Stop in for a cup of coffee


Got some coffee cake to go along, this one's strawberry, layer of jelly or something in there, sweet but good with coffee

We didn't see Wild Bill get upside down in the sand at OCIR :eek: Well mostly because the sand was unlit and half mile away from the bleachers :lol: We knew something was wrong, he was sposed to make 2 passes, one in each direction. He made his first pass and never returned :wtf: Then we see the Safety Safari haulin' *** towards the finish line :eek:. He was unhurt, the Dart, not so much.
Another project started, wife retirement is killing me !! But enjoying breakfast time in the shop.



273, 3 on the tree and looks very solid other than the custom by crunch fender...
Good morning everyone. Lazy start to the day. Coffee and some aerodynamics videos.