So much for that toyota quality..

Hey how come I don't get a little wavy avatar flag????

Click on the "user CP" button at top right and I think you will find them there.

As far as experiences with cars long term I bought a 93 Dakota new. It had a 318/A518 and was a very basic sport model. Bought it with the intention of using it as a daily driver and possibly racing it some. Owned it for 12 yrs. and put a little over 90,000 miles on it and after doing some basic mods raced it often running in the mid 14's. It was a true work horse. I abused it severly pulling out stumps, pulling a loaded car hauler, and running at least 500 trips down the 1/4 mile. All I did was regular maint. and it had 3 problems with it the whole time I owned it. 1 blown heater hose when it was still under warranty. Radiator leak at about 50,000 miles. Bad headlight dimmer switch at 85,000 miles. I sold it to a guy that bought it to tow a stump grinder and trailer. Last I knew of it had over 140,000 miles on it and was still going strong. I consider any vehicle that was put through that much abuse pretty darn good.

I have traveled overseas and loved it and have nothing against other countries (except the anti-American ones) and what they produce and don't mind buying some over seas items as I'm sure a lot of them are very good products. I just prefer to buy US products to support my country but it isn't always possible as stated earlier.
Heahwo, I dwive a pweeus, an id is da bes car in da ho wy werld ! ! I am savin da viroment cuz algore sez so. My carrola lasted 1 million miles an I never changed da oil. I wood dodge a dodge if I wer U. Stoked 340's drool.
I saw a doco and the American prosecution believes the Toyota crash issues are to do with outsourced components. This has been a n issue since they have had very good long term relationships with tier one and tier two parts suppliers but when they expanded to the US they had to outsource parts from companies that they hadn't had a long term relationship with. These parts suppliers could be USA companies. Very easy to point fingers but I think the situation is extremely complicated as these and all cars are made up of parts supplied by numerous companies both US and internationally based.
I saw a doco and the American prosecution believes the Toyota crash issues are to do with outsourced components. This has been a n issue since they have had very good long term relationships with tier one and tier two parts suppliers but when they expanded to the US they had to outsource parts from companies that they hadn't had a long term relationship with. These parts suppliers could be USA companies. Very easy to point fingers but I think the situation is extremely complicated as these and all cars are made up of parts supplied by numerous companies both US and internationally based.

That very well could be but it still doesn't excuse how Toyota covered up safety issues for several yrs. Sweeping them under the carpet if you will. That's why they were just hit with the $16.4 million fine for notification delay.

Here's the news article on the fine
Yeah I understand that but you have to look at how they are structured as well.
They have a responsibility obviously but all decision making is done in Toyota city. It's so insular that they have created the issue. I don't think they are trying to shed responsibility as such but they could have handled it better.

They have suffered from the same mistake many other companies going too large have, forgotten their initial values. They apparently have made a pledge to revert back to what defined them originally, manly quality and customer satisfaction. I hope it works for them. Theres nothing quite like a Toyota Hilux. If you haven't seen Top Gears expose on the Hilux, it's worth checking youtube for it. Amazing what that car endured!!!
[ame=""]YouTube- Top Gear Hilux Death Pt.1[/ame]

Just keep watching!
Just call it what it is. A huge witch hunt by the Bama administration,to help the big 3.
As Americans we can do better than this,and quite frankly is a little embarissing.I'm sure many will agree,for the past 2-3 decades the American auto companies have been making nothing but crap,with a couple exceptions. They need to listen to the American people,and build what they want.But they dont.Trust me,I'm as American as the rest of you.Come out and make a good looking,reliable car that I can trust,and I will buy it.Untill then,for my daily drivers, I will buy the best, most dependable car for me and my family. And to me the most reliable car made is a Toyota. Yes sad,but true.

And before anyone jumps on my decission's,my Camry and Tacoma were both assembled in the US by US employees. Putting food on there tables,and a roof over there heads.
Just call it what it is. A huge witch hunt by the Bama administration,to help the big 3.
As Americans we can do better than this,and quite frankly is a little embarissing.I'm sure many will agree,for the past 2-3 decades the American auto companies have been making nothing but crap,with a couple exceptions. They need to listen to the American people,and build what they want.But they dont.Trust me,I'm as American as the rest of you.Come out and make a good looking,reliable car that I can trust,and I will buy it.Untill then,for my daily drivers, I will buy the best, most dependable car for me and my family. And to me the most reliable car made is a Toyota. Yes sad,but true.

And before anyone jumps on my decission's,my Camry and Tacoma were both assembled in the US by US employees. Putting food on there tables,and a roof over there heads.

So is my Ford truck and the company that built it is American based,don't recall Japan being part of America..
So is my Ford truck and the company that built it is American based,don't recall Japan being part of America..

Before you get all Ford and American on me,let me give you a little info on them.
All Open Ford Production Facilities.
South Africa
Russia..Yes..Russia !!!
And last but not least China !!!!!
Not such the American company after all.
Yeah I understand that but you have to look at how they are structured as well.
They have a responsibility obviously but all decision making is done in Toyota city. It's so insular that they have created the issue. I don't think they are trying to shed responsibility as such but they could have handled it better.

I don't know if I can agree that they aren't trying to shed responsibility when it has been proven they have been covering problems up for yrs. How it's structured shouldn't affect that if they have any communication whatsoever.

They have suffered from the same mistake many other companies going too large have, forgotten their initial values. They apparently have made a pledge to revert back to what defined them originally, manly quality and customer satisfaction. I hope it works for them. Theres nothing quite like a Toyota Hilux. If you haven't seen Top Gears expose on the Hilux, it's worth checking youtube for it. Amazing what that car endured!!!

Yes other companies have made the same mistake. That isn't right in my book either. I don't doubt Toyota makes good vehicles. I've known of some but in my area American cars outnumber foreign cars about 10 to 1 so I'm not familiar with all Toyota has to offer.

Just call it what it is. A huge witch hunt by the Bama administration,to help the big 3.
As Americans we can do better than this,and quite frankly is a little embarissing.I'm sure many will agree,for the past 2-3 decades the American auto companies have been making nothing but crap,with a couple exceptions. They need to listen to the American people,and build what they want.But they dont.Trust me,I'm as American as the rest of you.Come out and make a good looking,reliable car that I can trust,and I will buy it.Untill then,for my daily drivers, I will buy the best, most dependable car for me and my family. And to me the most reliable car made is a Toyota. Yes sad,but true.

And before anyone jumps on my decission's,my Camry and Tacoma were both assembled in the US by US employees. Putting food on there tables,and a roof over there heads.

If this were 25 yrs. ago I'd agree the US companies were making a lot of crappy looking junk. But I've owned 6 new vehicles since 1990 and only 1 had any problems to speak of (90 Chevy Cavalier Z24). BTW: We put about 18,000 to 20,000 miles on our vehicles each year so it isn't a case of just owning something a couple yrs. and low miles that make them look good. I rarely get rid of a vehicle with less than 100,000 miles. I have a buddy that won't drive anything except a foreign car because he has drank the cool-aid and believes all US cars are unreliable. Even in spite of seeing my luck with them. Funny how he made a big deal once about a problem I had with my car while it was still under warranty but then just a couple months later he had to replace the motor mounts on his 95 Camry. 3 motor mounts cost over $900. Not including labor.
When the wife and I bought her Hyundai it was used.

My dad asked me if I couldn't find anything American made.

I pointed out to him that the bank who holds our loan is an American bank. The car is used, so the Koreans already made their profit off of it. And just like anything else - American, German, Asian - if it needs parts then the Chinese will make their profit, anyway.
Thats true Ramenth!
Car companies outsource for their parts from all over the world including the USA. The parts that failed on Toyotas in America may have even been American made-no one knows yet. Take a look at the youtube vid and check the "dependability" of the Hilux-aweeeeessooooommmmeeee!

You can buy a Japanese car made in America and you're providing jobs for Americans. If everyone only worked for the big three, think of how many people would be unemployed.
The argument doesn't really hold water when thats the case. As far as I am aware, Dodge and Chrysler are German owned, GM is partly woned by the US govt. and part Canadian owned and Ford seems to be the only truelly American owned company.

MAybe Ford is the only way to go then with the all American buying rule, with worldwide components.
Yes, I watched both all the way through, what a waste of time. It didnt prove anything to me. You would have to do the same lame tests on a bunch of differant trucks, chevy, ford, dodge, to come to any meaningfull results. When you buy toyota, you are sending money to japan. simple.
I just loved the show and wasn't trying to make an accurate comparison between brands from it.
Oh, no doubt it was cool to see someone beat the crap out of a old junker, heck, I have been known to do it myself. I just dont think that it really proves anything about how tough a toyota is or is not, thats all.
Before you get all Ford and American on me,let me give you a little info on them.
All Open Ford Production Facilities.
South Africa
Russia..Yes..Russia !!!
And last but not least China !!!!!
Not such the American company after all.

Thats a nice list ya' got there but the ONLY vehicle i'm concerened with is mine which was made right here in Kentucky U.S.A...
Thats a nice list ya' got there but the ONLY vehicle i'm concerened with is mine which was made right here in Kentucky U.S.A...

Would that be from the same Kentucky plant which was sending out trucks that had a recall on 'em when they came off the transporter? Seat back not even welded to the frame or if they were the weld was such crap that Ford was worried they might break and decided to clamp the seats together? The recalls which had to be taken of before the PDI was even done?

Or some of the quality job one crap where the new Focus was coming in right off the transporter to have three recalls taken care of prior to PDI?

Or the recall on the Mustang to reflash the SRS module because the air bag wouldn't deploy in an accident?

Yup. Quality job one. Let me count how many Ford certs I have.... wow, a lot more than Fords I own.
Would that be from the same Kentucky plant which was sending out trucks that had a recall on 'em when they came off the transporter? Seat back not even welded to the frame or if they were the weld was such crap that Ford was worried they might break and decided to clamp the seats together? The recalls which had to be taken of before the PDI was even done?

Or some of the quality job one crap where the new Focus was coming in right off the transporter to have three recalls taken care of prior to PDI?

Or the recall on the Mustang to reflash the SRS module because the air bag wouldn't deploy in an accident?

Yup. Quality job one. Let me count how many Ford certs I have.... wow, a lot more than Fords I own.

Guess i got a GOOD one just 1 minor recall..Toyota has 3 this year alone,but it's only April they'll have 6 more before the years out..