Snakes and Spiders and things that crawl

We have one out here that you don't see very often thank God.
It's called the Mojave Green rattle snake.
They are bright green like leaves on a tree but they look just like a diamonback otherwise.
They have a nasty attitude and will literally chase a person.

The State of AZ was doing some cross breeding for some stupid reason and they got out into the wild.
They are a diamondback crossed with a viper that there is no antivenom for so they are usually deadly if you get bit by one.
I was literally jogging backwards away from one that was chasing me, till I could get my gun out and blast him.

From CBS news, July 10, 2012:
Mojave Green snake bites 6-year-old California boy, 42 vials of antivenom needed

The Mojave Green is one of the most poisonous varieties of pit vipers in North America.

(CBS News) A 6-year-old boy is battling against a bite from one of the deadliest snakes in the country, the Mojave Green.
According to CBS Los Angeles, Kaden Rivera was enjoying a holiday camping trip on July 4 when disaster struck.

"My son was chasing the dog. All of a sudden we heard a scream from out of the bushes. 'I've been bit by a snake,'" the boy's father Ken told the station.
Rivera saw signs warning of rattlesnakes, and ran with his son to the ranger's station while his condition worsened. By the time they reached the ranger, the boy was already vomiting and foaming at the mouth.
"He lost control of his muscles, and his limbs. He had a rash all over his face. He couldn't breathe," the boy's father said.
He was brought to Mission Viejo Hospital in Mission Viejo, Calif., where doctors recognized the symptoms as a bite from the especially toxic rattlesnake, the Mojave Green.
"It took 42 vials of antivenom just to stabilize him," the boy's father told CBS Los Angeles. "Normally it would just take a few ... depending on the snake."
Representatives at Mission Viejo hospital said they could not comment on the child's case.
Snake venom expert Dr. Sean Bush, professor of emergency medicine at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, told HealthPop that the Mojave Green snake is known for having the most lethal venom of all North American pit vipers, a class of snakes that includes rattlers.
Bush said when a poisonous Mojave bites, the venom can stay in a person's system for weeks or months. About 15 percent of people bitten by a poisonous snake may lose a body part like a finger, or experience loss of sensation or function. Others may experience more severe complications like bleeding to death from one bite from the deadly snake.
While 42 vials of antivenom, or antivenin, may sound like a lot, Bush said some cases he's treated have required 58 vials or continuous drips of antivenin that may approach 100 vials of the treatment. Typical treatment is using CroFab antivenin, which is a type of antivenom made from four snakes that can treat poisonous bites from North American pit vipers.
Poor little guy, hope he healed up ok, that is scary, especially when it happens to a little kid
Wow... And to think we're considering moving to Arizona! Think I'll have to look into inch thick thigh-high leather boots if I'm ever going hiking!
Wow... And to think we're considering moving to Arizona! Think I'll have to look into inch thick thigh-high leather boots if I'm ever going hiking!
almost grabed a brown recluse last monday in the garage, alittle squirt of b12 chemtool carb cleaner for her-him- it, whatever! this thread is making me itch too!--bob