RIP carroll shelby

RIP to another great legend. I'm not sure what is worse. Not being old enough to live during the muscle time or being old enough to see all the great ones leave us.
Damn he was one hell of a guy! He probably was/if not the biggest name in the performance industry. Now I have to go buy a fastback mustang and build the crap out of it someday. That said, the every last car that he actually put he signature on is now worth some serious $$$.
Just got home and saw the news,...My phone is blowing up,....Sad day for gearheads every where... RIP.
xmillon for all thats been said. A truly great and breave man. Never let a little thing like a bad heart of kindey slow him down!!!!
Damn he was one hell of a guy! He probably was/if not the biggest name in the performance industry. Now I have to go buy a fastback mustang and build the crap out of it someday. That said, the every last car that he actually put he signature on is now worth some serious $$$.

Enough to retire on I bet...
Sad day. Great man,great innovator.He will truely be missed.
RIP Mr.Carroll Shelby.
He was a great man, he brought us the Cobra, the GLH-S and the Viper...
God Speed Mr. Shelby, you may have passed but your legend will live on forever. The automotive world will be poorer but heaven will be richer with your passing.