Ricers... *sigh*



has cork sides
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Gainesville, GA
Well, for the past few months I've been driving around my neck of the woods and I have probably seen atleast 10 little honda civics and acura integers putting around with their fart cans as usual. But here's the catch with these ten or so I saw... None of them had a hood on their car! Just riding around with no hood on like its some cool new trend:? I'm sorry, but the only cars that shouldnt have a hood are cars with tunnel rams or a big old school blower poking out and most of the guys that do meet the requirements are running hoods in my area, even the chevies!](*,) What is up with this? Why would you wanna have no hood over your fwd 4 cyl rice machine?
It's cuz there's only 1 really cool carbon fiber hood in your neck of the woods and they all take turns sharing it. I'm guessing it just wasn't those guys day when you saw them.
So everybody can be impressed with their weed-whacker engine.
I love picking on the ones that say their 2 liter Honda engine puts out so much hp/liter.
I then mention that my Honda CBR puts out about 160hp/liter.
And the 1966 Honda RC 165 250cc 6 cyl puts out 260/liter so they better
go over their builds and find ought what is wrong.

If a stock 426 Hemi put out 260hp/liter, it would be rated at 1800hp.

As for the little 250...yep, it's a Hemi!!

If the fart cannon-equipped ricers in Ga are anything like the ricers here in So Cal , they'll also look like someone took a slag hammer and tapped on the doors and quarter panels :thumrigh:.

I think the hoods are missing 'cause they forgot to properly latch 'em after installing another 100 hp nitrous kit to their oil-burning 1.5 litre and 2 litre motors :tongue1:.
maybe they went and made a blistering 18 second pass at the track and forgot to latch the hood and it blew open. we watched 4-5 cars do this at the track in one day last summer. it was really fun to laugh at them. the best part is my daily driver is a 02 civic. i get guys trying to "race" me all the time. and i point and laugh at them. my car is bone stock, and looks like a rental car. they get pissed when i point and laugh and refuse to "race" them. i would not race my 18 second honda that is flat out embarasing. let me get my duster done and i still wont race them. (seeing how it shuold be about 9 seconds faster than thier hondarod)
I saw one driving without a hood here too! New trend. I don't really give a rip about them, the Mustang guys are far more annoying when I'm out cruising in my Dart.
thats retarded, only time i go for a spin without my glasshood is the first testdrives with a new engine to be able to find leaks or fires rapidly.
a funny litle addon to this,some years ago i was at a litle local carmeeting and someone wanted to have a look under the hood so i put it on the roof of the car and left it there walking away to check out some nice cars,when i get back there is some import guys standing there talking and looking and they turn to me after realising its my car and asks what kind of engine i have and they have alitle trouble understanding the concept when i answer its just a litle 340 so after hearing them trying to get a grip on the size and somehow thinking its a 3.4liter and that that is a big motor i tell them its 340cui wich is 5.6liters they just stare at me and after a while i get the question how much power it makes and i tell them it makes some 400hp wich they realy cant get a handle on and i get some response about there litle 1.8liter golf that is so cool cause it has a 6500rpm redline and how much power it makes per liter..somehow they thinks that is cooler even if my 400some hp is alot of power and saying something about v8s cant be fast since they cant rev high just alot of torque thats when i brake it to them entirely by saying i didnt know that and nor does my 340 wish i shift at 7500rpms, hahahha should have seen there faces,they just couldnt believe it however its starting to get late and i deside i have had enough of these clueless guys so i put the hood on and after one pump on the throtlle i fire her up and now these guys looks realy bigeyed and realy lost hering the thundering exhaust i desided to brake my rule about no punnishment on a cold engine and when i get to the exit out onto the street i see these guys there (there used to be lots of burnouts there) i put my foot on the brake and hit the throtle hard,hit second gear at 7500rpms and third at 7500rpms in an instant im stading in this big cloud of tiresmoke and let of again and just standing there at an idle i tell the guys: see thats what real power can do and thats how 7500rpms sounds can you match it with your 6500rpm 1.8liter?

probably couldnt so i drove of..
Most people in the import scene dislike them as well. I think hate for ricers is universal.
Most people in the import scene dislike them as well. I think hate for ricers is universal.

X2, had an older gentleman at the drags a while ago that broke it down. He enjoyed imports, but hated ricers. Said the easy way to tell between a Ricer and a potential loss is if they can turn their front wheels. If they can, just laugh.
Most people in the import scene dislike them as well. I think hate for ricers is universal.
I dont think people here understand the difference between a ricer, and a very well built civic.

I always had a civic thru highschool and was really into the import scene. Ive never really been into the v8 vs import thing. but my 12 sec all motor civic did hurt a lot of v8 feelings.
i would be afraid of getting caught in the rain with no hood or have someone steal my battery or just mess with wires.dont make sense to me.
Has anyone ever questioned the wannabe fast and furious peoples lack of intelligence? None of this should come as a surprise!
I just gotta say that it's all a mentality. I used to own one (the only one I ever owned and to this day I kick myself in the *** for selling it but boy did I make a killing off of selling it :twisted:) I'd drive it down the freeway and 20 mins later I'd find a bunch of other imports following me (it looked like a cruise). I'd get every **** asking me to join their club and come to xx show that's going on (I went to one of them, only because the guy that asked me was a friend, I pulled up and parked then it was like the flood gates opened up. Everybody came to look at my car and wanted to get a picture of it and sit in it and ask for a ride, 3 of them had the balls to ask me to let them drive it!). I didn't race the car but everybody wanted to race me (until they realized what the car was and lost interest real quick because they knew they'd lose, except a few of them I guess just wanted to be able to say they raced my car). I only have 2 or 3 pictures left of the car with me (when I sold it the guy got everything I had with the car) if you wanna see it I'll post them up. Also I'm not a ricer but I can find the beauty in any type of car (for the most part).