So I had an interesting day at work...



Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
syracuse, ny
saturday afternoon work was going real slow. so i was pleasantly suprised when i got a work order to check out a brake fluid leak on a 94 dakota. got the truck up on the lift and about 30 seconds later, all hell broke loose...

dakota pic.jpg
That's some serious salt damage! Lucky that truck didn't break in two on the road. Keep us informed on what happened.
Sure wish it had been a Chebby or a Ferd instead of a Mopar. :silent:

Was the frame that rusty or did the customer have the bed loaded with a couple tons of bricks......?

That had to be a difficult discussion with the boss and the customer.
ROTFLMAO! That had to suck showing the customer and trying to explain that it wasn't your fault.:-D
I can hear it now!! I think I found the leak. Or at least another one. Do you offer custom JB weld frame kits?
Its hard not to laugh seeing that pic, but that poor truck owner as well as you and your boss. I can see it on the news now "I took my truck in to have the brakes looked at and they ripped the truck in half" lol
Wow, your lucky you didn't get killed. Show us more pictures of the frame if you have them. I'd also like to know if that thing was in a wreck at some time and fixed or if it's one of the first domestics to break in half.
Darn, I knew I put too much weight in the box for traction!! LOL MIke
funny thing is, the frame was completely solid. truck had close to 1000 lbs of tube sand in the bed completely soaked with water and ice. i didnt see it since the back was covered in snow. im just lucky the bed fell slowly, it was 7feet in the air when it went. the customer was more concerned about me then the truck. pretty understanding guy. ended up paying me $20 to pull his plow controls off.,,
its sad too, because the truck was really clean. my boss is the guy in the pic, he saw the whole thing go down so i didnt have to explain much. im just glad the customer was understanding. im sure alot of guys would have called the news and a lawyer and all the crap.
did it bend or break? that would be pretty trippy seeing the bed slowley go south and there not really be anything to do to stop it lol
thats exactly how it happened, it bent. i was watching the bed get closer and closer to my face and luckily had the common sense to get the hell out from under it. when we set the truck down, it was permanently shaped like a boomerang. still drove though!
it definately has break..........well....bend problems glad you are ok.....hmmmmm nice drivetrain for some kewl old car
why put sand in the bed? Sand is for tanning on...Snow whats that? you northern folks sure do odd things to your vehicles!

thats nuts!

how do you explain that to insurance???

I'm surprised he didn't think to mention that he put 1000 lb of sand in the back. Maybe that had part to do with him not freaking out. Glad you're ok though, haven't ever seen that before.
the guy gave one of my co workers the truck to scrap. didnt even care that much. his other car was a brand new expedition so i dont think he was strapped for cash. i saved the front grille though to hang in my barn to remember the day i was nearly turned into a pancake by a dakota...