Stop in for a cup of coffee

When an 'unsee' button is not enough...
Wow two months? Here it is usually a few weeks.
No we gave the seller an extra month. She lives out of town, has medical issues, and needed the extra time to pack and move. She has allowed us free access to the house. We've had the opportunities to take kitchen guy, and other contractors in to get measurements and see what we want. Will make it so much easier to have that done, needed supplies ordered, and working on Day 1.
Got ya! Its great you don't have to move right in. We had a issue here the mover came four days early and really screwed us up, we were in Colorado driving the RV on a trip to let the kids see some of the country. That cut us short fast!
Got ya! Its great you don't have to move right in. We had a issue here the mover came four days early and really screwed us up, we were in Colorado driving the RV on a trip to let the kids see some of the country. That cut us short fast!
We will take possession and won't move for a couple months. We want to get all the "dirty work" done paint, carpet, kitchen, flooring before we move in. We will list our house soon after we close on the new house. With the current market we expect it to sell in a day or two.
Was hoping to put my pressure washer together today, but part didn't show up. Says out for delivery on Fed Ex, so will have today if they don't get lost. I tried replacing a spring and cleaning the pressure valve last fall, but only worked for a moment. Ordered a new 'pump head' after making sure it runs and the pump piston section works. Tryin to remember if I changed the motor oil... Too many small engines. I forget which ones I did last year. LOL
The tractor is due for a oil change. I got a case of filters from Mitch and cannot find the dam things, Wix also!
The tractor is due for a oil change. I got a case of filters from Mitch and cannot find the dam things, Wix also!
This thread just saved me an oil change. :thumbsup: Did a quick search...Found where I mentioned changing it last fall after the washer died while cleaning the shed.
My parts washer needs a change also, prob do it today since it will rain. Got the degreaser yesterday when we were near HD. I really like this stuff.
Best water based I have found so far.
We got some stuff called Citri Sol at the rock farm from a sales person as a sample. Put a little bit on a rag, rag in half a soda can, under seat of pickup, truck smell real good for months :lol: . The stuff in reality would dissolve our hardest set asphalt oil in a reasonable amount of time and just wash away with water. Prohibitively expensive though.
My parts washer needs a change also, prob do it today since it will rain. Got the degreaser yesterday when we were near HD. I really like this stuff.
Best water based I have found so far.
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Zep has a lot of good products. I like their purple cleaner. I keep a spray bottle of it handy. Cut 50/50 with water. Great degreaser - just don't breath in the mist.
Good morning everyone. I am still pondering in another thread about taking the tunnel ram, that works great, off and putting on a cross ram. What you guys think? Save the money and keep the late 70's race car look or???