rusty old steel...



Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
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Seems like every time i turn around i'm bleeding and have another cut or
scrape working on my cars.How many of you guys keep up on a tetanus shot?
It's recommended people like us get a tetanus yearly and if your in any type of sanitation work to keep a DTAP vaccination I believe every seven years, but it was a while back when a Virginia Dept of Health nurse told me that. It was during vaccination for Hep. A and Hep. B, which is a three shot cycle for each over a certain period of days, around two months and done with those for life. That being said, it's not really yours until you bleed on it!
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I got one last year while at a physical. Prior to that it had been a while. Cant hurt to get it.
I'm not a doctor, but if a cut bleeds your usually okay, the ones that don't bleed or are a puncture are the ones to worry about. Bleeding cleans it out
A nurse asked when my last tetanus booster was and I figured about 10 years ago. So I was due for another one and got a shot in the arm. I was supposed to go back for a second follow-up one a few months later, but never did. Tetanus "lockjaw" stories as a kid used to scare the heck out of me.

I've had my own jaws wired shut twice and it's' no fun (collision one year and follow-up re-constructive surgery the next year).
A nurse asked when my last tetanus booster was and I figured about 10 years ago. So I was due for another one and got a shot in the arm. I was supposed to go back for a second follow-up one a few months later, but never did. Tetanus "lockjaw" stories as a kid used to scare the heck out of me.

I've had my own jaws wired shut twice and it's' no fun (collision one year and follow-up re-constructive surgery the next year).
Good thing is tetanus is killed easy, let the wound bleed like said earlier and pour hydrogen peroxide on it. I have never heard of anyone who had lockjaw.
Seems like every time i turn around i'm bleeding and have another cut or
scrape working on my cars.How many of you guys keep up on a tetanus shot?
I don't and avoid any vaccinations that are not required. The human body was made to heal naturally. If you eat a diet that helps your immune system be strong you should survive. Just my view.
Seems like every time i turn around i'm bleeding and have another cut or
scrape working on my cars.How many of you guys keep up on a tetanus shot?

As mentioned by others, if you bleed you have no risk of contracting clostridium tetani, which is the bacteria that causes tetanus. It comes from animal manure, so if your car wasn't pulled out of some old farmers field recently, there is nothing to worry about.

The old "step on a rusty nail" thinking is a myth.

And here's what they won't tell you, getting a tetanus shot AFTER you are in contact with the bacteria does nothing. It will protect you from a future accident, but not the puncture you are dealing with in that moment.
i thought the bacteria could only survive where their is no oxygen present?
... rusted steel?
i thought the bacteria could only survive where their is no oxygen present?
... rusted steel?

That is why a puncture wound is the most likely way to contract tetanus. The wound is deep into the body and may close itself before bleeding can occur, not allowing oxygen into the penetration.

If you bleed from a cut, your odds of getting tetanus are extremely low.
Like 0.many0's%. Not sure what you mean about rusted steel having no oxygen present. Rust, by nature, is O2+H2O+FE, so there would be oxygen present.

Hey, if you want a tetanus shot, by all means get one. Some folks here are just trying to put your mind at ease about the scrapes and cuts that go along with what we do.

But do what you feel is best for you.
I had a bad reaction to a tetanus shot once. Spent a weekend jawing like a damn tweaker.
I keep my tetanus up to date. Farm work, car work, I'm always getting cut on rusty crap.
Been a very long time since i had a tetanus shot.
Think it was after i got something in my eye. Doc reccomended it.
So like 20 years ago. I’m always bleeding from something.busted knuckles galore.
As mentioned by others, if you bleed you have no risk of contracting clostridium tetani, which is the bacteria that causes tetanus. It comes from animal manure, so if your car wasn't pulled out of some old farmers field recently, there is nothing to worry about.

The old "step on a rusty nail" thinking is a myth.

And here's what they won't tell you, getting a tetanus shot AFTER you are in contact with the bacteria does nothing. It will protect you from a future accident, but not the puncture you are dealing with in that moment.
Tell my foot it is a myth.
7 days in the hospital saving my foot.
Stepped on a screen door screen wood strip with a rusty little nail in it.
Lifted my foot an the wood strip lifted with it. It bleed a little. My wife cleaned it with peroxide. Next day went to the emergency room, MRI showed what looked like a small ball inside my foot. Doctor cut it open and drained it. Me being diabetic they kept me in there and kept a close eye on it so I wouldn't lose my foot. IV with lots of antibiotics.
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I just save them for puncture wounds now. Having worked in municipal water and wastewater for 25 years, I’ve probably had enough vaccinations for a small zoo.
Yes, having diabetes makes it much worse. I know of some similar welding burn accidents.
My folks new a a guy when they were kids that when he stepped on a nail, he would go out and step in a fresh cow pie. He never got lockjaw and he's still going strong in his 80's.
Tell my foot it is a myth.
7 days in the hospital saving my foot.
Stepped on a screen door screen wood strip with a rusty little nail in it.
Lifted my foot an the wood strip lifted with it. It bleed a little. My wife cleaned it with peroxide. Next day went to the emergency room, MRI showed what looked like a small ball inside my foot. Doctor cut it open and drained it. Me being diabetic they kept me in there and kept a close eye on it so I wouldn't lose my foot. IV with lots of antibiotics.

That sucks and was probably quite scary. Did the doctor diagnose tetanus? As you well know, diabetics can suffer from foot problems like vascular and nerve damage. That would definitely require precautions for any infection in your foot and keeping you in for observation was definitely the best choice. Glad to hear it worked out.
That sucks and was probably quite scary. Did the doctor diagnose tetanus? As you well know, diabetics can suffer from foot problems like vascular and nerve damage. That would definitely require precautions for any infection in your foot and keeping you in for observation was definitely the best choice. Glad to hear it worked out.
Yes on the tetanus. Dr was suprised it missed the nerves.
BTW this happened in my horse barn. There was plenty of horse poop around.
Edit of post three to reflect source of information as va health dept, vaccinations was job requirement. Well, except for the bloody knuckles part. That’s what I’d tell coworkers when I lost skin on a maintenance job...