So our dog just died.....

So sorry to hear of your loss. Always remember the happy times, the playing in the park, the long walks, and the constant unconditional love of your companion.
As said before, ALL dogs go to heaven, we can only hope to be worthy enough to follow.
Man, I feel for ya, I can't amagine loosing my best bud.. When the time does come I think I'm going to have to get another one to get over it.

Thanks Ray,

I just hate hearing about loosing our best friends and I thought this might cheer us all up a bit. BTW, I dig your new avatar. Parked like that you could leave the keys in and not have to worry.


Bingo my friend. That was written for the Twilight Zone by Earl Hamner.

Again, my condolences Useless. I've been there too.

Great writers for the stretch of that show. I think everyone can relate to "Bingo my friend". I`m going to see if I can find that episode. Thanks
I agree.... The story that RamCharger related puts our feeling about our family members who happen to be dogs in the correct perspective.

We have a couple of family dogs buried on the hill behind our home. Ted, our 13 year old Welsh Terrier will join them on that hill some day. Until then we will continue to shower him with our love and keep him active by playing with him and taking him for walks so he can continue to reclaim and stake out his domain.
My condolences to you, We lost Daytona 3 years ago and I still think of him. We got a new dog about 16 months later and Tuckers taken over were Daytona left off. Give yourself some time and then look for a rescue dog. They teach you how to smile!
Sorry to hear about your loss. They become one of the family. It doesn't matter if it's a dog or cat or what you choose as a pet. I know what your going though. Every time I loose one of my cats it's like loosing a part of your family. Hang in there, adopting another always helps.

Fred B
Great writers for the stretch of that show. I think everyone can relate to "Bingo my friend". I`m going to see if I can find that episode. Thanks

What I meant was Bingo!, as in you were right about it being a twilight zone episode and my friend as an expression of Mopar commradrie. :)

The episode is called "The Hunt" and here it is:

There are commercials but it is free.

I like Rod Serling's quote at the end: “ Travellers to unknown regions would be well-advised to take along the family dog. He could just save you from entering the wrong gate. At least, it happened that way once—in a mountainous area of the Twilight Zone. ”
Thanks for all the well wishes guys, it's been a really long and tough day. I'll post more later, but I just wanted to pop in and say thank you to you all, it really means a lot.
What I meant was Bingo!, as in you were right about it being a twilight zone episode and my friend as an expression of Mopar commradrie. :)

The episode is called "The Hunt" and here it is:

There are commercials but it is free.

I like Rod Serling's quote at the end: “ Travellers to unknown regions would be well-advised to take along the family dog. He could just save you from entering the wrong gate. At least, it happened that way once—in a mountainous area of the Twilight Zone. ”

Bingo my friend worked for me. Oh well, thanks for a link to "The Hunt" I will watch it when I get the chance. There is so much out there. If I can access all of the old Twilight Zones now........I think you may have started something here Ramcharger.
Rest In Peace Yogi.........:clock: 16 or 17 years old is a great testimony to the level of love and care he received from you and his family.

Ramcharger.....great storyline \\:D/

Useless....condolences to you and your family for your loss. Give it some time and think about rescuing another "bud". There are sooooooooo many looking for good homes and families.
Since I only adopt last-chance dogs (old, sick, aggressive, disabled), I know it feels like a part of you has been ripped out.....

I saw a story posted is another:

An angel saw that mankind was trying to be good, so decided to grant them any wish they wanted. And people chose wealth, thinking that would make them happy.

And it did, for a short time...until they found out that it could not buy them love or friendship...indeed, all anyone ever wanted from them was what they could buy for they went back to the angel and said they did not want wealth any more...

The angel told them to pick something else. And they did. They chose friends....surely friends would make them happy? The angel gave them many many friends, but the friends got jealous of one another...they fought, they became petty. The people went back to the angel to return the friends.

The angel asked what they wanted instead....the people looked around, and saw dogs....they were cute, and fun, and furry, and seemed they asked for dogs.

The angel looked sad....and the people asked, what was the matter?

The angel replied, "you have chosen tears."

The people did not understand...they had chosen dogs, not tears!

But the angel explained, "Dogs will give you everything they have, their love, their companionship, their protection, their company. They will never judge you, compare you, or ask for anything other than your love in return. They will be loyal to you until their last breath."

The people still did not understand! They insisted on dogs....and so the angel gave them dogs.

But the dogs did not live long, and the people cried....their hearts broken...empty spaces left inside their souls....they cried....tears.

When you choose dogs, you choose tears.

Sorry for your loss. I've been there myself a couple of times too. I still think about my buddies often. I miss them a lot.
What I meant was Bingo!, as in you were right about it being a twilight zone episode and my friend as an expression of Mopar commradrie. :)

The episode is called "The Hunt" and here it is:

There are commercials but it is free.

I like Rod Serling's quote at the end: “ Travellers to unknown regions would be well-advised to take along the family dog. He could just save you from entering the wrong gate. At least, it happened that way once—in a mountainous area of the Twilight Zone. ”

I watched the Twilight Zone episode "The Hunt" today and it was as I remembered, heart rending. What thought provoking, profound writing wrapped up in just 1/2 an hour. That`s a great story and a fitting tribute to our furry friends. As flypiper said, tears come with the territory, but where would we be without a little rainfall?
sorry to hear the loss of your family pet

our good friends has a small dog that was mom's dog, they guess it to be 18 years old and now is doing what you say yours has done coughing a lot, enlarged heart and generally a pain in the ***.

But once they go you remember what they meant to you.

Just think it is now out of pain

We had out sheltie/shepard mix put down when his hind leg developed a bad knee. The vet said they could operate for about $1,000 but said he might not survive the operation.

He was cremated and sitting here on the computer desk with me now.


he loved to go everywhere with us, was obcessed with food, but was a great pet

Thanks for all the kindness guys. Well, it's been a tough week, the first few days were the worst and I'm still getting used to just how lonely it feels around here but things are getting better. I still miss the little guy, but I know he's in a much better place right now. We burried him on a hill side, under a peach tree with a great view.

While nothing could ever replace Yogi we will most likely get another friend in the future, maybe a few months, when we find the right dog.

The night he died while my girlfriend went out for a bit and he and I were alone I snapped some last pics of him. While I didn't want to admit he was about to leave us, I knew it in my heart and didn't want to take the chance of not getting a few more pics to remember him by, we've never had a lot of him anyway.

The dog, the myth, the legend - Yogi

Here he is sitting beside me, surveying his kingdom for one last time


Rest in peace buddy.
Yogi waits for the meantime, he is having fun....and would probably like you to give a super home to another...not a replacement!!!! But it helps....
I'm sorry for your loss Useless. I've been through it before. Don't feel bad about yourself for crying about him. My two labs drive me crazy everyday, with the daily attempts at hijacking my kids' food, the barking and the shedding, but I still love them and will miss them dearly when they are gone. I'll agree that I like most dogs more than some people I know.
Yogi is now in the "Land of the Slow Squirells", otherwise known doggie heaven. :angel5: