Someone did a hit and run on my duster!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2011
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Dover AFB, DE
I'm SO livid right now. Just got my car up and running, wife just got back from her deployment, and I was coming back to my car from the auto parts store, and noticed a HUGE dent in my back bumper. Anybody ever have this happen? I'll post a picture soon, po po is on their way to tell me I'm sol. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
I am happy to hear your wife is home from deployment. I hope you find the person that hit your car and give him what for when you do.
Thats frick'in crasy i can't believe no one saw that or heard it that just plain sucks!!!!
sorry to see that,
That sucks ***. People can be lower than snake's bellies.
Happened to me not long ago. I even had the tag number and description of the drunk lowlife who rear-ended insurance paid (but with deductible) but police and insurance company didn't persue the deadbeat. Kimberly Quiroz of Marietta, GA! This is the world we live in, people know very well what they can get away with. As you can see by the magnetic sign I drove around with for a while, I was disgusted.


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looks to be a pickup truck, as it did not hit the actual bumper.

sorry for the aggravation
I do believe you can sue her for the amount of your deductible.I know you can in Fla.
Ya, no spot is a good spot!!!!!! Worst of all, is now I have to pay a $500 ded, and we have a vacation planned in December. It is VERY aggravating. I can't even imagine how much the estimate is going to be!!!!!! I'm sure they'll have to replace that whole area, as it's creased on the upper edge!!
Definitely a truck or SUV, Had the same thing happen to me but right in front of my house and it was a neighbor also, just couldn't prove which one.
I got hit in my own driveway, didnt notice it until the next day after work. I suspected the workplace traffic for the hit and run. Found out the next day that a flatbed picked up a car across the street and did a three point turn up into my driveway! Called the cops, the cop knew the tow truck and called them up. short story shorter, the tow truck belonged to a body shop, they told me to drop the car off Monday and pick it up wed. Sure enough , trunk was repaired, and bumper was repainted too, totally free. Bad thing is the rest of the car still looks like crap.
People buy those large pick ups/suv's and then drive them like they are a sports car.

File a police report, if the police really want to they might track the person down. Many folks pay by credit cards now, if you know about what time it happen, the store could provide the names of people who paid by credit. Then its just finding who owns a large suv and asking questions and look at the suv.

It just depends on the dept and how much time they want to put in the case. No glass broke, it be hard to charge the driver with hit and run if you can not prove they knew they hit your car.

Now if its on video tape and the driver is seen looking back right when he hit your car, well.

BTW, I seen worst--like the whole side ripped from a big car flying down the street, oh they found that car, it was stolen and the dudes went to jail, as for the car it was a total lost with no recurse
That sucks so bad... Don;t people use rearview or sideview mirrors anymore. The vehicle that hit you probably had back up cameras and rear back up assisting sensors aswell just couldn;t figure out out what that beeping noise was.. DUH
man i hate peeps like that .. i backed into a sho one time put a soft ball size dint in the thing .. it was on its last leg btw .. but i still left a note on it with my number of how to get ahold of me .. the guy call and said did u hit my car i told him ya i did he said dont worri bout it i didnt even notice it .. cool guy
Some jerks resent folks with nice cars. I knew a guy in--after high school like that. If somebody he dislike for whatever stupid reason he had, if he had the chance to damage something of theirs, he would. It was fun to him. He stole a moped once just to ruin it. Drove it for 2 days with no oil in the gas till the engine stop and he pushed it back to the neighbor garage late that night.

Then a week later, the guy was back riding his moped everywhere, the jerk I knew was ticked off he did not damage the moped enough....he came from a good loving home also..was a only child--no brothers/sisters, we thought that may have been his problem?
Chris, That totally sucks. What auto supply were you at? What time of the day was it? Was it busy?
I'm SO livid right now. Just got my car up and running, wife just got back from her deployment, and I was coming back to my car from the auto parts store, and noticed a HUGE dent in my back bumper. Anybody ever have this happen? I'll post a picture soon, po po is on their way to tell me I'm sol. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Sorry to see that, really Sux, this reminds me of why I rarely drive mt car, the sheetmetal is only original once.
As bad as these type of incidents are they are even worse when it involves a nice old classic. On many old cars you can't just run out and buy new fenders and bumbers and stuff, not to mention there is usually large amounts of time and work invested already that can't be replaced. One of the fellows in our club had his beautiful 51' Henry J backed into like that this summer and not reported....
Accidents happen but to be a low life to hit and run deserves a public beating.its the same as steeling