Stop in for a cup of coffee

Lassie came back and she said she searched high and low and No Mr. Tike. I think we to need order some milk cartons with his picture on them.
Having 4 cousins over for a sleep over along with my 2 kids......agh
Yeah.... I need a keg
Hence why I keep an emergency 30 pack in the Dart Cave for when I get little surprises like that. I can disappear out there until all the kids are in bed and then have the house to myself.

One year, my wife had the kid across the street over for an unannounced sleep over and she and my daughter got into a large bottle of perfume and broke it on the bathroom tile floor. The fumes in the house were unbearable so I spent the entire evening on the deck drinking beer and then slept in my car. I left them in the house with all the windows open.
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uhh yep.. :thumbsup:
Ya Know... I can tell some Wrenching must be Goin on in Scamperville today !!! :lol:

Looks much better today. But I do think he has a Cornea Laceration. I keep washing the eye out ( Thanks for the heads up on that ).
If I think it need more attention , I will take him. Thanks for the Concern !!

indeed ~
He just comes in and sucks up all the coffee while he is on the clock. He's on his own time today.:poke:

woooohoooo... partay!! do they still make those DinkelAcker mini-keg things?
Having 4 cousins over for a sleep over along with my 2 kids......agh