so about that thanks giving...



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
...lets hear it

i'd go first, but i know if i did that, it would ultimately turn into a sermon where i praise God for His faithfulness, His redemption and His willingness to send His own Son to die for me on a cross, to redeem me from my sins, and to release me from a debt, i myself had accrued, and indeed was guilty of.
that He was willing to pay the price for my sin, and above that, that He rose again on the third day, victorious over Death and leading captivity captive, which allows me to be at peace with God and to enter, boldly into His presence as one of His children

so, to keep me from getting preachy and to keep this whole thread from being moved to N&P, i wont go there.

i am thankful for my friends who sustain my spirit, and for my wife who puts up with me .
for my children who are healthy, growing, and got their mothers looks

im even thankful for FABO where i have gotten tons of free advise and have even been able to help a few folks out myself

and finally, im thankful for the 14-34 victory my Lions will get over Minnesota tomorrow
...lets hear it

i'd go first, but i know if i did that, it would ultimately turn into a sermon where i praise God for His faithfulness, His redemption and His willingness to send His own Son to die for me on a cross, to redeem me from my sins, and to release me from a debt, i myself had accrued, and indeed was guilty of.
that He was willing to pay the price for my sin, and above that, that He rose again on the third day, victorious over Death and leading captivity captive, which allows me to be at peace with God and to enter, boldly into His presence as one of His children

so, to keep me from getting preachy and to keep this whole thread from being moved to N&P, i wont go there.

i am thankful for my friends who sustain my spirit, and for my wife who puts up with me .
for my children who are healthy, growing, and got their mothers looks

im even thankful for FABO where i have gotten tons of free advise and have even been able to help a few folks out myself

and finally, im thankful for the 14-34 victory my Lions will get over Minnesota tomorrow
Dittos and go Lions!!
...lets hear it

i'd go first, but i know if i did that, it would ultimately turn into a sermon where i praise God for His faithfulness, His redemption and His willingness to send His own Son to die for me on a cross, to redeem me from my sins, and to release me from a debt, i myself had accrued, and indeed was guilty of.
that He was willing to pay the price for my sin, and above that, that He rose again on the third day, victorious over Death and leading captivity captive, which allows me to be at peace with God and to enter, boldly into His presence as one of His children

so, to keep me from getting preachy and to keep this whole thread from being moved to N&P, i wont go there.

i am thankful for my friends who sustain my spirit, and for my wife who puts up with me .
for my children who are healthy, growing, and got their mothers looks

im even thankful for FABO where i have gotten tons of free advise and have even been able to help a few folks out myself

and finally, im thankful for the 14-34 victory my Lions will get over Minnesota tomorrow
agree whole heartedly. well put !---addition, not so much on the lions!
I'm thankful the lions got this far, many seasons they didn't. And I'm thankful for Diymirage for saying the things that should be said. So easy to overlook in the day to day.
1st of all, since I live here in Cincinnati, there is this
2nd, there are over 150,000 US Service members currently deployed worldwide, they aren't fortunate enough to be home.
Keep in mind that none of these people were forced to join, they volunteered to keep you free.
For that, I am deeply thankful.
There was a time when I was one of those in this position, I as well as these people never felt sorry for ourselves, we had a job to do, we did it.
Just take a moment and remember, that freedom isn't free.
He had to die. And he had to be reborn. He had previously divorced his bride Israel, on account of their continual whoring after other gods. He made the rules. If the bride was unfaithful, divorce was an option. But if the second husband died or also divorced her, or she was unfaithful to that husband, she could never return to the first.His rules remember.So in order for GOD to take her back, he had to die and come back a NEW man. So now he awaits his wedding day.
We who were once Gentiles,the wild Olive tree, but now confess Yeshua as Lord, are grafted into the cultivated Olive tree,namely the family of Abraham, and of Isaac,AKA Israel. In this way we become part of Israel and the bride. Now being part of Israel, we are eligible for the covenant promises. And subject also to the covenant curses, if we so chose.

What I am thankful for, is having learned this, before Yeshua's imminent return.Had I not,I would not have understood the importance of the 4th commandment and that it did indeed apply to all believers everywhere. And to continue doing as I pleased on the Sabbath was akin to thumbing my nose at God.
For God says,and I'm paraphrasing, that he will know that we love him, if we obey his laws and commands.
I know how to love my wife and kids. But I have never understood how to love GOD. I mean, I have never seen him or heard his voice or experienced anything supernatural,attributable to God. So I found it exceedingly difficult to love him.But now, there it is in the printed pages of the Bible. Such a simple statement; Do such and such, and I-God will know.And he says that if we will love him, as Yeshua loved us, then he will reveal himself to us. For 22 years I waited for nothing, cuz I was inadvertently desecrating his holy day,on account of, I had been taught that the 4th was done away with at the cross.
So now begins a new period of waiting.
So that's what I'm thankful for, awakening.

Oh yeah, on another note; I'm also thankful that our leaders have not yet figured out how to tax the air that we breath!
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Looks like I was off on my score a bit...but we made it
