Still very sad



Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Penn Yan NY
I took my poor old lab for her last walk Monday AM. We walked down by a small stream as she always liked it so much and it is just a short ways from home. I got back home and lifted her in the back of the car as her hips are shot. She always liked riding in the car and I could see her looking at me with the same trust in her aged eyes that she has had all of her 13 yrs. Poor Lucy has been on painkillers and steroids for a while now and time has taken its tole on her body but not spirit and she was still the puppy at heart. Vet said she would take her in the back room and give her the shot but I said I no I'll hold her in my arms like I did bringing her home at eight weeks old. Lucy was always with me when I had my back operation and laid in a hospital bed for weeks at home as my wife had to keep her job and was gone all day. My wife went through chemo for the second time and was in same hospital bed in the same spot in our home an Lucy never left her side as well. Good by old friend you gave us all soo much and asked little in return.
Your pain is felt half way around the world my friend. There isn't much I can say to make it better but I will try. Always remember the good times you had together, you will always have those memories. She touched your life and had to leave before you were ready. Just remember the love you had for her you can still use and give to another deserving K9 friend in need of a good home.
My Condolences. I am sorry to hear about your Lucy.
I feel your loss. Be there a couple times now and it sure doesn't get any better or easier.

Just remember you did the right thing and that she was very lucky to have you for her 13 yrs.

RIP Lucy
Labs are great people dogs, sorry to hear this I know from experience how hard it is to have to let them go. Rest in peace Lucy.
It is always tough when you lose a great pet. I have been there too. My wife and I have fond memories of all of our lost pets. Dogs and cats. They are ever faithful and their love is unconditional. The pain will ease but luckily the memories will always be there.

So sorry to hear of you loss. As said before, always keep the good memories close to your heart.
Dogs are such special creatures and a wonderful gift full of unconditional love.
All dogs go to heaven, but they faithfully wait for their masters so they can enter together.

The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent. Her eager body quivers. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
i'm very sorry for the loss of your friend. Talk about her a lot right now, it will help.
Sorry to hear about your loss, we've got a black lab named Rufus and a Jack named Jemma and 2 cats Shakey and'll be a sad day when this happens to us as well.
I too had to put a friend down. Your description welled up tears in the corner of my eyes as I know your pain too well. Sounds like she was as lucky to have you as you were to have her.
Sorry to hear of your loss. Time will heal your heart. Until then, smile as you look back on fond memories of your loved one.

I love labs very much. I have a Chocolate right now. Lost a black lab after being my companion for 14 yrs. It broke my heart into when he got so sick he couldn't eat. He basically died of old age. I had to take him to the vet and to put him down there at the end. He looked at me on the way there with a look on his face that he was telling me to take care of yourself and I thank you for loving me. It was very upsetting for me. I know how you feel my friend.
I took my poor old lab for her last walk Monday AM. We walked down by a small stream as she always liked it so much and it is just a short ways from home. I got back home and lifted her in the back of the car as her hips are shot. She always liked riding in the car and I could see her looking at me with the same trust in her aged eyes that she has had all of her 13 yrs. Poor Lucy has been on painkillers and steroids for a while now and time has taken its tole on her body but not spirit and she was still the puppy at heart. Vet said she would take her in the back room and give her the shot but I said I no I'll hold her in my arms like I did bringing her home at eight weeks old. Lucy was always with me when I had my back operation and laid in a hospital bed for weeks at home as my wife had to keep her job and was gone all day. My wife went through chemo for the second time and was in same hospital bed in the same spot in our home an Lucy never left her side as well. Good by old friend you gave us all soo much and asked little in return.

Wow, sorry about your loss. As I was reading your story, it really put thing's in perspective, I have a 3 yr old Chocolate Lab. It made me feel bad for all the times I scolded Beau for chewing on shoes and other thing's. They really are like one of our kid's, I can't imagine our lives without him now, hang in there man, and good luck!

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Sorry to hear about your loss. I went through the same thing your going through now.
The best thing that I did was to go out and get a new puppy.

I am very sorry for your loss. The loss a a friend like that it hard to get over. Like others have said, remember the good times. I lost my Pit Lab that was with me for 13 1/2 years four years ago and I still miss him. I have another Pit Lab and that helps but he was one of a kind. Again, very sorry for your loss.
My condolances, I am sorry.My family has had pets for over four decades.Every time one would pass on,it was like being stabbed in the heart.
Sorry for your loss. We could learn a lot from our furry friends. They love you no matter what and will always be there for you. The warm thoughts and fond memories are priceless and will always be with you. Rest in peace sweet Lucy.
I've had to do the same to my dog "Scamp" and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I have a black Lab now "Scooby" and she is 12 yrs old and still doing great but I know the day will come when I'll have to do this painful thing again. Sorry for your loss and I can say I do know how you feel! Labs are the best!