RE: Laysons Ranting...



Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
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OK guys, listen up. Rick is going out of his way because why???? Because HE GIVES A ****. Granted, Dave is a knob.... but Rick is "trying" to get us the parts we ***** about not being availiable. Then what happens.... everyone pisses on him. Anyone in the Mopar hobby knows we are the odd-balls amongst the car hobby (well, maybe the AMC guys have it worst....) and our parts are hard to come by. If someone is going to invest money to have new taillight housings made, he has to get a return. NO ONE works for free. Now, granted, Dave has done some F`ed up things in the past, but for the love of God.... STOP BEATING ON RICK! He's "one of US". I'm getting soooooo tired of reading these God-damn posts with everyone bashing Rick for posting. Yeah, I paid almost $700 for my tail lights. AND NOT FROM LAYSONS !!!!!!!!!!!! I shopped where I could. But those tail panels for a `68 Barracuda are IMPOSSIBLE to find. The stainless steels one's I bought cost a fortune from Layson's, but I have a nice, NEW set for my freshly painted car. This is an EXPENSIVE hobby, more so if it's a Mopar.

And if your not happy paying to play... go build a Chevy. They sell a lot of cheap crap to put those cars together....

I hear ya. It sure seems like a bad week to be Rick! I'm kind of glad someone said what needs to be said.
I hear ya. It sure seems like a bad week to be Rick! I'm kind of glad someone said what needs to be said.

Damn right! It's soooo easy to vent when your sitting behind your computer.... but believe me, I didn't post anything I wouldn't debate with ANYONE face to face. Rick is NOT the problem. He's TRYING to be the solution. It's a similar principal that bigotry or racism is based on: biased, blind, unjustified HATE. If RICK ever screws you, get loud. When he HELPS, be proud. And despite the complainers he keeps posting trying to help us out.

Think about THAT statement for a minute.
The best way for it to go away is to quit bringing it up.


Kind of like a bad tooth, huh? Ignore it and it will "go away..."

I'm not trying to pick a fight here, but C`mon guys. Rick is trying.....
I know your not, but being Layson's is a huge "button" for some guys and anytime Laysons is brought up it is sure to get a negative response and surely will not help Rick.

And I know don't call you surely.

And I know don't call you surely.


Why not? I have great legs when I put on a heels... :toothy7:

All kidding aside,I know it's a button, but Rick shouldn't be the punching bag. He stepped up and helped me out because he said he would, and he DID.

`Nuff said...

Now, excuse me, but I have a Chanuka - Hockey party to attend. Maybe tonight the Isles will win....:-k
Sometimes it sucks to be the messenger because you get shot at. It seems like Rick has some pretty big shoulders which is good right now because the healing process will take awhile.

I don't know Rick, but I've dealt with Layson's on a number of purchases. Their service is the pits. I will only buy from them if there is no other option. That being said, it's good to see they're making an effort to participate on this board. Suppliers must do a better job of listening to their customers.
Rick might be a nice guy, but he represents Laysons.

If I get ripped off from Walmart, I don't just forget all about it because I'm dealing with a different customer service representative.

If people got burned before, they have every right to be vocal about the shoddy service - regardless of how nice the salesman is. It sucks, but they're going to have to re-build their reputation and that means they're going to have to take some shots along the way. You can defend them 'till you're blue in the face, but that doesn't change the fact that people have been screwed and given poor customer service up 'till now.

As far as the pricing goes, there's not much you can do. I know tooling and production costs $, and that pretty much everything Mopar costs an arm and a leg. Considering that, I still think that they are WAY overpriced and that's why I won't buy from them (in addition to terrible customer service). But, with that being said, they have every right to charge whatever they want. If the consumer thinks they're overpriced, they just won't buy.

Oh, and the fact that Layson's is repoping things that aren't available anywhere else is very cool - but eventually, somebody else will make them then the prices will drop.

Isles suck, Flyers rule:dink:
I agree with fastback340.

I just want to add my $.02 (Cdn at that!) worth of support for Rick. I haven't been their most prolific customer,what with only buying 4 wire retainers and a catalog, but, even on the small,insignificant orders like mine, Rick has been nothing but helpful and cooperative. I praise him for trying to polish-up a company's reputation that sure does need A LOT of polish!!!

Thanks Rick.

Darwin (hoping to buy more in the future)
I'm willing to pay top dollar (in many cases) if the desired part is A) good quality, as advertised, and B) delivered on time, as promised. In both of these areas, Laysons has some real problems. I had a horrific experience last year with a rechromed dash piece. They took 2 months longer than promised to finish the piece, then sent it to the wrong customer, then lost it in the warehouse when it was returned to them, then fibbed repeatedly about when it would be shipped to me, and then delivered a item that was about two color shades off from the factory finish. It was a piece of junk -- I couldn't even use it. Don't even ask about the price.

To make matters worse, I caught the Laysons customer service rep in a lie and then Dave L. calls my house himself and leaves a nasty message accusing me of misrepresenting the facts.

All in all, this supplier is a mess. I hope someone there can fix the problems, because the Mopar hobby really needs a supplier like Laysons.
I'll be the first to admit that there has been customer service issues with Layson's for a long time, that's what got me to move to Washington state in the first place. Dave L posted a reply to a thread on Moparts back in Feb. '06 stating he could not find good help that gave a damn about doing their job. So I emailed Dave and asked him what would it be worth for him to hire somebody that did.

Fast forward to today........

... and I'll be the first to admit that problems still do arise on occasion, but they don't arise with anything close to the frequency they did just a year and a half ago. And some of those problems arise from the people who supply us...not nessessarily our manufacturers, but rather with other vendors and suppliers here. Sometimes we get caught in the middle ourselves. It's the same thing that can happen to any business at any time. Sometimes problems have occured when one of our customer service people didn't know what they were talking about, but the issues do get resolved. We have strived to find good employees and hang on to them, and morale is good here.

And the employees that have come on board since I started working here seem to be taking their jobs as seriously as I do(if they don't, they are shown the door!!!)....and it's starting to show. Normal shipping times on most(but not all) orders is between 24-48 hours. Some orders require special shipping arrangements due to requests from customers, some customers request that their order be held until back-ordered or special ordered parts arrive so that thier order can ship complete, especially if the order is going out of country or overseas. Each customer is handled and treated as fairly and as timely as humanly possible.

I do appreciate the good things people have posted about their experiences with Layson's, and I read the bad things that are posted as well. When I do read a negative post, I try to find out as much as I can about the situation and try to determine if there's anything I might be able to do to help resolve it. I have also looked into problems when somebody sends me an email or a PM on the board. Sometimes I can be of help, but sometimes there's nothing I can do, I just do what I can.

I realize that there will always be some people that can never be satisfied with anything, for it is the fool who thinks they can please all of the people all of the time. I'm a realist, I'm nowhere's near perfect but I do put forth my best effort. And so do the other people who work here, they read these threads that are posted just as I do, they deal with the phone calls and try the very best they can as well. Things are turning around here, it's not going to happen overnite, but it is happening and the changes I've seen so far are looking good.
Until Dave is gone alot of people won't be return customers or new customers no matter how good of a job you are the other people do at Laysons which hurts you guys which is a same in your case.

I have lived in Washington my whole life and there are pletty of good knowledgable people here. The problem is not finding a good employee the problem is finding a good owner for Laysons. Rick you and the guys can work your fingers to the bone but it won't mean anything if Dave tears is down. When I think of Dave I think of Boyd and Duane.

Rick, hats off to you for trying, but until Dave is gone you are sunk.

I am glad Rick is trying to improve things at Laysons. It will take a long time to change the perception of Laysons but Rick has to start somewhere. I just hope he succeeds because we need all the a-body parts we can get.
I am glad Rick is trying to improve things at Laysons. It will take a long time to change the perception of Laysons but Rick has to start somewhere. I just hope he succeeds because we need all the a-body parts we can get.

I agree and give a hats off to Rick. Anybody from a company that has a bad wrap, that comes to a board like this trying to do his best to do what should have allways been done and do it right while still sticking around after being flamed is a true dude by me.

It shows he is serious on many fronts. Rick still sticks around even after his head rolls down the hallway trying to do right.

I'll be dealing with Rick direct. (Thank you very much Rick.)
I have made a couple of purchases from Layson's recently & was very satisfied with them. Bought tailight bezels & trunk mouldings from their ebay auctions, & ordered a new rear valence panel from their catalog. Parts were not cheap, but the service was great & shipping was fast. I knew going into this restoration that parts for these cars were scarce & expensive when they could be found. No regrets here!! Hang tough Rick!!
rick,I've dealt with you on the phone and you were very prompt in getting back to me on a set of tail light lenses and bezels for a 74 swinger.not only did you phone back to leave a message but you went the extra mile in making sure personally that the parts were in very good shape considering you had to use the " yard suppliers" parts. In ending,the service,parts, and the price were commendable and that price was very much worth it the first time I saw the back end of my car lit up at night!! cudos to you and all that help you to make layson's a worthwhile endeavor
I hate to say this, but the bashing will be going on for another 30 years until dave dies or sells out. As for Rick his human, all humans care about one thing and that is ( what they can get "MONEY") sorry, sad fact of life. Greed is a good thing, its what keeps the hobby going, otherwise their would not be any repop shops or restore shops or swapmeets. I love MOPAR'S and will until the day i die, I buy used parts or new very deep discounted parts, and do all my on work on my cars and NO they are not rare or desirable. I am self employed, and make honest money ( and Iam human like Rick).:love4:
Rick sounds like a great guy and I may reconsider my opinion of Layson's, BUT. Service is a strange thing in this battle. I've only made one purchase from Layson's and well ... not so good. on the other hand I get screwed by walmart all of the time.. like the shop light with the "missing" spare bulb.. and the whatever that didn't have all of the pieces in the box.. but I shop there ALL the time and the majority of the time all is good..

so one bad deal with 100 transactions = 1&#37; bad
1 bad deal with only one transaction = 100% bad....... plus throw in a little emotion over a car you've been working on for the last ___ years and it gets real nasty really quick.. perspective... Thanks Rick for even being willing to post here.. must have big chrome ones :lol: