Sad news about Fabo the injured Kitten....

Thanks for sharing the reunion pics 65LoveAffair.....What a cool story and a great ending!!!!!!!!

Hoping for a smooth transition with Fabo and your other cat Fraidy :thumleft:
It was great meeting back up with you two. Mamacat looked so releived to see her kitten (just like it was her own kid). She even agreed to let Rob get the next car that he wants since she gets another kitty. Good to have cars and cats in common!

As far as the food thing, you could always get plastic food containers for the food to keep the cats out. If I would have known, I have one or two that I don't use....
Update on Fabo. She is doing very well, and is starting to get along with our other cat Fraidy. Fraidy still grumbles about the "young whippersnapper" at times, but he's starting to come around. We caught him licking her head earlier tonight, so I think they're going to be just fine. I have to admit, this is the first time I have ever been around a kitten this young. Fraidy was about a year old when we got him, so most of his kitten stage was past. I have to look around and make sure she's not nearby if I have to, um, scratch myself at night under the covers. I really don't want that part of me to get attacked by kitten teeth and claws, if you know what I mean. All in all, things are going well, and Fabo is adjusting rather nicely. I don't have any pics handy at the moment, but I'll post some soon when I can. Thanks again to everyone who helped make this happen!
Only pics of Fabo, none necessary of you scratching yourself....
Fraidy still grumbles about the "young whippersnapper" at times, !

Please be VERY watchful of these two. Years ago I had gotten a second cat, and while the two were pretty tolerant, they were never "lovey". At one point, the female, smaller, but with her claws, (the male had none) was always a little more passive. The larger male, and they were both spayed/ neutered, jumped her without apparrent reason and bit her shoulder. She limped for months after that, and her wounded condition only amplified the problems between the two.
Fraidy has always been a very passive boy. Even when we first brought him into the house, when he was about a year old and our son was about 18 months, he never really lashed out with the intent to hurt when he was threatened. Our son cornered him under a table shortly after we got him. He didn't hiss at him. He just reached out and batted his head a few times, basically just saying "Get away from me." He didn't use his full strength, but enough to get Will's attention. The only time I have ever seen him try to bite anyone is when we are playing. He has been around other cats in the past, and has never had any aggression problems with them. Only time will tell, but I think they'll be okay.
We've done cat introductions twice.

The first time was with a 6 month old single male and two 3 week males.

It was a bit hairy for a while because none of them seemed to be aware of the sise and strength difference. I had to seperate them quite a few times.
It took almost a month for things to settle down, but now they are fine.

The second time was with that group, (now one at 1 year and 2 at 6 months) and a batch of three that looked about 5 weeks (all males again).

This one went much more smoothly, really no problems at all. In fact, one of the second group (6 months- orange tabby) started acting as a peackeeper. He would insert himself between any two cats that started getting hissy, growly or batty.

Interestingly, two of this third group don't really care for each other. They frequently have spats (which the peacekeeper still somtimes breaks up), but those same two are a brilliantly coordinated hunting team when there's a lizzard or bug in the house. They've caught 13 to all the other cats combined 1. Go figure.
I need to get some pics loaded from my phone and added to the thread. They are getting along great. In fact Fraidy helps groom her on a regular basis.

The biggest problem we have, I hadn't lived with a kitten in a long time! The biting doesn't bother me when we play. It's the claws... I forgot how sharp they can be.
They have to be touching in some way when they sleep. Right now: He's curled up and she's stretched out in front of him with her paw on his belly. Earlier naps had them butt to butt. Then later with each having a back foot out heel to toe like they were checking to see how big her feet had gotten. (Yes, I have a picture of that one!)
They play fight all of the time, I've even caught her hissing when she decides she has had enough. So Fraidy drops it and goes off to lay down a bit before the next round. If he calls it off she just looks at it as a challenge and jumps on him again all teeth and claws.

The biggest problem with these two: No way to really separate meal time. I've had to mix his food and her food. She doesn't really care and neither does he. I've cut his food back the last two times I pre-mixed a batch. It's at about a 1-5 ratio his to hers. I can't wait to take them into the vet. Fabo was right about 5 pounds when we picked her up from Karl. I wouldn't be surprised if she's 6.5-7 now and Fraidy's check up and shot's a year ago he was 11lbs. 15oz. Since the switch up on the food, I would not be surprised if he weighs 14lbs. now.

OK, falling asleep at the keyboard.... time to catch some :sleepy2:
I need to get some pics loaded from my phone and added to the thread. They are getting along great. In fact Fraidy helps groom her on a regular basis.

The biggest problem we have, I hadn't lived with a kitten in a long time! The biting doesn't bother me when we play. It's the claws... I forgot how sharp they can be.
They have to be touching in some way when they sleep. Right now: He's curled up and she's stretched out in front of him with her paw on his belly. Earlier naps had them butt to butt. Then later with each having a back foot out heel to toe like they were checking to see how big her feet had gotten. (Yes, I have a picture of that one!)
They play fight all of the time, I've even caught her hissing when she decides she has had enough. So Fraidy drops it and goes off to lay down a bit before the next round. If he calls it off she just looks at it as a challenge and jumps on him again all teeth and claws.

The biggest problem with these two: No way to really separate meal time. I've had to mix his food and her food. She doesn't really care and neither does he. I've cut his food back the last two times I pre-mixed a batch. It's at about a 1-5 ratio his to hers. I can't wait to take them into the vet. Fabo was right about 5 pounds when we picked her up from Karl. I wouldn't be surprised if she's 6.5-7 now and Fraidy's check up and shot's a year ago he was 11lbs. 15oz. Since the switch up on the food, I would not be surprised if he weighs 14lbs. now.

Glad to hear that they are getting along. At least you have enough kitten food for both of them!

I got notices from the vet that she is due in for the final booster shots and she should be spayed in the next few months. I can't wait to hear how much she weighs now. She was 5 lbs 7 ounces when I took her to the vet last. I wonder what she will weigh when she's a full grown adult....

It would be cool to start a thread to guess what Fabo kitten will weigh when she gets to be a full grown adult (18 - 24 months old). My guess will be 8 lb 6 ounces.

Thanks for the update. Can't wait to see the new pictures of her.

When you first start to look for her (like in the morning), does she still meow and come up to you? She used to do that to me when I was looking for her on my porch so she could roam around. And immediately start to purr even before you pick her up? She just LOVES to be around people.

How's her left front leg and tail doin? I'm hoping that they are fine and not causing her any trouble. They seemed ok when I took her to you. She can really run around on the "bad" leg when I last had her. When she needs to scoot, she can really go... She definately can outrun any human....

Ok, this is getting long... Show us some more pictures!!!
I need to get some pics loaded from my phone and added to the thread. They are getting along great. In fact Fraidy helps groom her on a regular basis.

Where are those pics you promised????
For those waiting for pictures I apologize. We've had internet issues the last couple of days. Here are a few to tide you over for now.


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Lets see a internet cat group take care of a broken Dodge Dart like this cat was taken care of.
Great pics!!!

She looks like she's getting bigger still... Way to go Fabo...

I like the pictures with them together eating and with Fraidy's back leg on Fabo. They look like they are going to get along just fine.

Give each of them a pat or three on the head for me...