't think it's a fair deal. If I'm going to pay that price, I'll go to E-bay, Carlisle, Mopar Nationals, etc.. That way I can at least see the item before I buy it. Yeah, eventually I'd like to find one...but, it's not like I'm in a rush. Thankfully, there are a lot of other great people on this forum to deal with and eventually another shroud will come along!
I tried to respond nicely before, but since everyone else is getting all butt hurt about this I'll just say how I really feel.

You thought you were gonna get a killer deal, the seller wised up on the value of the part, and priced it higher. Then your killer deal, turned into a fair deal, and you're upset that you didn't get a killer deal.

I like getting stuff for a good deal, but I won't cry about having to pay the going price. People talk about "sticking to your word" and "doing the right thing". That goes two ways! Try "turn the other cheek", "live and let live" or if that's to difficult then go cry to your mommy and keep it off the boards.
I understand your anger, and the situation sucks.
I have listed parts and after the fact realized they were worth more.
That was my fault not the buyers. I chaulked it up to experience, and knew
I would make it up down the line.

Integrity means a lot, at least to me.
Just out of principle, I wouldn't buy from that person if he did that to me. Even if it was the last one on earth! I'd go without before dealing with people like that.

Maybe a bit too much time with indian LSD? :)
Don't buy it. Done deal.

While I would personally stand by my quoted price when selling something and i feel its BS to switch after that fact. I've know people to do that on cars, agree to a price then go to pick it up and "oh no, it's worth more dan dat. I saw'd it owen one owed dem dere autions and it went fur $30k counting monies....."
Just out of principle, I wouldn't buy from that person if he did that to me. Even if it was the last one on earth! I'd go without before dealing with people like that. :)


The value of the part was placed when the ad was placed, pretty cut and dry.
I tried to respond nicely before, but since everyone else is getting all butt hurt about this I'll just say how I really feel.

You thought you were gonna get a killer deal, the seller wised up on the value of the part, and priced it higher. Then your killer deal, turned into a fair deal, and you're upset that you didn't get a killer deal.

I like getting stuff for a good deal, but I won't cry about having to pay the going price. People talk about "sticking to your word" and "doing the right thing". That goes two ways! Try "turn the other cheek", "live and let live" or if that's to difficult then go cry to your mommy and keep it off the boards.

Scuze me I have to type a note to self.......Do not ever do business with this member.

" Butthurt?" No. A deal is a deal. This is the **** this world is coming to. And it happened to me sometime ago. This was a CL trick before there was CL. I called a guy on an advertised part, in a small "Nickel" paper. Called an talked, described, got the instructions, and drove 50 some miles to his place. The price "had gone up." There were words. I suggested he'd like to pay my gas back home. He suggested where I could go. It was close to getting ugly. HE had no idea how close it got.

Buddy are you really shitting me? Is this REALLY how you DO BUSINESS?
Ok hello all, this clearly has blown up much larger than it needed to and I don't see ANY reason to have taken our transaction public unless it was to make me look bad. But fine I can deal with that.

Yes, I am the seller in question. I initially told him $60 for the shroud plus two fans. The shroud alone is with $175 and up. I made a mistake and I apologized in the follow up pm's to him. I told him as a compromise I'd sell the shroud for $160 and include the two fans for free. I'm sorry if you get angry over me changing the price but mistakes happen. If it were not a lot of money I'd have let it go, but to ME it IS a lot of money.

In the future if you have a problem with something I've done or said, I'd appreciate if you talk to me directly instead of posting my private messages for all to see. To me that's just as bad as changing the price on an item once you find out it's true value. Next time deal with me directly instead of spreading crap in public.

Again, I'm sorry to have to change the price from practically giving it away to a fair price, but it is what it is. I was asking you to counter offer over PM and I would have settled for $120 with the fans, but I see no reason to continue a deal that's gone south. So disparage me all you want, I can't stop you from doing that. But I would ask that if you're going to hold me to a standard, hold yourself accountable as well.

I apologized more than once for having to change the price, now you don't want to buy it. That's fine. I'm moving on and would hope you can do the same.

FYI I have a early v8 shroud for sale for $160 plus shipping. Anyone interested in paying a fair price for it?

I see both sides. I have a bunch of listings online of mostly clearance stuff for work, and somehow through a decimal error, we listed an intake that was on sale for $500, for only $50.... We then had an interested party go ballistic because we corrected the price after he attempted to purchase it through the automated system.... It was a $900 intake, on discount for $500, and the guy goes insane after we apologize and correct the price...In this case, it was a simple error, i even offered the guy another $100 off, and he went even more nuts. At that point i saw no recourse, and realized he's just the kind of person who must make zero mistakes in life, and would never...EVER....press the wrong button on a keyboard! I wasn't going to take a $400 hit just to stop someone from whining and being unreasonable. Again i'm not trying to play devils advocate...but stuff happens...I'd just suck it up and walk away. Or shoot him a counter and see where it goes. The guy in the previous example sent me the link to some $200 china speedmaster POS...he felt was a much better deal..and told me to shove it.lol
There's alot worst "raw deals" out there than this...I have several.lol. But i won't messy up your thread anymore. good luck either way.
I don't see any fault personally. Yeah it sucks, but it happens that way sometimes. Put yourself in his shoes, would you still sell a part for less than half it's value if you found out you had way underpriced it?

He should have done some research to establish a price BEFORE posting it...

He should honor the price that he posted for not doing his homework... His bad, his loss...
I'm just curious what others would do when a parts deal falls through. Short story, I recently messaged someone parting out a car and inquired about a couple of parts. They had said parts (fan and shroud), stated a price ($60), I said "I'll take it, just let me know how much shipping is, and I'll even pay the 3% paypal." A little while later, they come back and state...

Ok so I just realized these shrouds are pretty rare. That's my mistake, but I feel like I can't sell it for that cheap...so sorry! Looks like they normally go for $175+. Because I goofed on it, I'll offer it to you for $160 and I'll throw the fans in there for free. Shipping will take a special box that's $10, and shipping price from Texas will be $35 for UPS ground, so grand total of $205.

I hope there's no hard feelings, I just need to make my money back on this car or my wife will kill me! If you don't want to pay that much just let me know, considering how rare they are it shouldn't be too hard to sell otherwise.

...and I'm left thinking what the heck? I feel like posting this in their "for sale" post so that others will be warned about this guy. Personally, I have priced things a bit too cheap sometimes...but, I always honor the price I stated, as I feel that I am a man of my word. Is it just me or do others have an issue with someone who, at the last minute, more than doubles the price? Should I warn others on this forum about this guys pricing techniques...by posting the guy's own message to me on his for sale listing? Just curious what others think....and mainly just needing to vent. Oh well, at least I didn't SEND payment and then he double it on me before shipping it!

If he wants that much, you may has well get a NEW ONE...

I get that, but I take pride in holding myself accountable...this wasn't a typo or a keyboard error. I told him a price and the perfect situation for him would be for me to honor it.

However, this also isn't a bait and switch like some have suggested. That's the problem with taking all this public, there's no context for anyone and now I'm judged by people that have no idea what they're talking about (not you).

I'm trying to build a car with very little resources. I didn't realize how much the item was worth. That's all there is to the story. If that makes me the bad guy, fine I'll take my ball and play elsewhere. I didn't come here to be put on trial when I make a mistake.

I see both sides. I have a bunch of listings online of mostly clearance stuff for work, and somehow through a decimal error, we listed an intake that was on sale for $500, for only $50.... We then had an interested party go ballistic because we corrected the price after he attempted to purchase it through the automated system.... It was a $900 intake, on discount for $500, and the guy goes insane after we apologize and correct the price...In this case, it was a simple error, i even offered the guy another $100 off, and he went even more nuts. At that point i saw no recourse, and realized he's just the kind of person who must make zero mistakes in life, and would never...EVER....press the wrong button on a keyboard! I wasn't going to take a $400 hit just to stop someone from whining and being unreasonable. Again i'm not trying to play devils advocate...but stuff happens...I'd just suck it up and walk away. Or shoot him a counter and see where it goes. The guy in the previous example sent me the link to some $200 china speedmaster POS...he felt was a much better deal..and told me to shove it.lol
There's alot worst "raw deals" out there than this...I have several.lol. But i won't messy up your thread anymore. good luck either way.
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