RIP: Jean Stapleton (Edith Bunker)

Anybody old enough to remember that show has to love it ! I watched over and over again. My buddy has a pin from the mid '70's that says " Archie Bunker for President"
Wow, 90, I guess she hasn't got much to apologize for.
Just came in here to post this after I saw it on another website...All in the Family is still on every day on a channel I get, and I've seen every episode many many times...
R.I.P. Dingbat.

[ame=""]All in the Family - Ediths Death - YouTube[/ame]
Just adding my R.I.P. I watched it growing up and a lot of the same "issues" are still around today.
"Life In The Family", another show you couldn't do today without offending every other person that saw it. Absolutely wonderful show in it's day - and Edith was a class act that kept Archie in line when necessary.

Another classic gone to the ages - farewell Jean, you'll be missed.