Spoiled or What???



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
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Aurora, IN
I will admit that I spoiled my son his whole life. I pretty much made sure he had everything he wanted to a certain point. He had name brand shoes and clothes. I bought him guitars, computers, electronics, and skateboards. Everything he needed to have a well rounded childhood. Well I was a little wrong about spoiling him there are people out there worse than me. Today I got a little bit of a Sweet 16 episode. This girl was sitting in a vehicle. The salesman said This six door hummer was made especially for you and its the only one around like it. While she was sitting in it she didn't seemed to be please with anything she wanted more. She wanted a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Then she wanted to know if she could get a vending machine in the back. Now why would you need a vending machine in the back except maybe if it was a condom machine. She went on about a several more things she wanted and the guy said it is only costing you $125,000. The girl said that is as much as a house and laughed. Her dad never said anything he just listened to what ever his sweet little girl wanted. First why would a 16 year need a Hummer, second why would you spend $125,000 on a car for a 16 year old, and third why do you need a chandelier in a car. Am I crazy or what but is she spoiled or what. I think kids should be spoiled a little but this is ridiculous. All I could think of was of ways that I could spend the money besides on a Hummer. That would cover our house payment and utilities for awhile since the other half is laid off. I mean get a grip girl, get a job, and drive a normal, great car like a Mopar. LOL!!! Seriously!!!!!
i am 56 and need a hummer once in a while....
Just think on the poor SOB that marries her and has to deal with the ***** her daddy made of her!
MOST 16 year olds need one of these:


Until they PROVE that they can take care of a vehicle....then, and only then SHOULD they get something a bit more presentable and "Cool".


My kids will never start off with a "New, or like new" vehicle...it will be a high mileage beater to start, and after some time to prove to me they are cautious of traffic and driving in general, and respectful of not having to hitch a ride or walk...I will find them something more desireable.

A person can not learn Vehicle Care any other way but to live it first hand....and todays' vehicles sure aren't as tough as they were when I was growing up.
Young people, especially girls, see this on T.V. and think this is how life is supposed to be. They have high expectations of what should be done for them.
MOST 16 year olds need one of these:


Until they PROVE that they can take care of a vehicle....then, and only then SHOULD they get something a bit more presentable and "Cool".


My kids will never start off with a "New, or like new" vehicle...it will be a high mileage beater to start, and after some time to prove to me they are cautious of traffic and driving in general, and respectful of not having to hitch a ride or walk...I will find them something more desireable.

A person can not learn Vehicle Care any other way but to live it first hand....and todays' vehicles sure aren't as tough as they were when I was growing up.

You have the right idea. My son's first car was a Mercury Tracer which he spent $500 on. Then about 5 months later he totaled the car. He was lucky he didn't get hurt. Next he bought a Blazer with his money and then decided to trade because it was a piece of s**t. Then he took that money and bought a 69 Dart. He drives it daily wherever he goes. He appreciated the Dart more than any other car he had. I think they appreciate things more when it is their money they used to purchase it. They learn responsibility and ownership. That girl won't learn anything and won't ever be able to do anything her self.
My first car was a 1985 Chevy Caprice...and then there was a string of roughly a dozen questionable vehicles as I made my way through college, and then finally, I managed to get out, get a job, got my Dodge Ram, then my Dart. So yeah, there's a lot of trading up to be done before one acquires something 'nice'...And 'My Super Sweet Sixteen'...blech...there's a reason I don't watch MTV or VH1.
My son's first is a '76 Charger SE that HE is having to help me restore with his own hands before he can drive it. If son isn't helping, Daddy's tools don't touch it, no matter how badly DADDY wants to.
You know I really do hate crap like that considering my first car was 2000 dollars out of my pocket and am working on it to make it worthy of a daily driver. I have to pay for anything extra that I want. Sure my parents will get me some new shoes... some new clothes every now and then. But games and other electronics... anything else really... comes from my pocket. Every cent into the rampage so far is from me and nobody else.

I hate spoiled kids... 1, because I am semi-jealous, how cant you be? And 2, they dont know what responsibility is half the time. You have a whole lot more respect for something you paid for than what mommy and daddy bought you. Ok, rant over.
Oh, and my 16th birthday consisted of my, my mom and dad, sister, and my godmother and cousin (and of course our dogs), eating cake in the living room. My gift? A shirt from my aunt, a game from my sister, and a hockey jersey from my parents. I don't get a lot but I dont expect a lot either.
The only helping hand it the one on the end of your wrist. Everybody wants a handout and nobody wants to work for anything. I bought my first car and my kids will too.
The only helping hand it the one on the end of your wrist. Everybody wants a handout and nobody wants to work for anything. I bought my first car and my kids will too.
i cant stand that im with hemizach, on this one, my sister is the same damn way, my parents even bought her a house, so she could "rent" she isn't spoiled at all(a tiny hint of sarcasm), i better not get that same treatment, wow that sounds weird
i am 18 now and have had to buy all of my cars myself and if i hadnt bought a car i could of borrowed my moms van when she didnt need it but wouldnt have any other transportation. all my friends had nice cars and i drove beaters for a while but never got in a wreck. i didnt like it but now i really do. i want my kids to work for their car. i will help them find a good project when they are around 13 or so and we can build something with a /6 lol.
I think the level of "spoiling" a child gets is relative to many things (economy, geographic location, household income, what mom & dad had when they were kids, etc.)

In the town where I was born and raised (Detroit area), a kid's first beater was a $900 15-year-old crapmobile.

In the town where I live now ($oCal), a kid's first beater is a 3-year-old $40,000 BMW.
Well.. I hate to say it guys.. but my first car was given to me.. My Dart. I was 13 and it was just sittin' in my uncle's pasture and he asked me if I wanted it.. Well.. not even really knowing what it looked like I said yes... lol. I'm not going to say it's my favorite car or anything, but it's my first, I've had it for almost 9 years how, and it has more sentimental value than anything. I won't ever get rid of it.

Now that y'all are probably thinking I'm a spoiled brat for getting a classic GIVEN to me.. let me tell you my uncle's idea of 'giving'. Every weekend for a year I went and learned bodywork.. sanding sanding and more sanding. It had like 12 layers of paint on it... We tinkered with it til it ran halfway decent, and my uncle shot a few coats of Viper GTX blue on it.. and got a BUNCH of runs in it.. :( But I drove it..

3 years of high school, not one accident.. just a bunch of crazy stares. Some kids drove their parents' nice hot rods to school, mine was far from nice. I'll tell you one thing tho.. I don't think I could have felt safer driving anything else!

It'll be all pretty and a weekend cruiser if I can ever get out of nursing school! lol
mine was nice....
i took auto shop in high school for a few years..
ditched almost every class and went to auto shop and welding class and worked. one day we got a truck someone donated it was a 1970ish dodge truck. i worked on it everyday for about 3 months and finnally got it running and driving. then one day my shop teacher handed me the keys and said it was mine. I thought he was joking but he really just gave me my first car.