sleep and dreams



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
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Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
My wife has many nights trouble sleeping, she cannot get her work off her mind at night sometimes. Me, I fall dead asleep in a minute in bed by 8 and I wake up at 4! She asks how I do it? For 1 thing, I just put all worries out of my mind. Second, I dream. Of what????
I am not kid anymore. 70. Life gets harder as I get older for sure.
I dream of my little dogs I lost 2 years ago. How I loved them and they loved me. All the good times we had.
I dream of when my girls when they were young children and we were still a family. They we just children, no adult worries, no problems, no illness, no pain. It was a happy time.
I dream of when I was young and strong I could climb on horses with ease. I could toss that 45 pound saddle right up there. He could maybe knock me off, and I was right back. No hurt, no huge bruises from blood thinners.
And I dream of our day together, my wife and me. Everyday with her is a joy.
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I had a job like that too. I was fixing stuff in my dreams. I quit that job, and got me a nice easy stress-free job. So easy, I practically don't even need to sleep,lol.
Sweet-dreams Barbee
My wife falls asleep immediately after crawling into bed. It takes me longer, but it's because I'm wired from the day, not from stress (luckily).

I don't remember many dreams but most are positive.

Has your wife tried Melatonin? I take 1.5 mg before bed.
My wife is asleep as soon as she lays down. But she has some of the wildest dreams. Every morning the tales me the craziest stories in detail. If I dream I don't remember anything.
Wife falls asleep when her head hits the pillow.. me I lay there and I can feel sleep coming on and if I relax and not think about anything I fall asleep, BUT if I don't catch it then I'm up for an hour at least ..fall asleep on my right side and ALWAYS wake up on my left.
I focus on relaxing my body as much as possible then count down from 100. If I make
It to zero I count back to 100.
My wife falls asleep immediately after crawling into bed. It takes me longer, but it's because I'm wired from the day, not from stress (luckily).

I don't remember many dreams but most are positive.

Has your wife tried Melatonin? I take 1.5 mg before bed.

Yes she takes it, but she had gotten to taken too much (overdosing) and it had the opposite effect!!!
We have a glass of "BOX" ! have wine too. We, or least me , go to bed relaxed, never a cross word between us, so never any drama. OK so I save my bitching about anything to spill out betweem 1:30 and 3 pm!! Usually!
The first time I bought Melatonin I got the 10mg tablets. Took one 10mg tablet and had the wildest, most vivid dream posibpos. Once I forced myself to wake up, I stayed awake until it wore off.

It was crazy!

Yes she takes it, but she had gotten to taken too much (overdosing) and it had the opposite effect!!!
We have a glass of "BOX" ! have wine too. We, or least me , go to bed relaxed, never a cross word between us, so never any drama. OK so I save my bitching about anything to spill out betweem 1:30 and 3 pm!! Usually!
The first time I bought Melatonin I got the 10mg tablets. Took one 10mg tablet and had the wildest, most vivid dream posibpos. Once I forced myself to wake up, I stayed awake until it wore off.

It was crazy!

Are you sure it was not LSD!??? lol

She was wide eyed all night till about 5 am this morning, she sleep in till 8. She had TOO much on her mind all night. She can not shut off thinking some nights.
Try a milk product like cheese or yogurt about an hour before you go to bed. It has both calcium and protein which will help you sleep. Also get some exercise about 3 hours before going to sleep or at least sometime during the day. Even if it's just sitting still and moving your arms around and twisting. You need the exercise in order to relax. Try not to take pills.