Root canal or extraction?



Jul 30, 2006
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Darien, Illinois
Got a tooth that needed a gap filled between the crown and base of tooth. All well and good UNTIL the pain started. I thought maybe that was a response from not using novacaine. Well, no, there is an infection. Okay, got antibiotics going but the end game decision is: do you want a root canal or pull the tooth. Since it's the last tooth on the left, I'm leaning toward pulling it. If the 3 Stooges were in town, they would probably just knock it out. Anybody been in the same spot? What did you do and were you happy with your decision? Thanks!
I have several root canals and crowns. They are great. That said, I had one tooth that the dentist swore was fine, and I kept having pain every time I put pressure on it. I finally asked to have it pulled. The specialist that pulled it said it was cracked right down the middle. It was a huge relief.
I have several root canals and crowns. They are great. That said, I had one tooth that the dentist swore was fine, and I kept having pain every time I put pressure on it. I finally asked to have it pulled. The specialist that pulled it said it was cracked right down the middle. It was a huge relief.
that is what I am concerned about; is a crack he may not be seeing. that and the tooth moves around a bit.
any particular reason?
Pure unadulterated torture. My Dentist referred me to this guy in Fred. MD.
I don`t know what he used but it wasn`t nova cane. It was horrible and I felt too much pain.
The attempt was unsuccessful, cracked root. He wouldn`t even pull it for me, had to wait the next day and hope another dentist would fit me in.:mad:
Moving around doesn't sound good. The only reason to do a root canal is if the root is solid.
I had a wisdom tooth pulled in my twenties. Wasn't painful until the dentist says "oh my gosh." Thought something broke and it was off to oral surgeon. No, it all came out in one piece, one BIG piece. The x-ray did not show the third leg of the root that had grown behind the jawbone and then curved under it. I think getting the stitches out was the most uncomfortable part of that experience.
anytime they said root canal I said I will have tooth out and my orthodontist prepped it for a implant when she removed. No regrets. 5 and holding.
Make my own implants out of elephant ivory
Here is an ivory tooth that I'm shaping now

It's always bad to lose a tooth, but I don't know about root canals, either. Kitty has had bad luck with a few.
If they could sedate you for a root canal I’d consider it but otherwise not an option for me.
Got to be careful with an infected tooth root, it can turn into an abscess.

The top teeth are just below the sinus cavity around your nose, eyes, and forehead. An abscess in that area can give you an ongoing headache for a long time and can kill you if left untreated.

Nice part about pulling the tooth, the pain and problem are gone, returning your body to a healthy state.

You will easily adapt your chewing with the many teeth that you have left. Softer foods as you age are a good idea too.

Good Luck

Do what your Dentist recommends. Whatever you do, don't let it get all abscessed/infected. Teeth are pretty close to your brain, and you don't wan the infection to jump that short distance. A friend from high school did that, and the infection went to his brain because his tightwad self wouldn't go to the Dentist......he died from it. :(
Thanks to you all for advice and experiences! On antibiotics now and will make the appointment to have it yanked. My wife has had root canals with no current side effects but I'd prefer the yank, gone and it ain't got a chance to do it again.
Got to be careful with an infected tooth root, it can turn into an abscess.

The top teeth are just below the sinus cavity around your nose, eyes, and forehead. An abscess in that area can give you an ongoing headache for a long time and can kill you if left untreated.

Nice part about pulling the tooth, the pain and problem are gone, returning your body to a healthy state.

You will easily adapt your chewing with the many teeth that you have left. Softer foods as you age are a good idea too.

Good Luck

fortunately, it's the lower tooth but it is at the back. am taking a natural antibiotic in between the prescription stuff. also took some homeopathic allergy/sinus tablets and those helped a bunch also.
I don't know what advice I could possible give.
Two years ago; My teeth were all brand new, as the dentist had made them so. Those visits were covered 80% by my wife's insurance; so I just got it all done.
One year ago, they were fine. Then,
About seven/eight months ago, after my wife retired; one after the other, they began to crumble, until today there might be as many as three intact ones left.
Here's the thing, there is almost no discomfort involved other than the two or three open molars with their big juicy nerves exposed. Since my wife is retired, and now, at 70 so am I; there is barely money for the essentials so teeth are not on the list. Last year at this time, I was only missing about 4 teeth. Soon I won't have 4 left to chew with. I got three left in the front and none of them meet, so I have to cut everything into tiny pieces to be gummed by those without e.xposed nerves, behind them.
The point is this;
Don't let this happen to you, it's way beyond sucking. I could and would like to say more, but if I did, this thread would go to the N&P, lol.

And BTW I've suffered thru 3 or 4 root canals, and it's never gonna happen again. The first two were done in the early 80s on insurance. I said then that it would be a cold day in hell before I'd ever do another.
Then IDK about ten years ago, I had a front tooth go down, and Root canal or extraction were my only affordable options. Since this tooth was in the front and part of my handsomeness, I gritted my teeth for a root canal. We got past the freezing part ok and so it was looking like easy street. Well, nobody knows where the freezing part went that day but it might as well have been water. So the sweetheart dentist put more in, and then more again, and then some more. My azz fell asleep, and criminy my toes were tingling. Finally, my face feeling like a basketball, she did the deed. It wouldn't be until ~4 days later before all the freezing came out, lol. So on that day, I said for sure, never again.
Well, a few more years go by and then, another front tooth went down, and the words I dreaded were spoken once again. I said not a chance doc, clean it out and put a temporary repair on it. If it doesn't hurt, you can put a permanent fix on it later. Which she was able to do some time later. But for years, I could always feel there was something foreign inside that tooth. Now it doesn't matter any more cuz that one, as well as several others beside it are all busted up down to below the gumline. I got my own personal calcium dispenser now, but not for long; Ima hoping the rapture comes soon. lol.
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