Raw parts deal on For A-Bodies Only

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He should have done some research to establish a price BEFORE posting it...

He should honor the price that he posted for not doing his homework... His bad, his loss...

No ****, I agree I should have done the research. and if it was peanuts I'd have said ok. But that's a lot of money that I decided to not walk away from. Let's not make this a bigger deal than what it is.
I don't see any fault personally. Yeah it sucks, but it happens that way sometimes. Put yourself in his shoes, would you still sell a part for less than half it's value if you found out you had way underpriced it?

Thank you for seeing it another way...some people just pass judgement on others so easily.
some people huh~? Sucks, but what can you really do - someone else will surely buy his parts if you don't (no matter what you say or post about him) - make him a counter offer - you were first up - see if he is reasonable..

I am a reasonable person, and I told him that if $160 didn't work to make me an offer that he felt was somewhere in the middle and fair to both parties. Instead I get put on trial in the public forum.

I'm just trying to make some money to fix up my car. Going back on an agreement is never ideal, but if it's not fair to both parties, it's not a very good deal. If he knew the value of the part when I made the offer, I could take the position that he was trying to take advantage of my ignorance and not knowing the value. I don't see the need to get pissy about it and cry foul to everyone before the situation is even resolved.
Well, if I told someone a price I stick by it,heck I have sent things to people for free. Lord knows I've sold some cars way too cheap, but thats another story. I think he just might have put have opened his mouth up a little to soon. But, since you didn't send any dollars yet there is really know harm. He changed his mind people have that right. I know it's not the answer you want.

Exactly right. I stated a price before I had knowledge of the value of the price. I hadn't even looked into selling that part yet, so when he asked me how much I should have looked it up. As I said my bad, so sorry. If he doesn't want to pay it, don't pay it. As you said, what harm has been done? Except that he has hurt my reputation as was his intended effect post posting all this publicly.
:eek:ops: lessons learned all around.

I am a reasonable person, and I told him that if $160 didn't work to make me an offer that he felt was somewhere in the middle and fair to both parties. Instead I get put on trial in the public forum.

I'm just trying to make some money to fix up my car. Going back on an agreement is never ideal, but if it's not fair to both parties, it's not a very good deal. If he knew the value of the part when I made the offer, I could take the position that he was trying to take advantage of my ignorance and not knowing the value. I don't see the need to get pissy about it and cry foul to everyone before the situation is even resolved.
You do see that the new one for an early a body is $250, right?

Is that the one you had, or the $170 68-69 a-body 22"???

Is yours used or new?

You also see that there are a few under $80....

I wouldn't pay over 75% for a part from an individual that I can get brand new from a company with a warranty....
Is that the one you had, or the $170 68-69 a-body 22"???

Is yours used or new?

You also see that there are a few under $80....

I wouldn't pay over 75% for a part from an individual that I can get brand new from a company with a warranty....

No. Mines an early a body shroud.
OK guys, Let's stop this before it get's way out of hand. Both sides have explained their story and apologies were given. A lesson learned by both parties like Scamp Mike said.
Going back on an agreement is never ideal, but if it's not fair to both parties, it's not a very good deal. If he knew the value of the part when I made the offer, I could take the position that he was trying to take advantage of my ignorance and not knowing the value. I don't see the need to get pissy about it and cry foul to everyone before the situation is even resolved.

Taking advantage of you? Really?

He saw a part at a great price and pursued it. How is that taking advantage of you when YOU set the advertised price??? :???:

If there is a wrench for sale at Ace Hardware and Sears, and Sears has a lower price, do you go to Sears and give them the higher price that Ace Hardware is asking??? :angel12:

Does Sears say, "It's more expensive at Ace Hardware, so we're going to have to charge you the higher price..." ??? :evil3:

As stated before, integrity goes a long way and defines a person. If you don't want to have integrity, that's your choice. Keep in mind that some people won't deal with people without integrity... :protest:

I would take the hit and honor the advertised price (I've done it myself), then do some research before posting more parts for sale, lesson learned.... :banghead:

But that's me, I treat people the same way that I want them to treat me.... :prayer:

If you want to throw away your integrity for less than $100, that's your call.... :violent1:
Per Mike's request I'm going to stop responding to the insults in here, after I just say that you don't know me, don't know the details of the deal, and have no right to say any of what you just said. This is not your argument and you should stay out of it.

I maintain that a person should be able to make a mistake about a price and correct that mistake.

Taking advantage of you? Really?

He saw a part at a great price and pursued it. How is that taking advantage of you when YOU set the advertised price??? :???:

If there is a wrench for sale at Ace Hardware and Sears, and Sears has a lower price, do you go to Sears and give them the higher price that Ace Hardware is asking??? :angel12:

Does Sears say, "It's more expensive at Ace Hardware, so we're going to have to charge you the higher price..." ??? :evil3:

As stated before, integrity goes a long way and defines a person. If you don't want to have integrity, that's your choice. Keep in mind that some people won't deal with people without integrity... :protest:

I would take the hit and honor the advertised price, then do some research before posting more parts for sale, lesson learned.... :banghead:

But that's me, I treat people the same way that I want them to treat me.... :prayer:

If you want to throw away your integrity for less than $100, that's your call.... :violent1:
I took a high hard one on a parts deal from an "expert" board member on here. Should have just boxed the thing back up and sent the sob back. I chose not to, then it gave me a royal :finga: to make it right... Now it's sitting in the attic of the garage as a spare because a found a better pair for a better deal that are on the car now. Difference is I made the choice, an ignorant one at that, but I made it... Hindsight is 20/20

Live an learn, posts like this help some of us determine who we do and don't want to buy parts from in the future so... :happy1:
The dude is parting out a car and mistaking posted one part for waaay less than it's worth. He promptly corrected it, apologized for the mistake, and is now getting blasted even though no money ever exchanged hands? Makes perfect sense... It's a website for god's sake. Who cares.

If he would've sold it for $60, my bet is would've been posted a week later for $160.

I remember not to long ago a member sent a very well known member a part for free. Pretty soon, it was listed for sale here because he didn't need it anymore. When the guy tried to call him out, his post was soon deleted. Hahaha
I get that, but I take pride in holding myself accountable...this wasn't a typo or a keyboard error. I told him a price and the perfect situation for him would be for me to honor it.

I maintain that a person should be able to make a mistake about a price and correct that mistake.

:evil3: :eek:ops:
I don't see any fault personally. Yeah it sucks, but it happens that way sometimes. Put yourself in his shoes, would you still sell a part for less than half it's value if you found out you had way underpriced it?

You can't be serious. They agreed on a price, then it went up. You can't honestly tell me that if you were on the receiving end of it that you would be OK with it.
Yeah, it would have been a good deal for me. Would I have paid more if the price was set higher to begin with, yeah. Would I ever pay over $120 for a shroud...probably not. I'm not in dire need of one and as such, I'll continue to keep looking for a good deal...if that take years, so be it.

In case anyone is wondering, I left the other person's name out of my original post for a reason, it was not a personal attack. His parts posting doesn't even mention a shroud, I had sent him a PM and inquired about it. I purposely left his name and link to his post out of this and was..."Just curious what others think....and mainly just needing to vent." Yes, my initial thoughts were to post my complaint in his ad but, I choose not to. I did not want it to be personal. After all a forum is a forum...isn't it? Was it wrong to ask for opinions?

Sorry if I've offended anyone. Again, I did not intentionally make this personal. Thanks to everyone who offered their opinions, favoring either my way of thinking or the seller's. Sometimes we all just need to vent and get different perspectives.

Now...back to your normally scheduled programming...anyone have a shroud for sale? LOL!
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