Shipping bigger car parts by air freight??



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
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Has anybody shipped say a fender or complete 1/4 panel via Air Freight?Cross border??I might have a 1/4 panel shipped via Air Freight and would like to hear your experience.Thanks

Also,anybody ever dealt with Desert Valley Auto Parts?
Are you going to be receiving the parts or are you the shipper?? Sounds like you might be receiving from desert valley?? I cant remember which courier I was bitching at, probably UPS, but they told me that when parts are shipped via air freight that their process for broker fees is "different" and could actually be cheaper than if it came by ground. Air freight is more, but broker fees are less??? Sounds weird I know, but maybe give FUPS a call to make sure. FYI I got a quote from Fed-ex to ship a fender to VA and it was like $300-$350 just for one fender!! If you could get it shipped by bus to a member up north and do the FABO relay???
We need to set up a POffice box address in Buffallo/ Niagara so we can drive down and pick up our parts once they are shipped. I have had a couple of people suggest this. Must be cheaper.
Hi Steve,I just went to the airport yesterday to pick up my tires from Summit.They had shipped Air Freight,they cost $90 to pick up.Now this is ontop of they,re shipping and handleing fee,s.I still came out ahead,cause buying the tires at 1/2 the price of what they are here.:angry7:Was just wondering if it would be cheaper to send..say a 1/4 panel?And go pickup at the airport.I hate paying delivery guys my hard earned cash,but sometimes you have too.
We need to set up a POffice box address in Buffallo/ Niagara so we can drive down and pick up our parts once they are shipped. I have had a couple of people suggest this. Must be cheaper.
Sure Wally,open one up!I can,t get across otherwise I would.
There are guys around town that go down regularly to bring back rust free parts. They truck them back, and you might get a better deal. Put a wanted ad on Kijiji, and explain your needs. Might get a lucky break. I dealt with Texas Acres once, and they were pretty reasonable too.
Good luck, and have a very Happy New Year!
$90 on top of shipping, how muchee was your total shipping cost?? Its always nice to have new rubbers eh?? I'd go get them from the US for ya, but its probably an 8 hour round trip for me. But a bus-ride from DV to NY would be cheap maybe??

Hey Joey how bout getting a canadian mod that does a once a month run to the po box?? I'd do it, but its a 4 hour one way trip for me.
Scott, you might check with Forward Air. They have a depot in Toronto area.

they have a hub in the Phoenix airport as well.

I know when I shipped engines, they were VERY reasonable. Not sure of the border issues.
How about going Greyhound bus..i received 2 doors and 2 front fenders from a guy in Colorado back when i did my cuda'..the shipping charges weren't all that much if i remember right..Fed-Ex ships a bunch of auto body panels i handle them everyday..
Thanks guys,gonna have to contact Desert Valley Auto and see if they can ship me a 66 Dart 1/4 panel.Hope it,s not too expensive.:clock:
Greyhound would be the way to go for most shipping because they'll do COD, which is easier on everybody, plus they usually cost less than the traditional carriers. I personally find that Greyhound is faster and more efficient than FedEx, UPS, or DHL. The only major downside with Greyhound is that you can't do cross border shipping, which is a real bummer................
I guess I,ll have to wait and see if they will ship via flight?Will keep ya,s updated on my venture,s.:clock::read2:
I talked to dvap about 6 or 7 years ago and wanted to know how much a 1/4 panel would be for my 70 Dart. This was before we could get good and cheap aftermarket 1/4 panels.

$450 + shipping. For one 1/4 panel. Hopefully the tough market has brought them to thier senses.
My good friend sister Cheryl(6pk2goDemon)has contacted them already(she,s in Arizona) and found me a 66 Dart complete 1/4 panel for $325.To me this is a decent price,it,s the shipping that will be killer.
Thats better than $450! Cant get repops yet for eary A 1/4 panels? Or would you rather have an original?

How about using the fabo transportation network? If you can find someone to bring it across the border for you,at least it will save you those enormous brokerage fee's.
I,d like to have it flown from Arizona to Toronto Airport then go pick it up.There,s a Canadian Customs office in the same building as the shipper/reciever.It,s also only a 20 min drive for me to pick up.
I wonder what it would be like trying to cross the border with a quarter panel in th bed of your pickup. Around here, the border guys are so convinced any US citizens are packing guns when trying to cross, they might not notice or question it.

What do you mean you can't get across? Are you a terrorist?
If you can find a UPS store close to the border arrange to have your parts shipped to the UPS store. Have them notify you of delivery and than go pick-up your parts.

Know your pain on Canadian customs!!!!!

my 1/2 cent
All he would need is a document with $$ description,buyer seller info...A sales reciept will work. Then theres the tax.
I dealt with DVAP as a walk in customer a few years back. I thought they were pretty decent to deal with . I was looking for a heater box to replace the busted fiberglass one in my Fairlane. Found one, a metal one to boot. Told me it would take a few hours to get to it, they had to haul the car up front and take it out. Told them I would pull it out where the car sat, price went from $65 to $10.
UPS has a freight service which is likely your best bet unless you know someone with a Fedex Freight and a brokerage account.