Shop work day



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
I can honestly say "you never would have caught me like that." The simple reason is that I'm so damn clumsy I'd probably be all banged up, not to mention my "bare feet."

Reminds me of a story. My then little brother---who was killed in a car crash of his own making out of high school, he was 19---was maybe 10-11 and one summer day, Mom was down in the basement at the washer dryer for a few minutes, I had gone down to either get or replace a tool, and my little brother was playing with Dad's woodworking tools. Here he was, in cutoffs, and no shoes, screwin with a BIG *** rasp. I told him, "you better get some shoes, if you drop that on your foot you will not be happy."

It wasn't TWENTY SECONDS he started bawling bloody murder. Dropped that rasp vertically, it stabbed right through his big toe just beside the nail.
I forgot to read who created the thread,first, before clicking. Lesson learned, till next time
I can honestly say "you never would have caught me like that." The simple reason is that I'm so damn clumsy I'd probably be all banged up, not to mention my "bare feet."

Reminds me of a story. My then little brother---who was killed in a car crash of his own making out of high school, he was 19---was maybe 10-11 and one summer day, Mom was down in the basement at the washer dryer for a few minutes, I had gone down to either get or replace a tool, and my little brother was playing with Dad's woodworking tools. Here he was, in cutoffs, and no shoes, screwin with a BIG *** rasp. I told him, "you better get some shoes, if you drop that on your foot you will not be happy."

It wasn't TWENTY SECONDS he started bawling bloody murder. Dropped that rasp vertically, it stabbed right through his big toe just beside the nail.
I was pounding a ball joint knuckle with a small steel sledge, in my shorts. A fragment of the hammer the size of a rice grain remains in my shin. It could have gone somewhere more, well, tender. Would long pants have slowed or blocked the fragment?
At least I had eye protection. Brass sledge next time.
I was pounding a ball joint knuckle with a small steel sledge, in my shorts. A fragment of the hammer the size of a rice grain remains in my shin. It could have gone somewhere more, well, tender. Would long pants have slowed or blocked the fragment?
At least I had eye protection. Brass sledge next time.
Reminds me of something
We were changing the track on a M60 Tank...A guy was swinging a sledge to drive out a pin. All of a sudden he bowls over in pain. A piece the size of a bb broke off and flew through his pants and underwear and went into his nuts
I told him drop his drawers as he was in a lot of pain. Sure enough there was a hole in his testicles and bleeding.
Took him to the hospital but when he got back to barracks we all had a good laugh over a few beers