Stop in for a cup of coffee

I didnt realize his name was Guido! That's some pretty funny chit once i get edumacated...
yea, he hangs out with Luigi and they are both Italian.

Luigi strikes a chord with me because the only thing cool as a vintage saab would be to find an original Fiat 500.

If I bought a new car right now I would probably buy a new Fiat 500 because they are so cute and probably my size. They don't all have to be muscle cars and I have enough already with the muscle stuff.

And if i get a second washer pump and bottle, i can install a bourbon dispenser right in the car! I'd never have to go home!
yea, he hangs out with Luigi and they are both Italian.

Luigi strikes a chord with me because the only thing cool as a vintage saab would be to find an original Fiat 500.

If I bought a new car right now I would probably buy a new Fiat 500 because they are so cute and probably my size. They don't all have to be muscle cars and I have enough already with the muscle stuff.

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Luigi's got some nice whitewalls... not to sound ghey or nothing, but he's looking good....
I love that movie CARS ...once when I was sick. I watched that movie 20 times in a row.
very few people get it but I assume you got where that is ??
Google Maps says it's a GM plant. Did it use to be a Chrysler plant?

That's hilarious! I've actually only seen it in Swedish with the kids (multiple times) and the guy doing Luigi has a completely different sound, more high-pitched and neurotic. This guy is excellent!

I saw the original a couple times.. have yet to see 2... on my to do list. How about a burger and a movie?
Cars 2 isn't half as good. It's ok but there's no character development so you don't get attached in the same way.
Well good morning, folks! I've had a meeting at school with my 'supervisor'. Setting up the premises and going over my work schedule. This'll be great!

Now I'm going to see if I can find any molasses and maybe sign up for a welding class! Oh, and order gravel for the green house.
See if you can find a product called evapo-rust over there works great also.
You're up way too early, Ray!

Hardly any of the particular brands you guys have are available over here.
I just started using that stuff amazing! Yeah my sleep cycle will be screwed for a few days after driving all day yesterday without ac. I came home and crashed, got 8 hours sleep and here I am ready to instigate! Oh yeah the coffee is good also!
Just ordered gravel and sent an inquiry to the local horse and hound shop if they sell or can order molasses.

Now I need to scope out the evening welding courses. The catalog arrived today!
That sounds cool. I really suck at welding sometimes it is great others is terrible. I will not weld for others if it is important. I have a neighbor that teaches welding full time so if it has to be good I call him!
That's odd. No welding courses. All yoga, massage and birch bark crafts. Oh, well. Back to searching google ...
Do you have technical schools there? Here they sometimes offer night courses for do it your selfers.
That sounds cool. I really suck at welding sometimes it is great others is terrible. I will not weld for others if it is important. I have a neighbor that teaches welding full time so if it has to be good I call him!

We had welding class in HS. Our teacher was real good. He taught us how to lay a good bead.

Our first project in stick welding was to take a 4"x 4" piece of 1/4" steel, and weld 4 layers on each side perpendicular to each other. You had to chip all the slag off the weld after each bead. Then when we were done with 4 layers on each side = 8 layers total, we were to cut it in half on the band saw, and if there were any air pockets in there, we had to do it over until we got it right before we could work on any other projects.

They also have welding classes at our local community college where I take CAD classes...
That's odd. No welding courses. All yoga, massage and birch bark crafts. Oh, well. Back to searching google ...

Take the yoga class. It will have a good girl/guy ratio.. (And with Swedish blondes no less.... giggity, giggity....)