Slap in the face to America from GM & Ford



Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2006
Reaction score
pomona, ca
The day CEO from GM went to congress to ask for money he flew a corp. jet at a cost of $20000 round trip. He could have taken a plane for $288 but noooooooooooooo he wants to burn up money before he gets it. "F" them let Obama give them his money out of his pocket.
If I owned several million cars scattered across the nation I wouldn't fly at all. I'd puddle jump from one dealership to the next and drive a car of every color. LOL
"F" them let Obama give them his money out of his pocket.
Remember, Obama said he's going to 'redistribute the wealth'. He never said whose wealth he's going to 'redistribute' but I'd bet the farm it's not gonna be his!
Another thing, when asked by congress it the CEO's would take a pay cut to $1 per year the only one that answer yes was Robert Nardelli from Chrsyler. The other 2 slid around the subject. I bet all 3 can afford it !