Steering Wheels



Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Okay here it is. My friend and I are rebuilding a Dart for a guy and he asks about a steering wheel. "oh yeah" he says "they look great in the book (Grants, Summit, etc.) + but what will they look in my Dart?" Well I showed him my two and C.L. showed him his (yes steering wheels!) and he still is sitting on his butt about it. I told him about this site and I am asking for some shots of YOUR steering wheels. Thanks for any help you give us.
This is a black vinyl rim Grant steering wheel with their Plymouth center insert. I dyed it with a can of parts store dye to match the interior. They make this in woodgrain too. For those of you with a ralley dash, this one doesn't block the speedometer like some of the other aftermarket wheels do.

This is a black vinyl rim Grant steering wheel with their Plymouth center insert. I dyed it with a can of parts store dye to match the interior. They make this in woodgrain too. For those of you with a ralley dash, this one doesn't block the speedometer like some of the other aftermarket wheels do.


Do you have a part number for that wheel? I kinda' like it.
Just put this in yesterday, it rocks compared to the original 70 Duster wheel....
Grant repop Tuff wheel....
Where did you guys pick up your Grant Tuff Wheels? I see Mancini sells them for around $100. Do they just use a regular Grant installation kit, or do you need an extension collar?

I bought mine from Summit, about $95 plus the mounting kit. I did not use an extension collar so the wheel is about 2 inches closer to the dash than the original wheel. Not a problem for me....I have long arms.
still loving mine I have the GRANT wooden tuff wheel its not a mopar without a TUFF wheel
Thanks for taking the time to take pics of your steering wheels. They really look great and I can easily show how great they look inside your cars now to each of the two guys Abody's we are working on. Thanks again I appreciate it.