Stop in for a cup of coffee

Dark red mock-up...

Hey Dave,

Contractor is tearing off stone on Monday, siding on Tuesday, Masons should be out following that to properly install stone, then reside. They are eating the entire cost

re·side | \ri-ˈzīd \
resided; residing
Definition of reside

intransitive verb

1a: to be in residence as the incumbent of a benefice or office

b: to dwell permanently or continuously : occupy a place as one's legal domicile
Yeti is really proud of their chit. I think Richard's (Dick's, I don't know enough about him to call him a dick) Sporting Goods may be my best shot. It's definitely motorciclin' weather out there :lol:.
Yeti is really proud of their chit. I think Richard's (Dick's, I don't know enough about him to call him a dick) Sporting Goods may be my best shot. It's definitely motorciclin' weather out there :lol:.
Ain't motorciclin' weather out here.. Our wind speeds are about like your temperatures!
Yeti is really proud of their chit. I think Richard's (Dick's, I don't know enough about him to call him a dick) Sporting Goods may be my best shot. It's definitely motorciclin' weather out there :lol:.
And I can see how one gets Bill from William and even Bob from Robert.. But how does one get Dick from Richard?
I wish you would stop picking colors. I really like the red one too. So I want a red one a blue one and a black on. How much?