Software/Online to change color of my car?



Built, not bought
FABO Gold Member
May 14, 2015
Reaction score
Menifee, California
I tried a couple of online photo editors but they basically sucked.....
I'm starting to kick around paint colors for my Barracuda and want to see MY car with different colors.....


I'm leaning towards various shades of sublime green or different shades of blue.....
What software do any of you guys use?

By the way, she looks nice now but has rust and other issues that need repair. body work and paint ARE in her future. ..

Honestly you’ll get a better idea of the colors looking at pictures of other cars. Unless you’re a photo editing guru the colors you’re putting on your car won’t be very true to the real paint colors you’re considering. I’m mean sure, you can make it green, but will it really be sublime? Will the lighting be the right?

The problem is the editing software good enough to do it right is hard to use. And the stuff that’s easy to use won’t get it right. Just my .02.
try GIMP. use the lasso icon to freehand draw the edges of the car to make a complete shape (it will make a yellow circle when it sees a closed shape) then under colors, choose colorize and you can slide 3 sliders to change the colors and hues within the traced shape. silver car makes interesting "mettalic" looking colors. you can deleselect the windows too.
I've always taken notice when you post pics of your car. It's actually one of my favorites on the board. Bad *** with class.
Thanks for the replies guys.....
I have a Linux computer with GIMP....I'll give that a try....
I also have PhotoShop but don't know much about it.....

I'm trying to pick a color for my Duster. When I see a car on the road with a color I like, I look it up online. Almost always, I like it in person more than on the 'puter.
I'm trying to pick a color for my Duster. When I see a car on the road with a color I like, I look it up online. Almost always, I like it in person more than on the 'puter.

I agree.....saw a BEAUTIFUL Roadrunner in a dark-ish green the other day.....wonder what my car would like like in that green!

Here's a few examples of darker blues I found in just a few minutes.

But I still like the lighter blue, more unique.





Here are a couple of quick ones using PS on your original pic...

Blue 2a.jpg

Blue 3.jpg

Green 2a.jpg

green 4.jpg
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