Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah... cringing as Boston heads toward 162 in the basement of the AL East...

No talent, no prospects, no money

The triple threat
The Royals this off season have apparently spent some money and brought in some proven talent. We'll have to wait and see. :drama:

How does S.D. keep them there?

They threw a big bucket of money at winning last year and came up empty.
I think they just like their new stadium. It's right next to the bay. The team members and staff are probably the only ones that get parking spots, everybody else has to take the train or a bus. When I was workin' down there, the Dodgers came to town. They had this rookie pitcher that the entire league was in awe of, what was his name? Ah, Fernando Valenzuela. I figgered I'd go to the ball game he was pitching. Get to Jack Murphy, get my ticket, into the stadium, :wtf: are all the spectators? Hottest pitcher in baseball is here and 9000 fans? :wtf: :lol: But they were always that way. Chargers on the other hand, you couldn't get a ticket unless you were a season ticket holder.

In a metallic dark blue followed me up to check on the Donut Derelicts a little bit ago. :D
That feeling when after a break of several months, you're double checking the front suspension and validate that you did, in fact, install the torsion bars on the correct sides...

So, garage time was short lived, but got closer with some closeout panels by the tubs.
